Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit

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The Silver Flame

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The witch-hunters, demon slayers and paladins of The Silver Flame strive to fight back the darkness and keep evil at bay. The Flame of Stormreach operates out of a group of churches and temples, with the headquarters based in an old structure in the Marketplace called The Catacombs.


Name Location Description
Archbishop Dryden Dryden's Chamber Dryden is the highest rank representative of the Church of the Silver Flame in Stormreach.
Jakob Izakanos The Necropolis
Inquisitor Gnomon Bogwater Tavern
Squire Rale The Necropolis
Cellimas Villuhne The Grotto Cellimas is a Silver Flame cleric that will guide you through your first adventures in Korthos alongside her partners Jeets Shimis and Talbron Tewn. You will also encounter her again (as an illusion) in the quest I Dream of Jeets. Most likely a relative of Antigua Villuhne.
Salariin Founts The Marketplace <Silver Flame Armorer>
Sir Rohine Stiedra Necropolis
Bittany Devile Necropolis
Lowan Nilmani Necropolis
Brother Mirashai House Deneith Enclave Transports between Stormreach and Sorrowdusk Isle. At the ship, also acts as a Spirit Binder
Agmont Juste The Necropolis <Silver Flame Templar>
Hamond Byre The Necropolis <Silver Flame Priest>
Paramis Tyl The Necropolis <Silver Flame Priest>
Nesta Davir The Necropolis <Silver Flame Paladin>
Birtran Kenworthy The Necropolis <Silver Flame Paladin>
Tengir Greathall Necropolis <Silver Flame Priest>
Xaeon Penthrax The Necropolis
Samir Sirka The Necropolis
Kyriel Kallistae The Necropolis
Sir Pythias the Radiant The Necropolis
Loremistress Jinna The Necropolis
Dessenau The Necropolis
Jessica Three-Rivers The Necropolis
Fram Redbones The Necropolis
Raddha Cross The Necropolis
Sister Eriette Zawabi's Refuge <Spirit binder>
Inquisitor Lightbringer The Harbor
Dame Calla Swiftmare The Shadow Crypt
Gavonn Monthip The Necropolis <Farshifter>
Friar Renau The Marketplace
Astra Quinlin The Marketplace The Silver Flame Patron representative
Dectaran The Harbor <Brother of the Silver Flame>
Felnis The Harbor <Silver Flame Paladin>
Orrex The Harbor <Silver Flame Templar>
Brother Lyon The Tower of the Twelve Spirit Binder
Fiona the Pious The Twelve Spirit Binder
Sister Theris Siber Atoll <Spirit Binder>
Silver Flame Guard The Marketplace Sword wielding guards in and around the Catacombs. They are members of the Church Militant.
Silver Flame Adept The Catacombs Morningstar wielding guards patrolling the Catacombs. They are members of the Church Ministry.
Brother Gregory Rook's Gambit Spirit Binder hanging out in the tavern within the Smuggler's Rest wilderness area.
Brother Ventnor Phoenix Tavern
Brother Devonian Drowning Sorrows Tavern <Spirit Binder>
Brother Augustus The Harbor <Church of the Silver Flame>
Thaddeus Graylight Dryden's Chamber Bishop, right hand of Archbishop Dryden

Favor Ranks

Completing tasks and missions for the various patrons will increase your favor, which is a measure of how valuable the different patrons find your character. At each new rank, the patron representative will provide a character with a reward.

Representative: Astra Quinlin

  • 0 Favor: Salvageable
    No reward
  • 75 Favor: Reclaimed
    Spirit Binders in the taverns will now sell their healing spells to you for half their previous price.
  • 150 Favor: Pious
    Your character permanently benefits from the Blessing of the Silver Flame effect. It improves regeneration while in a town or tavern - causes the character to receive 4HP + 8SP instead of the default 1HP + 5SP per 6 seconds.
  • 400 Favor: Devout
    Access to Salariin Founts <Silver Flame Armorer> (A vendor standing near the faction patron) who sells the following:
    • 100 +1 Ghost Touch Silver Flame Arrows - 30pp
    • 100 +1 Silver Flame Arrows of Lesser Undead Bane - 30pp
    • Silver Flame Healing Potion - 400pp (recovers 250HP, -50% run speed, -10 ability scores (except Constitution) and saving throws for 30 seconds as side effects)
    • Silver Flame Lesser Healing Potion - 200pp (recovers 100HP, -10 ability scores (except Constitution) and saving throws for 30 seconds as side effects)
      • Be careful if you carry both, the stat penalties will stack if you drink one of each within the 30 seconds, for -20 abilities total.
    • Mark of the Silver Flame - 400pp used in Cannith Crafting recipes
  • 700 Favor: Consecrated
    Currently unreachable
Patron mail:

Originally Posted by Astra Quinlin

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Reclaimed

My name is Astra Quinlin and as head representative of the Silver Flame, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Stormreach. The church greatly admires your work thus far and plans to keep a close eye on you in the future. Please visit me so that I might speak to you in person

I remain, Astra Quinlin
Silver Flame Representative

(By completing quests that benefit the Silver Flame, you have earned a reward from them. The Silver Flame spirit binders in taverns will now give you a 50% discount on the curative spells that they offer. Speak with Astra Quinlin in the Marketplace to claim your reward.)

Originally Posted by Astra Quinlin

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Pious

Please, accept my thanks for assisting the Silver Flame on so many occasions. We admire your courage and wanted you to know that your deeds have not gone unnoticed, and we'd like to promote you. It takes someones of great conviction to fight against the ever-encroaching darkness. You are an inspiration to us, and we look forward to working with you in days to come. Please come speak with me about your promotion.

I am, as always, Astra Quinlin
Silver Flame Representative

(With this promotion, you have earned access to an item that will boost your city regeneration effects. Speak with Astra Quinlin in the Marketplace to claim your reward.)

Originally Posted by Astra Quinlin

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Devout

As a duty elected representative of the Church of the Silver Flame, it is my honor to bestow upon you the title of Champion of the Silver Flame. Through great adversity and personal peril you have accomplished what few others could do. For these deeds and more we salute and honor you. Please visit me so I can explain the benefits you gain as a Champion.

Your in Faith, Astra Quinlin
Silver Flame Representative

(With this promotion, you have earned access to a special shop that offers some exclusive items. Speak with Astra Quinlin in the Marketplace for more information.)

Patron quests

Quest name Heroic Epic Max favor Adventure pack Acquired in Bestowed by ♣Casual ♦Normal ♥Hard ♠Elite
29 18
The Necropolis, Part 4 The Necropolis Tengir Greathall ♣16,115 ♦27,576 ♥28,294 ♠29,013
29 18
The Necropolis, Part 4 The Necropolis Birtran Kenworthy ♣17,633 ♦30,175 ♥30,962 ♠31,749
29 18
The Necropolis, Part 4 The Necropolis Nesta Davir ♣14,596 ♦24,977 ♥25,627 ♠26,277
29 18
The Necropolis, Part 4 The Necropolis Paramis Tyl ♣14,596 ♦24,977 ♥25,627 ♠26,277
30 27 The Necropolis, Part 4 The Necropolis Hamond Byre ♦17,328 ♥17,764 ♠18,202
2 6 Free The Harbor Brother Augustus ♣168 ♦298 ♥316 ♠334
3 23 9 The Catacombs Catacombs None ♣508
3 23 9 The Catacombs Catacombs Archbishop Dryden ♣456
3 23 9 The Catacombs Catacombs Archbishop Dryden ♣456
3 23 6 The Catacombs The Marketplace Friar Renau ♣288
3 0 The Catacombs The Marketplace Friar Renau ♣0 ♦0 ♥0 ♠0
3 23 6 The Catacombs Catacombs Archbishop Dryden ♣324
3 23 9 The Catacombs Catacombs Archbishop Dryden ♣552
3 23 12 The Catacombs Catacombs Thaddeus Graylight ♣887
4 23 6 The Catacombs Catacombs Friar Renau ♣57
5 12 The Necropolis, Part 1 The Necropolis Fram Redbones ♣871 ♦1,556 ♥1,660 ♠1,764
5 9 The Necropolis, Part 1 The Necropolis Skorn ♣762 ♦1,360 ♥1,450 ♠1,540
5 12 The Necropolis, Part 1 The Necropolis Raddha Cross ♣871 ♦1,556 ♥1,660 ♠1,764
5 12 The Necropolis, Part 1 The Necropolis Vikram Nanpoor ♣871 ♦1,556 ♥1,660 ♠1,764
6 21 The Necropolis, Part 1 The Necropolis Loremistress Jinna ♣2,916 ♦5,200 ♥5,540 ♠5,880
8 15 The Necropolis, Part 2 The Necropolis Xaeon Penthrax ♣1,672 ♦2,956 ♥3,124 ♠3,292
8 15 The Necropolis, Part 2 The Necropolis Bragdii Wyvernborne ♣2,133 ♦3,772 ♥3,988 ♠4,204
8 15 The Necropolis, Part 2 The Necropolis Samir Sirka ♣2,364 ♦4,180 ♥4,420 ♠4,660
8 15 The Necropolis, Part 2 The Necropolis Gunther Gloomtender ♣2,133 ♦3,772 ♥3,988 ♠4,204
9 15 Free House Phiarlan Inquisitor Lightbringer ♣1,012 ♦1,779 ♥1,873 ♠1,966
9 21 The Necropolis, Part 2 The Necropolis The Herald ♣6,690 ♦11,800 ♥12,450 ♠13,100
11 18 The Necropolis, Part 3 The Necropolis Dessenau ♣2,659 ♦4,660 ♥4,888 ♠5,116
11 18 The Necropolis, Part 3 The Necropolis Lady Vienne ♣2,385 ♦4,180 ♥4,384 ♠4,588
11 18 The Necropolis, Part 3 The Necropolis Kyriel Kallistae ♣4,164 ♦7,300 ♥7,660 ♠8,020
11 18 The Necropolis, Part 3 The Necropolis Hallestrom ♣2,796 ♦4,900 ♥5,140 ♠5,380
12 21 The Necropolis, Part 3 The Necropolis Sir Pythias the Radiant ♣3,900 ♦6,819 ♥7,140 ♠7,460
14 18
The Necropolis, Part 4 The Necropolis Holton Kisane ♣3,069 ♦5,344 ♥5,572 ♠5,800
14 18
The Necropolis, Part 4 The Necropolis Bittany Devile ♣3,703 ♦6,448 ♥6,724 ♠7,000
14 18
The Necropolis, Part 4 The Necropolis Lowan Nilmani ♣3,069 ♦5,344 ♥5,572 ♠5,800
14 18
The Necropolis, Part 4 The Necropolis Lineya Ibane ♣4,619 ♦8,044 ♥8,390 ♠8,735
15 18 The Necropolis, Part 4 The Necropolis Sir Rohine Stiedra ♣4,200 ♦7,300 ♥7,600 ♠7,899
16 21 21 Free The Harbor Felnis ♣3,900
16 21 21 Free The Harbor Dectaran ♣2,940
16 21 21 Free The Harbor Orrex ♣3,544
16 21 21 Free The Spinner's Prison Tavnar Kronnak ♣3,957
17 21 The Necropolis, Part 4 The Necropolis Sir Rohine Stiedra ♦6,340 ♥6,580 ♠6,820
18 18 Free The Inspired Quarter Uriel ♣2,493 ♦4,312 ♥4,468 ♠4,624
Total 42 quests 17 Epic 567 total 7350