Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

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Category:Minor game bugs

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Page Bug Description
Fire Trap Lasts a full 60 seconds instead of the stated 30 seconds.
Evil Guard Evil Guard claims it is a 1d12 effect in the combat log when you equip an item with it, yet it functions as a 1d8 effect per the description.
Rock Shattering Monsters killed by this effect are listed under Misadventure in the kills section of the experience log.
Wildman Chief Both the shortsword and the bite seem to deal slashing damage on some attacks and piercing damage on the rest of the attacks, even though usually weapons either deal one type of physical damage or more than one type at the same time, not alternating.
Orc Archer Slam (typed as slashing instead of bludgeoning.)
Pseudodragon Pseudodragon Venom duration that doesn't show up in your debuff bar
Orc Battle Priest Quarterstaff (typed as slashing instead of bludgeoning.)
Prince Gornard Longbow (invisible, does ranged piercing damage)
Warforged Man-at-Arms Bug: Longsword typed as bludgeoning instead of slashing
Warforged Bandit Bug: Sword sword typed as slashing instead of piercing.
Verik's Necklace "Kensei" is misspelled "Kensai".
Verik's Ring "Kensei" is misspelled "Kensai".
Wokran-Kull Wokran-Kull is spelled as "Workan-Kull" in the in-game Experience report and Quest journal windows.
Sands of Menechtarun Wokran-Kull is misspelled as "Workan-Kull"
Dagobard Kell The tooltip in the barter box incorrectly asks for Xorian Runes instead of Tempest Runes like it should.
The Titan Awakes Sometimes pillars will fall without being attacked by the player at all (possibly by being killed by another falling pillar).
The Titan Awakes There is a graphic bug that won't show the red dot from the laser on the floor in the right position. If this occurs just tilt to "watch" the top/ceiling and then back down to the laser point on the floor and it should be in the right position.
Ogre Bloodcaller Ogre Bloodcaller's weapons and armor are not always shown.
Pirates of the Thunder Sea Some NPC's above-the-head checkmark are missing/bugged, you may still collect rewards from them.
Fountain of Necrotic Might For all items with clicky charges except the Litany of the Dead and Purging the Pantheon, the altar claims the items gain more charges than they actually gain (the amount of extra charges you don't get is equal to the base amount).
Blade Barrier There is a display bug that blade barrier may render very thin and be difficult to see. If you look really hard, you can still see it faintly as if it is spinning much faster than it should be. This causes no change in its effectiveness, other than a little extra difficulty for the caster to properly space them out so as to not overlap them.
Butter-Rum Coffee Boost Description should read "piratical vigor" instead of "nocturnal vigor", which looks like a copy-and-paste from Night-Black Coffee Boost.
Astral Shard Astral Diamond barter UI states Shards generated are BtC but it's a simple text error.
Deprecated templates
Welcome to Korthos After quest completion, the summary states "You have met Sigmund Bauerson, owner of the Wavecrest Tavern. He is in charge of the local resistance, and has work for you." You do not need to talk to Sigmund Bauerson to complete this quest.
Tutorial: How to advance your character Druid and Artificer characters can not acquire this quest because their trainers do not bestow or act as a contact for any of the Korthos Tutorial Quests.
Tutorial: How to advance your character The Journal and NPC dialogue will claim you have Action Points to spend even if you do not.
Sanda Lir Jumping in between her and her pet wolf will get your character stuck against the fence permanently falling
Turn Undead The enhancement Mighty Turning (RS) can add 1 point to your turning level.
Turn Undead The enhancement Mighty Turning (RS) can add 2 total hit dice.
Homunculus Some effects (from gear or training) don't take effect until the pet has been dismissed and recreated, for example, Vitality.
Homunculus Pets and quests that are in Wilderness areas do not always interact well. If a pet is "parked" (ordered to "stand ground", i.e. hold position) in a quest, and that quest exits into a Wilderness area, you must order your pet to teleport to you before entering another quest or exiting the wilderness area. Failure to do so will result in losing the pet's command bar, but not being able to re-summon/revive/call the iron defender. Quickly logging out and back in will allow you to summon the pet and continue as normal. Once the pet is not parked, they should follow you as normal.
Inquisitive enhancements As of this posting (mid-July, '19), some enhancements work with all non-repeating crossbows, including Great Crossbows. The in-game tooltip and math matches this. Unclear if this is working as intended or not.
Inquisitive enhancements Diplomacy works on everything, including doors, levers, other players, etc. so even if you are away from mobs you can get stacks of Observation.
Inquisitive enhancements Passive bonuses are currently not working. DDO Forums}
Inquisitive enhancements Diplomacy works on everything, including doors, levers, other players, etc. so even if you are away from mobs you can get stacks of Observation.
Delirium If you talk to Scratchy Cranshaw too quickly after he revives, he may not drop key. To avoid this, wait for his name to reappear above his head before talking to him.
Delirium It's possible that a flying tile will follow a character to the area with the chest under the crates. If a tile goes "missing", look for it there.
The Shadow Crypt Low graphics quality can remove the banner, making it impossible to recognize the correct room. Use Ctrl+o to adjust your graphics quality.
Secret of the Slavers' Stockade Note that this quest WILL allow you to enter Part 3 without having officially completed this part by picking up the map on Markessa's table, thereby forfeiting completion XP and requiring a do-over for the arc-end reward. So, "read" (click) the map on the table or you don't get XP credit for this quest.
Gladewatch Outpost Defense It is unclear if this is by working as intended or just an oversight, but upon completion, if you exit via the door, you exit the quest in The Harbor in front of Guard Crichton, the quest giver for Kobold Assault! You'll have to go back to the north Marketplace to get your reward from Loghan d'Deneith. If instead of using the door you choose "Finish", you exit where you entered the quest.
Epic Barbette's Bracer "maning" → "manning" spelling typo
The Borderlands One of the locations for the spider crest, a small pile of stones, will give a "spider crest blocked" message if you are standing directly on/near it. You must stand a short distance from it to take it.
Best Laid Plans If Victor isn't talking, it's possible one or more of the forgewraiths got "lost" in combat. Go back to the office and all the lower rooms and find them (or let them find you) and kill them. Once all are dead, Victor will be heard to cry "All right, don't do anything rash. I'm coming out. Perhaps we can make a deal...", which signals the end of combat, and speaking to him will end the quest and unseal the end chest.
Augment Slot If an item's ML is raised by a higher ML augment, and then that augment is removed or replaced by a lower level augment, the item's ML will not lower until after the character relogs.
Tag Hardcastle Unless you have spent at least 1 Skill point in Tumble, you will only be able to do single somersaults, despite your total Tumble skill being 10 or more.
Thrall of the Necromancer When fighting the necromancer at the end, as soon as you kill him, most of the undead in the room will die as well. Therefore, it's usually a good idea for everyone to focus on him first – however, avoid killing him too quickly, as if you kill him in under ~2 seconds, the script that kills all his undead minions will not activate.
The Old Archives This trap is bugged and never goes off
The Old Archives Only one person needs to speak to Graylight to earn the +5% XP for all in the party.
Red Rain Zeleth has a unique sense of direction. Just ignore her directions and follow your nose (or the map).
Update 29 randomly generated loot At the time of this update, many enchantments were bugged and showed up with a +0 bonus, and some still rarely do (eee "update" comment). This does not appear to affect the item's Minimum Level, for better or worse.
   Update: Most have been fixed, but some few older reward lists can still produce this +0 bug.
The Missing Party Killing Delera Omaren counts as killing an Omaren Guardian, even she isn't one.
Tempest enhancements Dervish light armor bonuses do not work for Warforged or Bladeforged with Mithral Body or Composite Plating.
Tempest enhancements The inventory display panel continues to show half attribute damage, but full damage is implemented in practice. (DDO Forums)
The Prisoner If you lure the spiders off the platform and kill them, the ladder up may not appear. A Jump skill of ~35 can get you to the platform up (climbable spot is somewhere on the left side of the platform when you first face it
Zelnath the Red-handed Occasionally spawns without any swords visible in his hands, as in the page image.
An Element of Chaos The secret door is already in a revealed state.
Bags Some few items (e.g. Commendations of Valor) are bugged and must be manually Gathered into the appropriate bag
Bags Bags will not automatically accept new multiple items if the number would exceed their capacity. E.G. Your Tiny Ingredients Bag has a max capacity of 1,000 of any item. If it currently holds 950 of an item, and you collect another 51(+), those will go into inventory and not into your bag. Manually "gathering" will collect as many as the bag can hold up to its max, leaving the remainder loose in Inventory.
The House of Death Undone The Dungeon Master speaks of the path forward being "...through the open doorway to the west." In fact, the door out of the main entry room is north, on the ground floor, closer to the east end of that wall, then west down that northern hallway.
The Night Revels may sometimes grant up to 90 apples.
The Sacred Bounty (typo on loading screen for "followers")
Caged Beast (obsolete text in quest journal)
Mektek Mistakenly marked as being a Humanoid when selected, but is nonetheless correctly coded as a Reptilian otherwise.
Bandit Trapper Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Wight Chanter Also showing up as a Ghoul in the Monster Manual.
Wight Chanter Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Temple Warrior Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Temple Guard Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Temple Cultist Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 58 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Temple Cleric Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Roving Bandit Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Ranging Bandit Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Orc Tracker Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Orc Shaman Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Orc Sentry Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Ogre Lackey Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Bonegnawer Ghoul Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Bandit Arcane Trickster Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Ogre Commander Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 63 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Large Noxious Gray Ooze Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodeborn Fire Mephit Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 58 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodeborn Ice Mephit Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 58 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Temple Harpy Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Starved Griffon Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodebound Fire Bat Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 50 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodeborn Fire Elemental Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodebound Efreeti Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Temple Hellhound Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodebound Salamander Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 55 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Marine Ghoul Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 63 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodeborn Water Elemental Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodeborn Ice Elemental Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Sahuagin Hunter Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Sahuagin Temple Priestess Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 63 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodeborn Air Elemental Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodeborn Invisible Stalker Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodebound Djinni Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Will-o'-Wisp Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Temple Gargoyle Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodeborn Earth Elemental Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Nodeborn Mudman Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 61 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Umber Hulk Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 63 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Temple Rust Monster Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 55 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 56.)
Alaric Appears to have an empty tag.
Gorth Appears to have an empty tag.
Kelas Appears to have an empty tag.
Osfield Appears to have an empty tag.
The Ghost Flame Appears to have an empty tag.
Hybrid Wrangler Should probably not be orange named, as its CRs are too low and its name doesn't appear fixed over its head.
Gish Helion Erroneously orange-named.
Gish Helion Even when shooting arrows with his bow, Gish looks as if wielding two sword (and in a reverse grip at that).
Forgotten Stormborn Has an oddly low CR value on Epic Elite.
Forgotten Storm Thrall Has an oddly low CR value on Epic Elite.
Forgotten Storm Priest Has an oddly low CR value on Epic Elite.
Forgotten Storm King Has an oddly low CR value on Epic Elite.
Fiendish Kobold Irregular Oddly low CR on Epic Elite.
Bloated Otyugh Has oddly low CRs on difficulties other than Heroic Normal.
Black and Blue When you first see Urgnonth, he's behind a barrier that has no physics.
Black and Blue Avoid bursting down the dragon too quickly (Ruin, Manyshot, etc.) Goralin is supposed to walk away from the first encounter once down to 50% health, but if you kill him so fast that he dies before turning passive, the quest may glitch and make it impossible to progress.
The Archons' Trial If you die and release at any point in the quest, it will automatically reset (no 5 minute timer).
The Archons' Trial During the Trial of Endurance, a Shavarath Hezrou has the potential to spawn or get stuck inside a wall, with no way to deal damage to it, softlocking you in the dungeon, as you need to eliminate every enemy in order to despawn the portals to advance. May be completable if that happens, after the lever has been pulled.
The Archons' Trial Breakable limits may not trigger at all and ransack is inconsistent; should be 42 or 43, but never saw that
Demon Assault Breakable limits may not trigger at all or late and ransack is inconsistent
Madstone Crater It is unknown exactly how, but it is possible for the third seer to be "dislodged" from the crystal. He will slide over to the mouth of the ramp the Minotaurs arrive from and will continue the ritual there. This does not affect the ritual in any way, though it does make it slightly harder to protect against the Minotaurs, since the seer is closer to them and one will frequently take a shortcut and slide up the steep slope. This seems to happen most consistently when a solo player falls off the plateau.
Return to Madstone Crater Giant seers can fail to turn friendly if you have Aura of Menace Warlock ability active.
Return to Madstone Crater It is unknown exactly how, but it is possible for the third seer to be "dislodged" from the crystal. He will slide over to the mouth of the ramp the Minotaurs arrive from and will continue the ritual there. This does not affect the ritual in any way, though it does make it slightly harder to protect against the Minotaurs, since the seer is closer to them and one will frequently take a shortcut and slide up the steep slope. This seems to happen most consistently when a solo player falls off the plateau.
Overwhelming Despair The effect also appears in the monster's buff bar, not its debuff bar.
Vaunt Manticore When examined, this monster does not have a visible race.
Doctor Vulcana's Broken Wristwatch There is a typo in the description: intriciate
Pendant of the Stormreaver Typo in the description: "thundrous"
The Epic Astral Projector Ghost Shot often fails to do its full damage to Training Dummies. It functions normally against standard mobs.
The Astral Projector Ghost Shot often fails to do its full damage to Training Dummies. It functions normally against standard mobs.
Horn: Resistance Description reads +12 bonus, but actual bonus provided is +11.
Horn: Armor Piercing Description reads +21% bonus, but actual bonus provided is +22%.
Joenuts/Pages that currently use Item Augment2 tempate
Brightscale Description reads Enhancement type bonus to Spell Penetration, but actual type provided is Equipment.
Arcane Tempest Official description states an incorrect damage cap and maximum caster level. The standard "spell properties" section of the tooltip states that there is no maximum caster level, and in-game damage seems to confirm that the spell scales at least as high as CL 20 (about 640 damage per tick with 221 force spellpower, so 200 base damage per tick, very close to the expected average for 20d6+120 which is 190).
Finger of Death The damage in the official description (7-12) does not accurately represent the dice notation provided at the bottom of the description (2d3+6).
Controlled Beaded Devil There is a typo in the name: "Beaded"
Shavarath Hezrou Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 55 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 50.)
Tiefling Marksman Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 50.)
Tiefling Adept Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 50.)
Shavarath Jarilith Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 50.)
Shavarath Ice Flenser Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 50.)
Infernal Bat Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 50.)
Shavarath Dretch Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 50.)
Shavarath Fire Reaver Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 50.)
Shavarath Fleshrender Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 50.)
Shavarath Hellhound Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 50.)
Fiendish Troglodyte Guard Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 54 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 50.)
Fiendish Troll Crusher Depending on location, may erroneously display as being CR 58 on Epic Elite (its old CR from before Update 50.)
Animated Book Weirdly low CRs.
Greater Evil Eye The first Greater Evil Eye encountered has a CR of 15 on all difficulties.
The Hand and the Eyes This does not appear to trigger off player deaths.
Broodmother Calilz Yellow-named on Elite.
Horoth Horoth's tag, Lord of Tyranny, only appears if the raid is run on Normal difficulty.
Aussircaex Can still be attacked and reduced to 0 HP with certain AoE effects like Sunburst, although she cannot actually be killed this way.
Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion On Epic difficulties, just looks like a normal Scorpion.
Decay CR does not appear to scale with difficulty.
Scour CR does not appear to scale with difficulty.
Madstone Sentry On Heroic Hard only, this appears to be called Madstone Sentrty. It still appears in the Monster Manual under the proper name.
Phase Spider One Phase Spider in the Red Pyramid room is always CR 7.
Draconic Incarnation The DR granted is actually DR 100/Epic.
Windlasher Spirit Caller Epic CRs appear not to have been adjusted with Update 50.
Menechtarun Hyena On Epic Normal, one spawns with a lower CR (its original from before Update 50.)
Pyrodemon On Epic, the final one on Lailat's platform has not had its CRs scaled properly.
Carrion Feeder On Elite, when selected this monster purports to be a Wight, although this does not affect their behaviour.
Stainglass spider In-game name is not properly capitalised.
Devil Commander While they are in the Monster Manual, they are referred to as Devil Lieutenants there.


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Pages in category "Minor game bugs"

The following 153 pages are in this category, out of 153 total.