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Type: Evil Outsider (List)

Race: Devil (List)

Sub-race: Orthon (List)

Monster Manual classification: Orthon

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Rare: No

Organization: Squad

CR:  ♦12Normal ♥15Hard ♠20Elite

Attack: Hellspear (Slashing, Evil), Mini-crossbow (Piercing + Sonic)

Special Qualities: Acid Resistance, Cold Resistance, Poison Immunity, DR (variable)/Good, Greater Teleport (special quality)


Description: This hulking fiend is covered in metal plates bolted directly to its flesh. The nails that fix the plates in place drip black blood that stains armor and body alike. The creature has monstrous features, twisted in pain but filled with a primal cunning. Rotten tusks sprout from its lower jaw and maggots wriggle in its wounds.

Orthons are foot soldiers in Hell's armies. Though specialized in killing demons, they are equally dangerous against mortal foes.

Bug: In Devil Assault, it counts as a Fiendish Troglodyte Swordsman in the Monster Manual as of Update 32.1: see Devil Assault - Tips and Misc.

Orthon as seen by WotC artist: