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Edvag Goodgold

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Edvag Goodgold.jpg

Name: Edvag Goodgold

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Male

Bestows Quest(s): Ruined Halls

Affiliation(s): House Kundarak

Location: Ever Full Flagon, in House Kundarak Enclave

Ever Full Flagon[edit]

If you try to talk to him while at level 3 or lower, he will reply:

  • Edvag Goodgold: Edvag Goodgold sighs into his tankard of ale. He doesn't look like he's in the mood to talk.

If you are at level 4 or higher, however, he will reply:

  • Edvag Goodgold: The well-dressed dwarf sitting at the table looks like he's had one too many drinks. When he looks up, you see a pained expression marring his features. Hail, <class>.
  • You: I didn't mean to bother you.
  • Edvag Goodgold: Edvag shakes his head. I'll be ok. I just received a bit of bad news concerning one of my warehouses.
  • You: What happened?
  • Edvag Goodgold: While I was on business in Khorvaire, one of my warehouses was broken into. The vagrants somehow managed to break an object that released a few monsters from some temporal stasis spell and it's just cascaded from there.
  • You: What kind of warehouse are you running?
  • Edvag Goodgold: Shrugging, Edvag continues his tale of woe. We store just about anything that can be stored. It's usually not an issue since all precautions are taken before any object is put in storage. Unfortunately, there's no precaution against stupidity. But I need to get the area cleared of monsters before I can begin the salvage process.
  • You: If you want, maybe I could take a look.
  • Edvag Goodgold: The dwarf's expression brightens. You'd do that? That would be a great help!
  • You: I'll return here when I am finished. (Bestow quest)
  • Edvag Goodgold: If you were able to help, I'd be indebted to you.

Talking to him after acquiring the quest, but before completion, will make him say:

  • Edvag Goodgold: I just hope the damage isn't too great. Be careful and try not to break anything else while you're down there, <name>.

On completion of quest, he will congratulate you with the following:

  • Edvag Goodgold: Most impressive, <name>. I wasn't sure you's actually be able to pull it off, but thank you!
  • You: You're welcome, but you might want to invest in more traps or something.

After completing the quest and take the reward, if you talk to him again, he will reply:

  • Edvag Goodgold: Most impressive, <name>. I wasn't sure you's actually be able to pull it off, but thank you!