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Alchemist spells

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Alchemist Spell List[edit]

Alchemists cast infusion and arcane spells.

Consult the table below to know the number of Alchemist spells available per spell level, and per spell school.

  Abjuration Conjuration Divination Enchantment Evocation Illusion Necromancy Transmutation Total
Level 1 0160000011 27
Level 2 0110000010 21
Level 3 0120010010 23
Level 4 07004007 18
Level 5 07001005 13
Level 6 04004002 10
Total 0 57 0 0 10 0 0 45 112

Alchemist Spell Reactions[edit]

Every Alchemist spell is part of one of three Primer Categories: Crimsonite, Gildleaf, and Ceruleite. Using spells with different Primers in succession causes a Reaction; Verdanite, Orchidium, or Pyrite. The game remembers your current Reaction as well as the Primer of the last spell you cast. Using a Crimsonite spell and then a Gildleaf spell will put you in the Pyrite state (with a sub-state listing of Gildleaf, for the last spell you cast). Casting Crimsonite or Gildleaf spells while in Pyrite will keep you Pyrite (but will change your sub-color to Gildleaf or Crimsonite). If you were to then cast an Ceruleite spell, it would remove you from the Pyrite state and change your Primer to Ceruleite. In short: The last two Alchemist spells you cast determine your Reaction. Each of the Reactions does something to you, and the Enhancement Trees hook into them significantly.

  • Pyrite Reaction: +2 Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Poison Spell Power per Alchemist Level. (+40 at 20 Alchemist)
  • Verdanite Reaction: +2 Positive and Negative Spell Power per Alchemist Level (+40 at 20 Alchemist)
  • Orchidium Reaction: +2 Physical Resistance Rating per Alchemist Level (+40 at 20 Alchemist)
  • When you change reactions, you'll get a large bonus that corresponds to the Reaction you moved to for 12 seconds:
    • Pyrite Reaction: Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Poison Spellpower equal to (10 + quadruple your Alchemist level) and a -50% Enhancement Bonus to Spell Point Cost.
    • Verdanite Reaction: Positive and Negative Spellpower equal to (10 + quadruple your Alchemist level) and Transmutation and Conjuration DCs equal to (1 + 1 for every 5 Alchemist Levels).
    • Orchidium Reaction: Physical Resistance Rating and Elemental Resistance equal to (10 + triple your Alchemist level).
    • With some exceptions, the following applies:
      • Crimsonite, spells govern Elemental and Poison damage (fire cold acid electric and poison) and melee/ranged imbues.
      • Gildleaf spells govern Positive and negative healing/damage, Crowd Control, and Debuffs.
      • Ceruleite spells govern Defensive abilities and mitigation, buffs, and utility spells.
  • All spells have Somatic components, and Alchemist spells do invoke Arcane Spell Failure. Some spells have Material components. Alchemists have their own Material Components.

Note: Draconic Knowledge from Dragonborn racial enhancement won't work on Alchemist spells (U45P2), but Spell Knowledge from Draconic Incarnation works. Additionally, Draconic Knowledge from Dragonborn racial enhancement will work on Alchemist SLAs.

Level 1[edit]

Available from Alchemist level 1

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Empty Bottle.png
Empty Bottle Conjuration 1d6+2 Bludgeoning damage per Caster Level to a single target (Max Caster Level 10), 4 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Vial of Acid.png
Vial of Acid Conjuration 1d6+2 Acid damage per Caster Level to a single target (Max Caster Level 10), 4 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Vial of Flame.png
Vial of Flame Conjuration 1d6+2 Fire damage per Caster Level to a single target (Max Caster Level 10), 4 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Vial of Frost.png
Vial of Frost Conjuration 1d6+2 Frost damage per Caster Level to a single target (Max Caster Level 10), 4 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Vial of Sparks.png
Vial of Sparks Conjuration 1d6+2 Electricity damage per Caster Level to a single target (Max Caster Level 10), 4 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Vial of Venom.png
Vial of Venom Conjuration 1d6+2 Poison damage per Caster Level to a single target (Max Caster Level 10), 4 second cooldown. Applies Contaminated.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Vial Smash Acid.png
Vial Smash: Acid Conjuration 1d6+1 Acid damage per Caster Level to a small AoE (Max Caster Level 5), 5 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Vial Smash Cold.png
Vial Smash: Cold Conjuration 1d6+1 Frost damage per Caster Level to a small AoE (Max Caster Level 5), 5 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Vial Smash Electric.png
Vial Smash: Electric Conjuration 1d6+1 Electricity damage per Caster Level to a small AoE (Max Caster Level 5), 5 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Vial Smash Fire.png
Vial Smash: Fire Conjuration 1d6+1 Fire damage per Caster Level to a small AoE (Max Caster Level 5), 5 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Vial Smash Poison.png
Vial Smash: Poison Conjuration 1d6+1 Poison damage per Caster Level to a small AoE (Max Caster Level 5), 5 second cooldown. Applies Contaminated.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Curative Admixture Cure Light Wounds.png
Curative Admixture: Cure Light Wounds Conjuration Infuse a Cure Light Wounds potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that deals 1d6+2 plus 1 per caster level (maximum caster level 5) positive energy damage to nearby living allies and enemy undead.
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Curative Admixture Inflict Light Wounds.png
Curative Admixture: Inflict Light Wounds Conjuration Infuse an Inflict Light Wounds potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that deals 1d6+2 plus 1 per caster level (maximum caster level 5) negative energy damage to nearby undead allies and living enemies. (who may make a Will save for half damage).
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Curative Admixture Remove Disease.png
Curative Admixture: Remove Disease Conjuration Infuses a Remove Disease potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that removes diseases from nearby allies.
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Curative Admixture Remove Poison.png
Curative Admixture: Remove Poison Conjuration Infuses a potion of Poison Neutralization with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that removes poisons from nearby allies. (It does not confer immunity to poisons.) Special material component: Potion of Poison Neutralization.
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Fine Dust.png
Fine Dust Transmutation Scatter fine, nearly-frictionless dust, forcing enemies caught within to make a Reflex saving throw or trip for 6 seconds. While tripped, enemies get recurring balance checks to get up every 2 seconds, at the same DC as the initial save.
Eq comp alc level 01.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Rapid Condensation.png
Rapid Condensation Transmutation Throw a bottle that explodes on impact, rapidly condensing water in the air with a magical reaction that has the effect of the Obscuring Mist spell: A misty vapor arises, obscuring all sight, giving all creatures in the fog concealment (attackers have a 20% miss chance.) Obscuring mist can be burned away with fire spells that hit the area of the mist.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Sleep Powder.png
Sleep Powder Transmutation Scatter a dust-based magical poison that causes enemies that inhale the mixture to fall asleep. This Sleep lasts for 20 seconds + 2 seconds per Caster level, or until damaged. A successful Will save negates the effect; the save is repeated every 12 seconds the creature remains asleep. Has no effect on enemies that do not need to breathe or sleep.
Eq comp alc level 01.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Bottled Boost Attack.png
Bottled Boost: Attack Transmutation Drink a potion with the effects of Action Boost: Attack III. You gain +8 Action Boost Bonus to Attack for 20 seconds. 40 second cooldown. In addition to this spell's normal cooldown, this spell puts all Action Boosts and Bottled Boost spells on a 30 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Bottled Boost Defense.png
Bottled Boost: Defense Transmutation Drink a potion with the effects of Action Boost: Defense III. You gain +15 Action Boost Bonus to Armor Class and Physical Resistance Rating for 20 seconds. 40 second cooldown. In addition to this spell's normal cooldown, this spell puts all Action Boosts and Bottled Boost spells on a 30 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Elemental Skin.png
Elemental Skin Transmutation This potion will mutate you and make your skin a little more resistance to elemental damage. This grants a +5 Alchemical Bonus to Elemental Resistance against Fire, Cold, Acid, and Electric damage, increasing to 10 at caster level 10 and 15 at caster level 20. This effect lasts for 1 minute per Caster Level.
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Feathers Extract.png
Feathers Extract Transmutation This potion will mutate you, granting your bones slightly less dense and causing small feathers to grow from your skin. Grans the effects of the Feather Fall and Jump spells: You gain Feather Falling and a +10 Enhancement bonus to Jump. This bonus increases to +20 and 5th level and +30 at 9th level. These effects last for 30 seconds + 6 seconds per Caster Level.
Eq comp alc level 01.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Flash Powder.png
Flash Powder Transmutation You crush components in your hand, creating a loud boom and sharp flash. An enemy at touch range must make a Fortitude save or be Stunned for 3 seconds.
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Gills Extract.png
Gills Extract Transmutation This potion will mutate you, granting you gills and increased ability to swim underwater. This grants the effects of the Water Breathing and Merfolk's Blessing spells: You gain the ability to breathe underwater and +10 Enhancement bonus to Swim, plus 1 for every 2 caster levels beyond the first. These effects last for 30 seconds +6 seconds per Caster Level.
Eq comp alc level 01.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Lesser Evolution.png
Lesser Evolution Transmutation Spell selector - pick an animal from the 6 animal stat/types (bull for str, cat for dex, etc) and gain +1 Alchemical bonus to this stat. You can only have one Alchemical Mutation at a time regardless of tier. Self only spell.
Eq comp alc level 01.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Lesser Restorative Draught.png
Lesser Restorative Draught Conjuration Throw a small vial of magical liquid at a single target that provides the effects of the Lesser Restoration spell: Dispels magical effects reducing your ability scores, eliminates fatigue, and improves exhaustion to fatigue.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Stiffen Skin.png
Stiffen Skin Transmutation This potion will mutate you and make your skin a little more resistance to physical damage. This grants a +2 Deflection bonus to AC, +1 per 6 caster levels, for 1 minute per caster level.
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png

Level 2[edit]

Available from Alchemist level 3

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Greater Venom Vial.png
Greater Venom Vial Conjuration Conjuring a bottle of magical poison, you throw a projectile that explodes on impact, dealing 1d6+2 Poison damage per caster level, max caster level 10, to all foes caught within the area. This poison will leave enemies struck Contaminated.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Lesser Heartseeker Poison Imbue.png
Lesser Heartseeker Poison Imbue Transmutation Coat your weapon in a magical poison that saps the fortitude from your enemies on contact. On Hit: -1 Fort Save (does not stack). On Crit: 1d6 Constitution Damage. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time.
Eq comp alc level 02.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Lesser Ice Chill Poison Imbue.png
Lesser Ice Chill Poison Imbue Transmutation Coat your weapon in a magical poison that saps the speed from your enemies on contact. On Hit: -1 Reflex Save (does not stack). On Crit: 1d6 Dexterity Damage. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time.
Eq comp alc level 02.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Lesser Soulshatter Poison Imbue.png
Lesser Soulshatter Poison Imbue Transmutation Coat your weapon in a magical poison that saps the willpower from your enemies on contact. On Hit: -1 Will Save (does not stack). On Crit: 1d6 Wisdom Damage. An item can have only one Temporary item enchantment at a time
Eq comp alc level 02.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Lesser Voidmand Poison Imbue.png
Lesser Voidmind Poison Imbue Transmutation Coat your weapon in a magical poison that saps the defenses from your enemies on contact. On Hit: -1 Spell Resistance (does not stack). On Crit: 1d6 Intelligence Damage. An item can have only one Temporary item enchantment at a time
Eq comp alc level 02.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Vial of Venom.png
Venom Concentration Conjuration Conjuring a bottle of magical poison, you throw a projectile at a single foe, that deals 1d6 Poison damage, plus 1 per caster level, max caster level 20. This poison will eat away at the enemy, dealing its damage every 2 seconds for 16 seconds. You may stack this poison up to three times. This poison will leave enemies struck Contaminated.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Cold Spike.png
Cold Spike Conjuration Lob a vial of freezing liquid at a single foe that deals heavy damage and slows the movement of whatever it strikes. Deals 1d4+4 Cold damage per caster level, max caster level 10, to a single foe, and reduces their movement speed by 30% and damage by 4 for 15 seconds +2 seconds per Caster Level.

Note: Slow does not affect boss enemies, but reducing damage still works on bosses.

Eq comp alc level 02.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Curative Admixture Cure Moderate Wounds.png
Curative Admixture: Cure Moderate Wounds Conjuration Infuse a Cure Moderate Wounds potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that deals 2d6+4 plus 1 per caster level (maximum caster level 10) positive energy damage to nearby undead allies and living enemies. (who may make a Will save for half damage).
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Curative Admixture Inflict Moderate Wounds.png
Curative Admixture: Inflict Moderate Wounds Conjuration Infuse a Inflict Moderate Wounds potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that deals 2d6+4 plus 1 per caster level (maximum caster level 10) negative energy damage to nearby undead allies and living enemies (who may make a Will save for half damage).
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Curative Admixture Remove Curse.png
Curative Admixture: Remove Curse Conjuration Infuses a Remove Curse potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that removes curses from everyone hit.
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Curative Admixture Remove Paralysis.png
Curative Admixture: Remove Paralysis Conjuration Infuses a Remove Paralysis potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that removes magical Paralysis from everyone hit.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Corrode Weapons.png
Corrode Weapons Conjuration Lob a vial of caustic liquid at a single foe that deals heavy damage and corrodes the weapons of whatever it strikes. Deals 1d4+4 Acid damage per caster level, max caster level 10, to a single target and reduces their accuracy and Melee and Ranged Power by 4 for 15 seconds +2 seconds per Caster Level.
Eq comp alc level 02.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Melt Armor.png
Melt Armor Conjuration Lob a vial of burning liquid at a single foe that deals heavy damage and melts the armor of whatever it strikes. Deals 1d4+4 damage per caster level, max caster level 10, to a single target, and reduces their Armor Class and Physical Resistance Rating by 4 for 15 seconds +2 seconds per caster level.
Eq comp alc level 02.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Voltaic Backlash.png
Voltaic Backlash Conjuration Lob a vial of volatile liquid at a single foe that deals heavy damage and disrupts the offensive spellcasting capacity of whatever it strikes. Deals 1d4+4 Electric damage per caster level, max caster level 10, and reduces Universal Spell Power by 10 for 15 seconds +2 seconds per Caster Level.
Eq comp alc level 02.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Alluring Elixir.png
Alluring Elixir Transmutation This small vial of golden liquid will increase your confidence and your allure, granting you a +4 Insight bonus to your social skills for 1 minute +1 minute per Caster Level.
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Augment Armor.png
Augment Armor Transmutation Coat yourself in liquid armor, granting it greater defenses. Grants a +2 Deflection bonus to Armor Class, and a +3 Deflection bonus to Physical Resistance Rating for 30 seconds per Caster Level. Every 5 Alchemist levels, these bonuses increase by 1.
Eq comp alc level 02.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Bottled Boost Spell.png
Bottled Boost: Spell Transmutation Drink a potion with the effects of Action Boost: Spell Power. You gain +30 Action Boost Bonus to Universal Spell Power for 20 seconds. 40 second cooldown. In addition to this spell's normal cooldown, this spell puts all Action Boosts and Bottled Boost spells on a 30 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Glue Bomb.png
Glue Bomb Transmutation Lob a glass vial full of sticky, organic glue, trapping enemies within its embrace. Enemies that fail a Reflex save become stuck in place. Victims of the glue may attempt to free themselves every 4 seconds with a successful strength check. Lasts for 15 seconds + 1 per level.
Eq comp alc level 02.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Liquid Courage.png
Liquid Courage Transmutation Drink a personal vial of glowing golden liquid that grants incredible courage. This potion grants the effect of the Heroism spell: A +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. This lasts for 1 minute per Caster Level.
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Restorative Draught.png
Restorative Draught Conjuration Throw a small vial of magical liquid at a single target that provides the effects of the Restoration spell: Cures all temporary ability damage, restores a single negative level suffered from energy drain, and eliminates fatigue and exhaustion.

Bug: This spell can only affect you. If you have another friendly target or have no target, the vial just gets stuck in the air in front of you and never does anything.

Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Salt Crystals.png
Salt Crystals Transmutation Smash a bottle beneath your feet that rapidly crystallizes, trapping nearby enemies that fail a Fortitude save in brittle salt. They are considered Dazed for 6 seconds, and any damage will remove the salt.
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png

Level 3[edit]

Available from Alchemist level 6

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Vial of Acid.png
Acid Concentration Conjuration Conjuring a bottle of caustic liquid, you throw a projectile at a single foe that deals 1d6 Acid damage, plus 1 per caster level, max caster level 20. The acid continues to eat away, dealing its damage every 2 seconds for 16 seconds. You may stack this up to three times.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Bitter Frost Burst.png
Bitter Frost Burst Conjuration Throw a bottle that shatters among your enemies, causing a huge spike of cold damage. Deals 1d6+3 Cold damage per caster level, max caster level 15, in an area.
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Caustic Solvent.png
Caustic Solvent Conjuration Toss a bottle of acrid liquid at a group of enemies, causing caustic acid to eat away at their flesh for significant Acid damage. This deals 1d6+3 Acid damage per caster level, max caster level 15, to all affected enemies.
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Elemental Weapons Evocation Your target gains +1 Imbue Die. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time.
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Vial of Flame.png
Flame Concentration Conjuration Conjuring a bottle of burning liquid, you throw a projectile at a single foe that deals 1d6 Fire damage, plus 1 per caster level, max caster level 20. The fire will burn over time, dealing its damage every 2 seconds for 16 seconds. You may stack this up to three times.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Vial of Frost.png
Frost Concentration Conjuration Conjuring a bottle of freezing liquid, you throw a projectile at a single foe that deals 1d6 Cold damage, plus 1 per caster level, max caster level 20. The cold continues to deal damage over time every 2 seconds for 16 seconds. You may stack this up to three times.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Heartstopper Poison.png
Heartstopper Poison Conjuration Throw a vial of deadly poison that explodes on impact, dealing 1d6+3 Poison damage per caster level, max caster level 15, to a small cluster of enemies. This poison will leave the enemies Contaminated.
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Molotov Cocktail.png
Molotov Cocktail Conjuration Lob a glass bottle full of reactive chemicals that shatters and then ignites in a large area, dealing damage to all enemies struck. Enemies are ignited, dealing 1d6+3 Fire damage per caster level, max caster level 15.
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Vial of Sparks.png
Sparks Concentration Conjuration Conjuring a bottle of reactive material, you throw a projectile at a single foe that deals 1d6 Electric damage, plus 1 per caster level, max caster level 20. The electricity continues to deal damage over time every 2 seconds for 16 seconds. You may stack this up to three times.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Voltaic Induction.png
Voltaic Induction Conjuration Toss a small bottle of volatile mixtures, causing it to smash and lightning to arc among all nearby enemies. This causes a powerful jolt of 1d6+3 Electric damage per caster level, max caster level 15, to all targets hit.
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Curative Admixture Inflict Serious Wounds.png
Curative Admixture: Inflict Serious Wounds Conjuration Infuses a Inflict Serious Wounds potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that deals 3d6+6 plus 1 per caster level (maximum caster level 15) negative energy to nearby undead allies and living enemies. (who may make a Will save for half damage).
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
CurativeAdmixture CureSeriousWounds.png
Curative Admixture: Cure Serious Wounds Conjuration Infuse a Cure Serious Wounds potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that deals 3d6+6 plus 1 per caster level (maximum caster level 15) positive energy damage to nearby living allies and enemy undead (who may make a Will save for half damage).
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Choking Smog.png
Choking Smog Transmutation Smash a bottle full of a noxious chemical smog that silences and slows enemies caught within unless they make a Fortitude saving throw. This effect lasts for 6 seconds +1 second per Caster Level. Foes that do not breathe or are wearing protective gear are immune to this effect.
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Flash Freeze.png
Flash Freeze Transmutation Smash a bottle beneath your feet containing a volatile chemical reaction that creates an explosion of intense cold, locking enemies in solid ice. Enemies who fail a Fortitude save are stunned and helpless for 6 seconds per Caster Level.
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Iron Shavings.png
Iron Shavings Transmutation Smash a bottle at your feet to spread Flametouched Iron shavings into the air around you, causing nearby Incorporeal foes that fail a Fortitude save to become Corporeal for 6 seconds, plus 1 second per Caster Level.
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Bottled Boost Double.png
Bottled Boost: Double Transmutation Drink a potion with the effects of Action Boost: Doublestrike and Doubleshot. You gain +30% Action Boost Bonus to Doublestrike and Doubleshot for 20 seconds. 40 second cooldown. In addition to this spell's normal cooldown, this spell puts all Action Boosts and Bottled Boost spells on a 30 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Displacement Draught.png
Displacement Draught Transmutation Drink a potion with the effects of the Displacement spell. Your appearance becomes extremely blurred, giving enemies a 50% miss chance when attacking for 6 seconds per Caster Level.
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Evolution.png
Evolution Transmutation Multi selector: Grant +2 Alchemical Bonus to your select ability score. You may only have one Alchemical Mutation at a time. This lasts for 1 minute per Caster Level
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Greater Liquid Courage.png
Greater Liquid Courage Transmutation Drink a personal vial of glowing golden liquid that grants incredible courage and protections against Fear, granting the effects of the Greater Heroism spell. This potion grants a +4 morale bonus on attacks, saves, and skill checks. The target also receives temporary hit points equal to the caster level and immunity to fear.
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Greater Restorative Draught.png
Greater Restorative Draught Conjuration Throw a small vial of magical liquid at a single target that provides the effects of the Greater Restoration spell: Cures all temporary ability damage, restores all negative levels suffered from energy drain, and eliminates fatigue, exhaustion, confusion, and insanity effects on you.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Invisibility Potion.png
Invisibility Potion Transmutation This shadowy liquid will turn you invisible for a time, granting the effect of the Invisibility spell. If you attack a target, this invisibility will end. This lasts for 1 minute per Caster Level.
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Melt Lock.png
Melt Lock Transmutation Throw a caustic liquid at a nearby locked object, attempting to dissolve the lock. You make a d20+Spellcraft skill check against the DC of the lock, and if successful, the lock will be opened if it can be picked by a rogue making an equivalent Open Lock check.

Bug: This spell uses d20 + Alchemist Level + Int Modifier check instead of Spellcraft skill check.

Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Quicksilver Potion.png
Quicksilver Potion Transmutation Drink a potion of shiny liquid that bestows incredible speed for a short time, the effect of the Haste spell. You are quickened, causing you to attack 15% faster than normal. In addition, you gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls, a +1 bonus to Reflex Saving Throws, and +1% Dodge.
Eq comp alc level 03.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png

Level 4[edit]

Available from Alchemist level 9

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Corrosive Dust.png
Corrosive Dust Conjuration Scatter a corrosive dust in front of you, causing significant Rust damage on contact. Deals 1d6+8 Rust damage per caster level, max caster level 20. Note that Rust damage only affects Constructs and some Inanimate Objects.
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Heartseeker Poison Imbue.png
Heartseeker Poison Imbue Evocation Coat your weapon in a magical poison that saps the fortitude from your enemies on contact. On Hit: -1 Fort Save per stack, stacks 3 times. On Crit: 1d6 Constitution Damage. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time.
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Ice Chill Poison Imbue.png
Ice Chill Poison Imbue Evocation Coat your weapon in a magical poison that saps the speed from your enemies on contact. On Hit: -1 Reflex Save per stack, stacks 3 times. On Crit: 1d6 Dexterity Damage. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time.
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Soulshatter Poison Imbue.png
Soulshatter Poison Imbue Evocation Coat your weapon in a magical poison that saps the willpower from your enemies on contact. On Hit: -1 Will Save per stack, stacks 3 times. On Crit: 1d6 Wisdom Damage. An item can have only one Temporary item enchantment at a time
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Voidmind Poison Imbue.png
Voidmind Poison Imbue Evocation Coat your weapon in a magical poison that saps the defenses from your enemies on contact. On Hit: -1 Spell Resistance per stack, stacks 3 times. On Crit: 1d6 Intelligence Damage. An item can have only one Temporary item enchantment at a time
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Caustic Overload.png
Caustic Overload Conjuration Throw a bottle at a targeted foe that explodes into caustic acid dealing 1d6+4 Acid damage per caster level to enemies struck. In addition, enemies must make a Fortitude saving throw or have their Physical Resistance Rating reduced by 5 for 12 seconds.
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Cindersmoke.png
Cindersmoke Conjuration Throw a bottle at a targeted foe that explodes into fiery cloud. Enemies caught in the blast take 1d6+4 Fire damage per caster level, and must make a Reflex save or be Blinded for 12 seconds.
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Curative Admixture Cure Critical Wounds.png
Curative Admixture: Cure Critical Wounds Conjuration Infuse a Cure Critical Wounds potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that deals 4d6+8 plus 1 per caster level (maximum caster level 20) positive energy damage to nearby living allies and enemy undead (who may make a Will save for half damage).
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Curative Admixture Inflict Critical Wounds.png
Curative Admixture: Inflict Critical Wounds Conjuration Infuse a Inflict Critical Wounds potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. The potion explodes in a small AOE that deals 4d6+8 plus 1 per caster level (maximum caster level 20) negative energy damage to nearby undead allies and living enemies. (who may make a Will save for half damage).
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Smoke Bomb.png
Smoke Bomb Transmutation Throw a bottle beneath you that explodes into a cloud of smoke and leaves you Invisible and Displaced for 12 seconds.
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Voltaic Burst.png
Voltaic Burst Conjuration Throw a bottle at a targeted foe that explodes, dealing 1d6+4 Electric damage per caster level to enemies caught in the blast. In addition, enemies must make a Fortitude saving throw or take -5 Magical Resistance Rating for 12 seconds.
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Vein Freeze.png
Vein Freeze Conjuration Throw a bottle at a targeted foe that explodes, dealing 1d6+4 Cold damage per caster level, and slows enemies caught within. Some enemies may be required to make a Fortitude save or be Frozen for 12 seconds.
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats

Icon Bottled Boost Power.png
Bottled Boost: Power Transmutation Drink a potion with the effects of Action Boost: Power. You gain +30 Action Boost Bonus to Melee and Ranged Power for 20 seconds. 40 second cooldown. In addition to this spell's normal cooldown, this spell puts all Action Boosts and Bottled Boost spells on a 30 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Bottled Boost Sprint.png
Bottled Boost: Sprint Transmutation Drink a potion with the effects of Action Boost: Sprint. You gain +50% Action Boost Bonus to Movement Speed for 20 seconds. 40 second cooldown. In addition to this spell's normal cooldown, this spell puts all Action Boosts and Bottled Boost spells on a 30 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Flesh to Gold.png
Flesh to Gold Transmutation Turn an enemy to Gold with a single touch. Creatures made of flesh that fail a Fortitude save are turned to a metallic, helpless statue with minor resistance to piercing damage. This lasts 60 seconds plus 10 seconds per caster level, but the target has a chance to remake its Fortitude save every 24 seconds.
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Hypnotic Combination.png
Hypnotic Combination Transmutation Throw a bottle at a single target full of hallucinogenic material. On a failed Will save, the target is Confused, attacking and able to be attacked by friend and foe alike. Targets can re-attempt the Will save every 24 seconds. This effect lasts for 15 seconds +2 per Caster Level.
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Sanctified Vial.png
Sanctified Vial Conjuration Casting this spell requires levels in Cleric, Paladin, or Favored Soul, or for you to be in a Divine Epic Destiny. Throw a bottle that splashes Holy Water when it breaks, dealing 1d4+4 Bane Damage per Caster Level to Undead and Extraplanar creatures nearby. (This damage scales with Force Spell Power). This Holy Water will attempt to force all extraplanar creatures in the bottle's splash back to their home plane with the effect of the Banishment spell. A successful Will save negates this effect. (DC = spell's save DC - creature's Hit Dice or Level + your caster level).

Note: Half-Elf Dilettante feats for Cleric, Favored Soul, and Paladin do not grant actual levels in these classes and will not provide access to this spell. Bug: A single Favored Soul level is currently also not granting access. It is presently unclear whether further Favored Soul levels, or post-U51 Divine destinies, will.

Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Stoneskin Potion.png
Stoneskin Potion Transmutation Turn your skin to durable stone. Gain a resistance to physical damage of 10/Adamantine for the duration. Once this potion has prevented 10 points of damage per caster level, it is discharged.
Eq comp alc level 04.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png

Level 5[edit]

Available from Alchemist level 12

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Greater Elemental Weapons Evocation Your target gains +2 Imbue Dice. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time.
Eq comp alc level 05.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Multivial of Acid.png
Multivial of Acid Conjuration Conjuring many bottles of caustic liquid, you throw 4 projectiles that exploed on impact, with each dealing 1d4+3 Acid damage per caster level to all nearby foes, max caster level 10. Shares a cooldown with all other Multivial spells.
Eq comp alc level 05.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Multivial of Flame.png
Multivial of Flame Conjuration Conjuring many bottles of buring liquid, you throw 4 projectiles that exploed on impact, with each dealing 1d4+3 Fire damage per caster level to all nearby foes, max caster level 10. Shares a cooldown with all other Multivial spells.
Eq comp alc level 05.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Multivial of Frost.png
Multivial of Frost Conjuration Conjuring many bottles of Freezing liquid, you throw 4 projectiles that exploed on impact, with each dealing 1d4+3 Cold damage per caster level to all nearby foes, max caster level 10. Shares a cooldown with all other Multivial spells.
Eq comp alc level 05.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Multivial of Poison.png
Multivial of Poison Conjuration Conjuring many bottles of poisonous material, you throw 4 projectiles that exploed on impact, with each dealing 1d4+3 Poison damage per caster level to all nearby foes, max caster level 10. Shares a cooldown with all other Multivial spells.
Eq comp alc level 05.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Multivial of Sparks.png
Multivial of Sparks Conjuration Conjuring many bottles of reactive material, you throw 4 projectiles that exploed on impact, with each dealing 1d4+3 Electric damage per caster level to all nearby foes, max caster level 10. Shares a cooldown with all other Multivial spells.
Eq comp alc level 05.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Poison Breath.png
Poison Breath Conjuration You exhale poison through your mouth in a large cone, causing enemies caught within the area to take 1d6+5 Poison damage per caster level, max caster level 20. This is a Breath attack. This poison will leave enemies struck Contaminated.
Eq comp alc level 05.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Flashbang.png
Flashbang Transmutation Lob a vial that explodes on impact. Nearby enemies must make a Fortitude save or be Blinded. If they fail this save and are already blinded, they will instead be stunned.

Note: This spell won't work on incorporeal enemies.

Eq comp alc level 05.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Flesh to Gold Mass.png
Flesh to Gold, Mass Transmutation Enemies around you must make a Fortitude saving throw of be turned to gold. Creatures made of flesh that fail a Fortitude save are turned to metallic, helpless statues with minor resistance to piercing damage. This lasts 20 seconds plus 12 seconds per caster level, but the target has a chance to remake its fortitude save every 12 seconds.
Eq comp alc level 05.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Bottled Boost Haste.png
Bottled Boost: Haste Transmutation Drink a potion with the effects of Action Boost: Haste. You gain +30% Action Boost Bonus to Attack Speed for 20 seconds. 40 second cooldown. In addition to this spell's normal cooldown, this spell puts all Action Boosts and Bottled Boost spells on a 30 second cooldown.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Greater Stoneskin.png
Greater Stoneskin Conjuration Turn your to durable and magical stone. Gain a resistance to physical damage of 20/Adamantine for the duration. Once this potion has prevented 20 points of damage per caster level, it is discharged.
Eq comp alc level 05.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Greater Evolution.png
Greater Evolution Transmutation Multi selector: Grant +4 Alchemical Bonus to your select ability score. You may only have one Alchemical Mutation at a time. This lasts for 1 minute per Caster Level
Eq comp alc level 05.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Turn to Frog.png
Turn to Frog Transmutation Throw a vial at a single enemy, who must succeed a Fortitude saving throw or be turned to a frog.
Eq comp alc level 05.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png

Level 6[edit]

Available from Alchemist level 15

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Elemental Combination.png
Elemental Combination Conjuration Throw a single bottle of a volatile magical concoction that deals an intense combination of Posion, Fire, Cold, Acid, and Electric damage, with 3 effects chosen randomly each time.
Eq comp alc level 06.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Gold Breath.png
Gold Breath Conjuration You exhale gold though your mouth in a large cone, causing enemies caught within the area to take 1d4+2 Fire and 1d4+2 Bludgeon damage per caster level, max caster level 20. This is Breath attack.
Eq comp alc level 06.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Greater Heartseeker Poison Imbue.png
Greater Heartseeker Poison Imbue Evocation Coat your weapon in a magical poison that saps the fortitude from your enemies on contact. On Hit: -1 Fort Save per stack, stacks 5 times. On Crit: 1d6 Constitution Damage. On Vopal: 1 stack of Vulnerability. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time.
Eq comp alc level 06.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Greater Ice Chill Poison Imbue.png
Greater Ice Chill Poison Imbue Evocation Coat your weapon in a magical poison that saps the speed from your enemies on contact. On Hit: -1 Reflex Save per stack, stacks 5 times. On Crit: 1d6 Dexterity Damage. On Vopal: 1 stack of Vulnerability. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time.
Eq comp alc level 06.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Greater Soulshatter Poison Imbue.png
Greater Soulshatter Poison Imbue Evocation Coat your weapon in a magical poison that saps the willpower from your enemies on contact. On Hit: -1 Will Save per stack, stacks 5 times. On Crit: 1d6 Wisdom Damage. On Vopal: 1 stack of Vulnerability. An item can have only one Temporary item enchantment at a time.
Eq comp alc level 06.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Greater Voidmind Poison Imbue.png
Greater Voidmind Poison Imbue Evocation Coat your weapon in a magical poison that saps the defenses from your enemies on contact. On Hit: -1 Spell Resistance per stack, stacks 5 times. On Crit: 1d6 Intelligence Damage. On Vopal: 1 stack of Vulnerability. An item can have only one Temporary item enchantment at a time.
Eq comp alc level 06.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Curative Admixture Harm.png
Curative Admixture: Harm Conjuration Infuse a harm potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. This channels powerful negative energy into targets to deal 10 negative energy damage per caster level to living targets (up to a max of 150 hit points at caster level 15). Against undead targets, it acts as Heal. Living targets who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half. This spell receives reduced benefit from spellpower.
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Curative Admixture Heal.png
Curative Admixture: Heal Conjuration Infuse a heal potion with magical energy, hurling it towards your target in an arc. This channels powerful positive energy into targets to wipe away injury and afflictions, restore 10 hit points per caster level (up to a max of 150 hit points at caster level 15), and remove ability damage and the conditions blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, disease, exhauseted, fatigued, feeblemanded, insanity, nauseated, and poisoned. Against undead this spell acts as Harm. Undead who make a successful Will save reduce the damage by half. This spell receives reduced benefit from spellpower.

Bug: This spell receives full benefit from spell power granted by metamagics (tested with Maximize), but only 50% benefit from other sources of spell power. (E.g. casting this spell Maximized with 400 positive spell power on your character sheet will have an effective spell power of 400 * 50% + 150 = 350.)

Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Feat Accelerate.png
Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Icon Dust of Confusion.png
Dust of Confusion Transmutation Scatter dust around you that causes enemies around you to begin to vividly hallucinate. On a failed Will save, they become Confused, attacking and able to be attacked by friend and foe alike. This effect lasts for 15 seconds +2 per Caster Level, and enemies make a recurring save once every 24 seconds.
Eq comp alc level 06.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Icon Goldskin Potion.png
Goldskin Potion Conjuration Turn your skin to metallic, magical gold. Gain a resistance to physical damage of 30/Adamantine for the duration. Once this potion has prevented 30 points of damage per caster level, it is discharged.
Eq comp alc level 06.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png