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Lorridan Silvermantle

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Lorridan Silvermantle.jpg

Name: Lorridan Silvermantle

Race: Dwarf

Gender: Female

Bestows Quest(s): The Lair of Summoning

Affiliation(s): House Kundarak

Location: Ever Full Flagon

Ever Full Flagon[edit]

If you try to talk to her while at level 2 or lower, she will reply:

  • Lorridan Silvermantle: I don't know why you insist on coming here, Thurd. The service here is always so slow.

If you are at level 3 or higher, however, she will reply:

  • Lorridan Silvermantle: Well met, stranger. I am Lorridan of House Kundarak and my associate here is Thurd Steelhand. We were expecting you a bit earlier, <name>.
  • You: Expecting me? Why?
  • Lorridan Silvermantle: In our business, information is vital to remaining a step ahead of your enemies and your competition.
  • You: That doesn't exactly answer my question.
  • Lorridan Silvermantle: We've had a bit of a problem with a client of ours. We initially assumed that he'd left town while owing a lot of money in back taxes on some property. Naturally, as any financial institution would, we foreclosed on the mortgage and gave the guy his notice. Unfortunately, that messenger never made it back.
  • You: What happened?
  • Lorridan Silvermantle: Well, we assumed the worst. Maybe the guy thought that if he didn't see the notice, then it didn't really exist. So we sent a few more men over to deal with the issue. But that didn't quite go as planned either.
  • You: Sounds like they failed too.
  • Lorridan Silvermantle: Simply put: we've heard of your exploits, <name> and we would like to enlist your services for this task. There is compensation in it for your time and efforts.
  • You: Very well. I accept your offer. (Bestow quest)
  • Lorridan Silvermantle: We will be waiting for word of your success.

Talking to her after acquiring the quest, but before completion, will make she say:

  • Lorridan Silvermantle: The place belonged to a wizard of considerable competency, but it looks like whatever he was doing may have gotten the best of him.

On completion of quest, she will congratulate you with the following:

  • Lorridan Silvermantle: Excellent work, <class>! Before I give you your reward, it must be made perfectly clear that you can speak of this matter to no one.
  • You: That's fine.

After completing the quest and take the reward, if you talk to her again, she will reply:

  • Lorridan Silvermantle: Excellent work, <class>! Before I give you your reward, it must be made perfectly clear that you can speak of this matter to no one.