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Agents of Argonnessen

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The Agents of Argonnessen believe it is necessary to play more of an active role in the prophecy and the future of the lesser races, rather than just watching from afar. As more pieces of the prophecy unfolds in Xen'drik, the representatives of Argonnessen in Stormreach have grown in number and presence.


Name Location Description
Velah The Chronoscope Ex-leader of the Agents of Argonnessen.
Kear The Marketplace Kear is the proper owner of the Stormreaver Fresco you unwittingly helped to steal in the quest of the same name. He's willing to overlook your involvement if you can retrieve the item from the Sharn Syndicate for him - since he happens to be a dragon, the alternative is properly best left unspoken.
Thaden West side of The Marketplace, near the Phoenix Tavern, by the fountain just southeast of the Bank. Farshifter teleports you from Marketplace to Gianthold.
Lockania The Marketplace
Cydonie The Marketplace <Agent of Argonessen [sic]> Cydonie is a dragon sent by Argonnessen to look for any activity regarding the Draconic Prophecy in Stormreach. She was a subordinate of Velah, before her destruction. To make thing work, she employ the use of adventurers with regular frequency.
Aurben The Marketplace <Argonnessen Emissary>
Genecia Marketplace Argonnessen Patron representative
Vanyel Gianthold Farshifter teleports you from Gianthold to the Marketplace (west side, near the Bank).
Hennespyra The Marketplace Hennespyra is an Argonessen emissary. She usually appears as a slight elf, glowing gold, but in fact is a great dragon, and occasionally can be seen as such landing in that location. When this occurs, anyone nearby is buffeted back by the great wind of her wings.
Yoldorim The Marketplace <Emissary or Argonnessen>
Mikyra The Marketplace <Emissary of Argonnessen>

Favor Ranks

Completing tasks and missions for the various patrons will increase your favor, which is a measure of how valuable the different patrons find your character. At each new rank, the patron representative will provide a character with a reward.

Representative: Genecia

Patron mail:

Originally Posted by Genecia

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Noted

In my talks with Cydonie it has become clear that you have made much to aid her. Please come see me in the Marketplace. I would like to thank you for your efforts.

Genecia, Agent of Argonnessen

(By completing quests that benefit the Agents of Argonnessen, you have earned a rare and possibly useful item from them. Speak with Genecia in the Marketplace to claim your reward.)

Originally Posted by Genecia

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Commended

My friend,
I am most impressed. While Cydonie always believed, I never had faith in one from the lesser races being able to make a true impact, but you seem to have secured your place in the Prophecy and history. Please come see me once more, there is something I would like to give you.

Genecia, Agent of Argonnessen

(You you have earned a special gift that will permanently increase your character's hit points by a small amount. Speak with Genecia in the Marketplace to claim your reward.)

Originally Posted by Genecia

Subject: You're now eligible for the rank of Honored

DNT TBD Not used yet. My friend, I am most impressed. You have served us well and we forward <sic> to seeing you so that we may continue working together.
Oleg d'Deneith, fellow member of House Deneith

Patron quests

Quest name Heroic Epic Max favor Adventure pack Acquired in Bestowed by ♣Casual ♦Normal ♥Hard ♠Elite
25 24 Ruins of Gianthold Gianthold The Stormreaver ♦27,417 ♥28,215 ♠29,013
24 18
Ruins of Gianthold Gianthold Maragogg ar'Mawn ♣10,020 ♦17,214 ♥17,727 ♠18,240
(heroic: Madstone Crater)
24 24
Ruins of Gianthold Gianthold Hworrl ar'Bryssan ♣16,514 ♦28,374 ♥29,225 ♠30,077
(heroic: A Cabal for One)
24 18
Ruins of Gianthold Gianthold Ysba Stonespear ♣7,612 ♦13,075 ♥13,463 ♠13,851
32 33 Dragonblood Prophecy The Marketplace Sariyon Dran-Dal ♦47,025 ♥48,165 ♠49,305
32 30 Dragonblood Prophecy The Marketplace Dalwyneth ♦16,644 ♥17,042 ♠17,442
(heroic: Gianthold Tor)
24 21
Ruins of Gianthold Gianthold Phorrus ar'Kerl ♣15,054 ♦25,866 ♥26,641 ♠27,417
4 34 9 Free The Marketplace Lady Nilith ♣794
10 31 15 Dragonblood Prophecy The Marketplace Yoldorim ♣3,516
10 31 15 Dragonblood Prophecy The Marketplace Mikyra ♣3,170
13 24 18 Ruins of Gianthold Ruins of Gianthold Walk-up ♣2,076
13 24 18 Ruins of Gianthold Ruins of Gianthold Walk-up ♣2,748
13 24 18 Ruins of Gianthold Ruins of Gianthold Walk-up ♣2,412
13 24 18 Ruins of Gianthold Ruins of Gianthold Walk-up ♣2,344
13 24 21 Ruins of Gianthold Ruins of Gianthold Walk-up ♣2,915
14 24
Ruins of Gianthold Gianthold Blaze ar'Rhind ♣4,002 ♦6,969 ♥7,268 ♠7,566
14 18 Ruins of Gianthold Gianthold Agon Uruhond ♦6,540 ♥6,820 ♠7,100
14 21
Ruins of Gianthold Gianthold Crag ♣3,650 ♦6,356 ♥6,628 ♠6,900
14 18
Ruins of Gianthold Gianthold Jorgundal ar'Grund ♣1,855 ♦3,228 ♥3,364 ♠3,500
14 18
Ruins of Gianthold Gianthold Nimbus Ar'Yorg ♣2,436 ♦4,240 ♥4,420 ♠4,600
14 24 24 Ruins of Gianthold Ruins of Gianthold Walk-up ♣6,257
17 24 The Reaver's Reach Reaver's Refuge Thear ♣5,340 ♦9,252 ♥9,604 ♠9,956
17 24 The Reaver's Reach Reaver's Refuge H'rosin ♣3,660 ♦6,340 ♥6,580 ♠6,820
17 24 The Reaver's Reach Reaver's Refuge Milaxia ♣4,860 ♦8,420 ♥8,740 ♠9,060
17 24 The Reaver's Reach Reaver's Refuge Khiin ♣5,099 ♦8,835 ♥9,172 ♠9,508
Total 25 quests 16 Epic 438 total 1240