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Dalsamira Courdry

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Dalsamira Courdry.jpg

Name: Dalsamira Courdry

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Bestows Quest(s): Recovering the Lost Tome

Affiliation(s): The Twelve


Korthos Island[edit]

When you talk to her, she will reply:

  • Dalsamira Courdry: Be careful, stranger. All is not well in this place.
  • Dalsamira Courdry: I wish to be alone with my thoughts. But we will speak again.

The Harbor[edit]

When you talk to her, she will reply:

  • Dalsamira Courdry: Ah, <name>, I have heard much of you from my associates in Korthos. Will you take time from your day to assist me?
  • Dalsamira Courdry: This is the private Fallowcrest Library. Eldamir Fallowcrest is... acquisitive - not to say a wretched thief! It's rumored he acquired a tome that vanished from our own stacks. We're sure it's ours, but a request from me would be unwelcome!
  • Dalsamira Courdry: I would like you to re-acquire the tome from Fallowcrest's library. You'll know it from the Twelve sigil it bears.
    • You: Very well. I'll try the subtle approach. (Bestow quest)
    • You: Can you tell me more about the Twelve?
      • Dalsamira Courdry: The Twelve are most interested in the artifacts that are constantly being unerathed across Xen'drik.
      • Dalsamira Courdry: Many would prove dangerous in the wrong hands. Not only do we hire warriors to safeguard our own expeditions into the jungle, but we also require help in tracking down independent finds.
      • Dalsamira Courdry: There are many opportunities for brave adventurers to make their mark with the Twelve.
        • You: What sort of work are you offering? (Start the dialogue from the beginning)
    • You: That's it, just walk in and ask to see the book?
      • Dalsamira Courdry: You can access by posing as a collector. Simply ask Fallowcrest to show you his rare books. You'd better not mention my name to Eldamir—that will instantly arouse his suspicions. Simply act like a curious scholar, and perhaps he will grant you access without inquiring too deeply.
      • Dalsamira Courdry: Then find and reclaim the tome that bears the Twelve's sigil.

Talking to her after acquiring the quest, but before completion, will make she say:

  • Dalsamira Courdry: You must move quickly, lest the precious tome become hidden from my sight.
  • Dalsamira Courdry: Retrieve our book from the Fallowcrest Library behind me.
    • You: Can you tell me more about the Twelve? (see above)

On completion of quest, she will congratulate you with the following:

  • Dalsamira Courdry: Yes, this is the book I sought!
  • Dalsamira Courdry: I apologize that Fallowcrest attempted to slay you. It's not surprising that a stranger's request for a newly-stolen tome would be interpreted as a threat. But I needed to know the extent of the thieves' strength—what if the theft had been intended to lure me into a trap? By such ruses, even the most powerful wizards have been ensnared....
  • Dalsamira Courdry: Do not feel that you have been used by me. I trusted you to deal with unknown dangers, and you succeeded admirably. Rest assured that you have impressed me, and the Twelve will watch your career with interest.

After completing the quest and take the reward, if you talk to her again, she will reply:

  • Dalsamira Courdry: Thank you for recovering the tome.
  • Dalsamira Courdry: I am sorry if you feel you were not sufficiently warned of Fallowcrest's dangers. sometimes a degree of subterfuge is necessary to achieve a greater good.
    • You: Can you tell me more about the Twelve? (see above)