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Amalgam (NPC).jpg

Name: Amalgam

Race: Warforged

Gender: Male

Bestows Quest(s): Misery's Peak


Description: Amalgam is Lars Heyton's personal bodyguard.

Korthos Island[edit]

After you get access to the Island, he will not talk much to you:

  • Amalgam: There is nothing up there but death, adventurer. I advise you go no further.

After you have completed the quest Redemption, Ingram will tell you that he wants to talk to you:

  • Amalgam: I received word from Master Heyton. Are you ready to meet him atop Misery's Peak?
  • You: Yes. (Bestow quest)
  • Amalgam: Simply follow the road south, up the mountain. Master Heyton is waiting.

After you complete Misery's Peak, he will say:

  • Amalgam: All is well, <name>.
  • Amalgam: The land is thawing, and Master Heyton has returned to be with his people in Korthos. I remain here at watch, should the Dragon return.

House Cannith Enclave[edit]

When you talk to him, he will reply a single phrase:

  • Amalgam: This is my first trip to Xen'drik. I must confess that the way my fellow warforged are treated here disturbs me.


Amalgam (monster).png

Type: Living Construct (List)

Race: Warforged (List)

Monster Manual classification: Missing from MM: Warforged

Alignment: Unknown

Rare: No

CR:  ♦1Normal ♥2Hard ♠3Elite

Attack: Axe (Slashing)


Description: If Lars Heyton is killed in the end fight, Amalgam will blame you and turn on your party. Although you'll be kicked out of the instance pretty swiftly, he can do a lot of damage in that time. Amalgam cannot be killed, and thus has no Monster Manual entry.