Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a free Ground Bound Green Dragon mount, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 19th February. edit

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Name: Lockania

Race: Elf, Blue Dragon

Gender: Female

Bestows Quest(s): Hall of the Mark

Affiliation(s): Agents of Argonnessen


Notes: If you complete her quest, she will enable dragonmarks for your character as well as give you a Feat Respec Token

The Marketplace[edit]

Location In Marketplace

If you try to talk to her, she will reply:

  • Lockania: You there... yes... yes, I believe your blood might be pure enough for a Dragonmark.
  • Lockania: The bloodlines of the great houses may manifest Dragonmarks of great power. If you prove your knowledge of Dragonmarks, I will determine if you are one of the chosen.
  • Lockania: Step into the Hall of the Mark, <race>, and allow me to explore your destiny.
    • You: I will meet you at the Hall of the Mark and prove my knowledge of dragonmarks. (Bestow quest)
    • You: What is a Dragonmark?
      • Lockania: Some believe that Dragonmarks are simply tattoos, but do not be fooled by such ignorance.
      • Lockania: They are symbolic expressions of the great Prophecy, and they manifest through bloodlines of the lesser races... human, dwarves, elves, and such.
      • Lockania: If you have explored much of Stormreach, you will have seen the great House Enclaves: Phiarlan, Deneith, Jorasco, Kundarak... the great houses' power comes from the magic of their dragonmarks.

Talking to her after acquiring the quest, but before completion, will make she say:

  • Lockania: I cannot read your bloodline out here <name>. See me within the Hall of the Mark.
  • You: I will meet you at the Hall of the Mark and prove my knowledge of dragonmarks.

After completing the quest, if you talk to her again, she will reply:

  • Lockania: Have you spoken with Fred in House Jorasco yet?
  • Lockania: He has the ability to help you manifest hidden abilities in your bloodline.

Hall of the Mark[edit]

See the quest article.