Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Behind the Door

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(Note: This does NOT mean it requires purchase of anything, you may play with free daily tokens.)
Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Behind the Door
Level Range: 4-15
Duration: Variable time limit
Base XP Range: 520-1,950
Takes place in: Dr. Rushmore's Mansion
Challenge entrance(s) in: House Cannith
Patron: House Cannith
Free to Play: Yes
Group Difficulty: Average
Solo Difficulty: Easy
5 Star Difficulty: Average
Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Behind the Door map (legend)
Loading screen


Dr. Rushmore's Mansion: Behind the Door is one of the challenges added in Update 12.

Dr. Rushmore and his band of wanted criminals have suddenly appeared with their Mansion! Can you find them in time?

Dr. Rushmore's Mansion puzzle
Detail / no route (puzzle included)
Printable with suggested route (puzzle included)

Spoiler Warning: Spoiler material below this point!

Star Objectives

  • Defeat at least one of the bosses from Rushmore's party
  • (Optional) Open all of the sealed gates (Open 16)
  • (Optional) Defeat the other bosses (Kill 4 more for 5 total)
  • (Optional) Defeat Mother of the Nest
  • (Optional) Open three bubbles in the Observatory (Actually collect 3 crests in bubbles)

Note: You must complete the first star objective to receive experience & rewards from this Challenge.

Known Traps

  • Many blade, spinners and fire jets in two hallways near the Rogue

Tips and Misc

Quick Start Guide

  1. Find the wizard Rushmore and his four fellow outlaws. Assassinate them before time runs out!
  2. Unlock gates to quickly navigate to your target and extend your time.
  3. Watch out for phantasmal guards lurking around the Mansion!

The Rules

Assassinate Your Target

  • The vile wizard Rushmore has retreated to a magical safe-house to relax with his no-good cohorts.
  • Infiltrate their Mansion and eliminate these outlaws before time runs out!
    • Tip: You can earn extra treasure for killing orange and red named boss monsters!


  • Each Gate you open will extend your time by 2 minutes.
  • To open a Gate, you must obtain the associated Crest(s).
  • The deeper you go into the mansion, the more Crests are required to open the next Gate.
  • Crests can be found by:
    • Breaking furniture and containers
    • Killing monsters
    • Tip: You will also occasionally find Crests lying out in the open.

The Paintings

  • There are paintings scattered throughout the walls of the mansion.
  • If you get too close to a painting, its eyes will glow red and phantasmal guards will appear to fight you.
  • The painting will continue to spawn phantasmal guards until the next Gate is opened.


You will earn points for the following:

  • Monsters killed (~1–3 points per kill)
  • Gates opened (~60 points per gate)
  • Outlaw Bosses killed (~400–600 points per kill)

Player Notes

  • Rushmore's 4 friends are to be found behind gateways requiring 4 seals to open.
    • Bosses are in the Assassin's Crib (Smiling Sam), Boudoir (Mistress Temptia), War Room (Ugg), Hidden Sanctum (Rushmore) and Money Laundering Room (Crystal).
  • Mother of the Nest is located just off the Grand Hall, behind a secret door that connects to the Bath House.
  • Smiling Sam is not hostile, he has several dialog options:
    • Intimidate: He offers to help you kill Rushmore. If you instead head for Mistress Temptia next, he will show up and say "That was not part of the deal!" then attack you along with her. While this is risky, it can actually save time given you eliminate them both with AoE attacks quickly. If you head to Rushmore next, he will indeed help you with the battle, although he's fairly useless. It's best to let him die during the encounter, as otherwise if you win and he survives, he will remain friendly and you will not be able to achieve the star for killing him.
    • Bluff/Diplomacy: Same as intimidate, except he won't double-cross you if you go to kill Temptia first.
  • The Bubbles at Observatory are locked by a puzzle. The easiest way to open them all is one by one, counter-clockwise.
  • All of the red-named bosses except Sam and Mistress Temptia begin with elementals guarding them and will summon more as they are vanquished. Ugg begins with two earth elementals, Crystal has a mix of air, fire, and water elementals, and Doctor Rushmore has one of each in his chamber. Each elemental will buff their controller according to their type:
    • Air: Boosts their speed
    • Fire: Boosts their strength
    • Earth: Boosts their armor class
    • Water: Heals them at an insanely fast rate – Kill these!
  • See Dr. Rushmore’s Mansion Quest Challenges Guide

Star Objective First-time Bonus XP

Subsequent runs the star objectives will provide bonus XP as well, though far less than the first time.

Challenge Duration


  • Timer starts at 13 minutes and the timer increases for many events:
    • Checkpoint! Time extended by 2 minutes for opening gates.
    • Chrono Buff! Time extended by 1 minute for obtaining rare orb buffs.
    • Minute of time watch. These rare items can increase the timer by 1 minute, only 1 may be used per instance.
      • Expect a perfect 6 star run to take 45–48 minutes.


  • Ingredient reward: Icon Ingredient CannithChallenge AntiqueCoin.png Antique Coin – 19% of your total score


Name ( picture ) CR Type Race
Animated Armor( view
Animated Armor.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Construct Animated Object
Animated Statue( view
Animated Statue.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level Construct Animated Object
Bound Air Elemental( view
Bound Air Elemental.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Elemental Air Elemental
Bound Earth Elemental( view
Bound Earth Elemental.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level Elemental Earth Elemental
Bound Fire Elemental( view
Bound Fire Elemental.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level Elemental Fire Elemental
Bound Water Elemental( view
Bound Water Elemental.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Elemental Water Elemental
Crystal the Giant( view
Crystal the Giant.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 3 Reptilian Kobold
Doctor Will Ewe Rushmore( view
Doctor Will Ewe Rushmore.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 3 Humanoid Human
Fat Rat( view
Fat Rat.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Animal Rat
Household Vermin( view
Household Vermin.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Vermin Spider
Iron Defender( view
Iron Defender.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Construct Iron Defender
Mistress Temptia( view
Mistress Temptia.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 3 Evil Outsider Devil
Mother of the Nest( view
Mother of the Nest.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 2 Vermin Spider
Phantasmal Cook( view
Phantasmal Cook.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Humanoid Human
Phantasmal Herald( view
Phantasmal Herald.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level Humanoid Human
Phantasmal Hound( view
Phantasmal Hound.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Animal Dog
Phantasmal Man-at-Arms( view
Phantasmal Man-at-Arms.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Humanoid Human
Phantasmal Messenger( view
Phantasmal Messenger.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Humanoid Human
Phantasmal Sentinel( view
Phantasmal Sentinel.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level Humanoid Human
Phantasmal Servant( view
Phantasmal Servant.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level Humanoid Human
Smiling Sam( view
Smiling Sam.jpg
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 3 Elf Elf
Ugg the Assertive( view
Ugg the Assertive.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 4 Orc Half-Orc

External Links