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Giggs Elorreathi
Name: Giggs Elorreathi
Race: Elf
Gender: Male
Bestows Quest(s): The Depths of Darkness
Affiliation(s): House Deneith
Location: Hammersmith's Inn
Hammersmith Inn[edit]
If you try to talk to him while at level 1, he will reply:
- Giggs Elorreathi: Giggs Elorreathi doesn't notice your approach. he is absorbed in a heated debate with Keane d'Deneith and Scholes of Vedykar.
If you are at level 2 or higher, however, he will reply:
- Giggs Elorreathi: The soft-spoken elf offers a smile at your approach. Well met, <class>. I apologize for my colleagues here. I do hope that out cacophony hasn't spoiled your visit to this fine establishment.
- You: No. Your table is no louder than any other.
- Giggs Elorreathi: Then to what do we owe the pleasure of your company?
- You: By your appearance, I assumed you were adventurers. I thought that maybe....
- Giggs Elorreathi: ...That maybe we could point you in the right direction to locating an adventure or two? There is plenty of that in this area. I know of something nearby if you're interested.
- You: That works.
- Giggs Elorreathi: If you haven't spoken to Neville yet - that's the slightly inebriated dwarf next to me - you should. Nonetheless, there are some hobgoblins in the sewers beneath the ward we were going to look into. They are more of a nuisance than anything else, but the Deneith family wants them taken care of.
- You: I think I can do that. (Bestow quest)
- Giggs Elorreathi: Excellent! You will be looking for Gribbik Snarlfang. Once you've taken care of him, and whatever else you may encounter of his unsavory ilk along the way, return to me.
Talking to him after acquiring the quest, but before completion, will make him say:
- Giggs Elorreathi: Giggs smirks at you knowingly. Done already, <name>? I would have thought Gribbik would have been more of a challenge.
On completion of quest, he will congratulate you with the following:
- Giggs Elorreathi: Well done, <name>. You are well on your way to attaining the glory you traveled to Stormreach seeking.
- You: Thank you. However, I still have a ways to go.
After completing the quest and take the reward, if you talk to him again, he will reply:
- Giggs Elorreathi: Giggs Elorreathi doesn't notice your approach. he is absorbed in a heated debate with Keane d'Deneith and Scholes of Vedykar.