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Crushing Wave

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Crushing Wave

Effect: This weapon stores the unstoppable force of the oceans fury deep within. When this weapon is used this power occasionally comes to the surface, crushing enemies beneath a torrent of frigid water.

  • 2% chance on hit of 4 ticks of 20+4d6 Cold and 20+4d6 Bludgeon damage over 8 seconds. Cold damage can be also lower or higher- depends if target have resistance or sensitivity on this type of damage. No AoE at all or very narrow range.

Found on: (30) Crushing Wave items:

Crushing Wave Guard

Effect: This item stores the unstoppable force of the ocean's fury deep within. When the wearer of this item is successfully attacked in melee, this power occasionally comes to the surface, crushing enemies beneath a torrent of frigid water.

  • 2% chance after being hit of 4 ticks of 20+4d6 Cold and 20+4d6 Bludgeon damage over 8 seconds. Cold damage can be also lower or higher- depends if target have resistance or sensitivity on this type of damage. No AoE at all or very narrow range.

Found on: (4) Crushing Wave Guard items: