Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Category:Free to Play quests

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List of quests freely available to all players. Note Challenges will also appear here, which are only partially free to play - you must use the daily free token to access them.

Level Total Favor Base XP Patron Acquired At Bestower
Archer Point Defense 5 9 772 The Coin Lords The Marketplace Jasper Cruikshank
Caverns of Korromar 8 15 2,140 House Kundarak House Kundarak Ulfgar d'Kundarak
Gladewatch Outpost Defense 6 12 1,630 House Deneith The Marketplace Loghan d'Deneith
Haunted Library 8 15 2,956 House Jorasco Drowning Sorrows Tavern Menos Xuekaine
Irestone Inlet 4 12 1,504 The Coin Lords The Harbor Niles Cage
Redwillow's Ruins 6 15 2,080 House Jorasco House Jorasco Jandul d'Jorasco
Stormcleave Outpost 8 18 3,636 House Deneith Anvilfire Inn Alciana d'Deneith
The Depths of Darkness 4 9 802 House Deneith Hammersmith's Inn Giggs Elorreathi
The Depths of Despair 4 9 645 House Deneith Hammersmith's Inn Neville Stormhammer
The Depths of Discord 5 9 856 House Deneith Hammersmith's Inn Scholes of Vedykar
The Depths of Doom 5 9 772 House Deneith Hammersmith's Inn Keane d'Deneith
The Sunken Sewer 3 9 916 The Coin Lords The Marketplace Aurla Courson
Venn's Trail: Venn's Fate 4 9 888 The Coin Lords The Harbor Guard Tember
The Xorian Cipher 8 21 4,520 House Jorasco House Jorasco Gatekeeper Chulkash
Dead Predators 6 12 650 House Jorasco Open Palm Inn Acolyte Hestair
Mirra's Sleepless Nights 6 12 760 House Jorasco Drowning Sorrows Tavern Mirra Parthilcar
The Graverobber 7 15 2,020 House Jorasco House Jorasco Thaddeus d'Jorasco
Taming the Flames 7 15 1,764 House Kundarak Ever Full Flagon Master Thorpe
The Chamber of Insanity 5 9 884 House Kundarak Ever Full Flagon Kranig Stoneshield
The Forgotten Caverns 6 12 1,090 House Kundarak Ever Full Flagon Thurd Steelhand
The Lair of Summoning 5 9 996 House Kundarak Ever Full Flagon Lorridan Silvermantle
Caged Trolls 6 12 820 House Phiarlan Bogwater Tavern Aratrix d'Phiarlan
Purge the Heretics 6 12 650 House Phiarlan Bogwater Tavern Inquisitor Gnomon
Rest for the Restless 4 9 1,036 House Phiarlan Bogwater Tavern Lady Nepenthe
The Tear of Dhakaan 7 21 3,940 House Kundarak House Phiarlan Karnat Thaar
Stromvauld's Mine 8 15 2,752 House Kundarak Anvilfire Inn Laird Stromvauld
Missing in Action 3 9 996 The Coin Lords The Marketplace Ulcana Braddock
Freshen the Air 4 9 1,001 The Free Agents The Marketplace Harven Gralak
Redfang the Unruled 3 9 748 The Free Agents The Marketplace Basil Tallbarrow
The Swiped Signet 3 12 1,348 The Free Agents Phoenix Tavern Grinwhite
Durk's Got A Secret 2 12 906 The Free Agents The Harbor Durk the Deranged
Information is Key 2 12 980 House Phiarlan The Harbor Shir Clowenks d'Phiarlan
Walk the Butcher's Path 2 12 1,148 The Free Agents The Harbor Mistress Ahura
Stealthy Repossession 2 9 972 The Free Agents The Harbor Lesto Half-Price
The Miller's Debt 2 2 273 The Coin Lords The Harbor Berrigan Enge
The Smuggler's Warehouse 2 9 694 The Free Agents The Harbor Fitzpat the Fence
Haverdasher 2 6 364 House Kundarak The Harbor Kalimnal d'Kundarak
Recovering the Lost Tome 2 9 862 The Coin Lords The Harbor Dalsamira Courdry
Garrison's Missing Pack 2 12 759 The Coin Lords The Harbor Garrison Felmar
Hiding in Plain Sight 10 15 2,760 The Free Agents The Wayward Lobster Inquisitive Ingaram
An Explosive Situation 4 6 793 The Coin Lords The Harbor Philver Sharpwood
Protect Baudry's Interests 2 6 408 The Free Agents The Harbor Tambor Smythe
Stop Hazadill's Shipment 2 6 364 The Free Agents The Harbor Harmon Taft
Retrieve the Stolen Goods 2 9 628 The Free Agents The Harbor Harmon Taft
Arachnophobia 2 2 173 The Coin Lords The Harbor Berne Jorn
Home Sweet Sewer 3 2 182 The Coin Lords The Harbor Scrag
The Kobold's Den: Clan Gnashtooth 3 12 1,060 The Coin Lords The Harbor Guard Tember
The Kobold's Den: Rescuing Arlos 3 12 1,348 The Coin Lords The Harbor The Kobold's Den: Clan Gnashtooth
Venn's Trail: Clan Tunnelworm 4 12 1,798 The Coin Lords The Harbor Guard Tember
The Church and the Cult 9 15 1,779 The Silver Flame House Phiarlan Inquisitor Lightbringer
The Path to Madness 8 9 689 House Jorasco House Jorasco Gatekeeper Chulkash
A Relic of a Sovereign Past 12 21 5,699 House Deneith Temple of the Sovereign Host Sir Kinze MacDunnam
The Enemy Within 11 24 5,300 House Jorasco House Jorasco Anabele d'Jorasco
The Pit 7 27 7,780 House Deneith House Deneith Vargus d'Deneith
The Bounty Hunter 6 15 1,300 House Deneith Anvilfire Inn Kirstana of Fairhaven
The Faithful Departed 8 12 2,038 House Phiarlan Golden Wing Inn Avanti Moonwillow
Made to Order 11 18 3,220 House Kundarak House Kundarak Hazra d'Kundarak
Sykros' Jewel 10 15 3,140 House Kundarak Ataraxia's Haven Sykros
Reclamation 10 15 3,140 House Kundarak Ataraxia's Haven Leros Levithas
Proof is in the Poison 4 15 2,596 The Coin Lords The Marketplace Ruat Acalay
Kobold Assault 3 9 1,324 The Coin Lords The Harbor Guard Crichton
The Grotto 1 0 304 None Shipwreck Shore Jeets Shimis
The Storehouse's Secret 1 6 260 The Coin Lords Korthos Village Linus Weir
Heyton's Rest 1 6 313 The Coin Lords Korthos Village Kaja Bauerdatter
The Cannith Crystal 1 6 220 House Deneith Korthos Village Baldar the Bold
Stopping the Sahuagin 1 9 540 The Coin Lords Korthos Island Gunnar Bauerson
Sacrifices 1 9 540 The Free Agents Korthos Island Viggie Storr
Redemption (quest) 1 9 540 The Coin Lords Korthos Island Ursa Jernsvard
Necromancer's Doom 1 6 320 House Jorasco Korthos Island Handsome Wilm
The Collaborator 1 12 699 The Coin Lords Korthos Village Sigmund Bauerson
Misery's Peak 2 12 1,420 The Free Agents Korthos Island Amalgam
The Captives 3 9 868 The Free Agents The Harbor Pearl Drumling
Where There's Smoke... 3 9 932 The Free Agents The Cerulean Hills Nash Braza
Delirium 15 15 3,844 The Free Agents The Twelve Merla Bauerdatter
Acid Wit 15 18 4,132 The Twelve The Twelve Magus Littleton
In the Demon's Den 18 18 4,312 The Silver Flame The Inspired Quarter Uriel
Diplomatic Impunity 12 / 34 18 3,669 The Coin Lords Lordsmarch Plaza Naleen Lassite
Eyes of Stone 12 / 34 18 4,636 The Coin Lords Lordsmarch Plaza Tollis Kalmor
Frame Work 12 / 34 15 3,879 The Coin Lords Lordsmarch Plaza Gavin Northus
Hall of the Mark 1 0 unlisted None The Marketplace Lockania
The Lords of Dust 16 / 21 21 5,100 The Silver Flame The Harbor Dectaran
The Spinner of Shadows 16 / 21 21 6,150 The Silver Flame The Harbor Orrex
Servants of the Overlord 16 / 21 21 6,766 The Silver Flame The Harbor Felnis
Tempest's Spine 10 18 6,484 House Jorasco House Jorasco Chamberlain Cyrese Embree
Disciples of Shar 15 18 3,927 Purple Dragon Knights Eveningstar Abella Toth
Escape Plan 15 15 3,191 Purple Dragon Knights Eveningstar Barthold Moncrief
Gwylan's Stand 7 18 3,940 House Phiarlan House Phiarlan Coralay d'Phiarlan
A Study in Sable 26 27 22,629 Purple Dragon Knights Eveningstar Winne Harker
Brothers of the Forge 28 27 17,859 House Cannith House Cannith Talbron Tewn
Invaders! 12 21 4,299 The Coin Lords The Harbor Guard Branson
The Mask of Deception 16 / 30 18 4,206 The Harpers Eveningstar Hamish Graymoor
Bringing the Light 2 6 298 The Silver Flame The Harbor Brother Augustus
Legendary Tempest's Spine 32 33 43,285 House Jorasco House Jorasco Dagobard Kell
Good Intentions 17 / 31 21 6,253 The Free Agents The Harbor Orben Romblemore
Search and Rescue 15 / 31 18 5,860 The Harpers Eveningstar Popkin 'The Shiv' Shortshanks
Tower of Frost 14 / 28 18 6,540 The Free Agents The Marketplace Crawben Bix
Legendary Hound of Xoriat 32 36 35,340 The Twelve The Marketplace Niara Tonant
Beyond the Rift 16 / 21 21 6,866 The Silver Flame The Spinner's Prison Tavnar Kronnak
The Spawn of Whisperdoom 11 18 3,700 House Phiarlan House Phiarlan Eriephaus d'Phiarlan
Dreams of Insanity 11 18 4,180 House Jorasco House Jorasco Gatekeeper Trakash
Lost at Sea 15 / 32 15 3,018 The Free Agents The Harbor Issabet Tremont
Mired in Kobolds 13 15 2,476 The Free Agents The Twelve Smiley Smythe
The Promise of Fire 6 / 27 12 2,032 Morgrave University Searing Heights Lady Sera Jaymes
The Kobolds' New Ringleader 2 12 1,244 The Coin Lords The Harbor Guard Jung
Dread Sea Scrolls 6 / 32 12 2,032 The Gatekeepers The Hut from Beyond Iris Joll
Kill Ten Rats 18 / 34 18 3,577 Morgrave University Sharn - Clifftop Tower District Frelda Brumlyn
Pilgrims' Peril 34 27 33,373 The Twelve Sharn - Clifftop Tower District Rular Brigmore
Stolen Power 34 27 33,373 The Twelve Sharn - Clifftop Tower District Carronade
Horde of the Illithid Controller 34 27 33,373 The Twelve Sharn - Clifftop Tower District Tassinith
Astral Ambush 34 27 29,696 The Twelve Sharn - Clifftop Tower District Viryn Starglen
Catastrophe 4 / 34 9 1,426 Agents of Argonnessen The Marketplace Lady Nilith
Ruined Halls 6 12 1,360 House Kundarak Ever Full Flagon Edvag Goodgold
The Curse of the Five Fangs 1 0 240 None Korthos Village Lanterns in the Mists

Pages in category "Free to Play quests"

The following 153 pages are in this category, out of 153 total.