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Fire spells

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A form of energy based on very high temperature that deals fire effects. Note that many of these spells will cause a flaming effect on flammable objects caught in the area of effect, however the objects seem to suffer no actual damage.

Fire spells[edit]

Name Description Classes
Alc Art Brd Clr Drd FvS Pal Rgr Sor Wiz War
Icon Anger of the Noonday Sun.png
Anger of the Noonday Sun Valid Forms: Fire Elemental. You are enveloped in the anger of the noonday sun. When your fire spell's damage is reduced by a creature that is immune/resistant/healed by fire, that target is debuffed to take full damage from fire effects that follow. This does not stack with effects that amplify damage beyond 100%. Target also takes -8% Fortification. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Icon Body of the Sun.png
Body of the Sun Your body draws on the power of the sun and emanates intense heat, burning nearby enemies. Nearby enemies take 1d6 fire damage per caster level (to a maximum of 20d6 at level 20) every 3 seconds. Fortitude save halves. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Burning Blood You taint a living creature's blood with a hot, corrosive infusion, dealing both 2d4 points of acid damage + 1 per 2 caster levels and 2d4 points of fire damage + 1 per 2 caster levels every 2 seconds for a duration of 10 seconds. Currently capped at caster level 20. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Burning Hands A cone of searing flame shoots from your fingertips. Any creature in the area of the flames takes 1d6+1 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 5d6+5 at caster level 5). A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. Flammable materials burn if the flames touch them. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Strike Down Icon.jpg
Celestial Bombardment Divine wrath falls from the heavens to smite your foes. This spell calls down three stars at your target, dealing a total of 1d6+9 fire damage per character level, split into three hits. In addition, enemies must succeed at three consecutive Reflex saving throws or be knocked prone. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png
Icon Cindersmoke.png
Cindersmoke Throw a bottle at a targeted foe that explodes into a fiery cloud. Enemies caught in the blast take 5 to 10 Fire damage per caster level to enemies caught within the initial blast, and must make a Reflex save or be Blinded for 12 seconds.

DND Dice: Deals 1d6+4 Fire damage per caster level, max 20d6+80. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half and negates the Blind.

Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
Delayed Blast Fireball Creates a ball of fire that detonates on impact, causing an explosion of flame that deals 1d6+7 points of fire damage per caster level up to a maximum damage of 20d6+140 at caster level 20 to all targets around it. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Icon Elemental Combination.png
Elemental Combination Throw a single bottle of a volatile magical concoction that deals an intense combination of Poison, Fire, Cold, Acid, and Electric damage, with 3 effects chosen randomly each time.

DND Dice: Deals 1d3+3 damage of a random 3 selections among Poison, Fire, Cold, Acid, and Electric damage per caster level, max 20d3+60 per element. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half.

Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
Elemental Prod Target enemy takes 1d6 per caster level in two of three elements (Fire, Force, or Electric) chosen randomly each time. Elementals are also Dazed. A successful Will save halves the damage and negates the daze.[UnverifiedIcon tooltip.png"A successful Will save halves the damage and negates the daze." has not been verified in-game. Please verify it!] Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png
Faerie Fire.png
Faerie Fire Arcs a flare of fairy fire through the air, bursting outward to affect all enemies near it. Targets are dazzled and take a -1 penalty to attack, spot, and search. Targets are illuminated by faerie fire, dispelling stealth, invisibility, blur, and displacement, for 10 seconds, and giving a -40 penalty to hide. Sightless enemies are immune to the dazzle effect. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Icon Fire Seeds.png
Fire Seeds Flings three burning acorns at your target, where they explode into flames. Each acorn does 1d6 fire damage per caster level (maximum 21d6 per missile at cast level 21). Reflex save halves. You can also place the acorns on the ground to act as a trap, for reduced Spell Point cost. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Fire Shield This spell when cast brings up a pop up selection, offering Fire Shield (cold) or Fire Shield (fire). You can pull both of these to various places upon your hot bars for faster casting.

Wreathes the caster in flames. Any creature striking you in melee takes 1d3+10 cold or fire damage (Depending on type) plus an additional 1 for every caster level up to caster level 15. The Cold version reduces fire damage by half and the fire version reduces cold damage by half. The flame from this spell will burn away any webs that attempt to entangle you. Having any Fire Shield or Energy Sheath spell cast on you will dispel these effects.

Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Fire Storm A Fire Storm causes an area to become shot through with sheets of roaring flame, causing 1d6+8 fire damage per caster level to targets in its area. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png
Fire Trap Creates a trap that wards an area. When an enemy triggers the spell by entering the area, a fiery explosion does 1d6+3 per caster level fire damage. Maximum 20d6+60 at caster level 20. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. The trap lasts 60 seconds, or until triggered. Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Fireball Creates a ball of fire that detonates on impact, causing an explosion of flame that deals 1d6+3 points of fire damage per caster level up to a maximum damage of 10d6+30 at caster level 10 to all targets around it. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Icon Fires of Purity.png
Fires of Purity Valid Forms: Fire Elemental. Enchants your target's weapons (or shield) with fires of purity. They deal an extra 2d4 fire damage, and enemies that strike them take a 10% Vulnerability penalty to fire. An item can have only one temporary item enchantment at a time. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Flame Arrow Creates 500 flaming ammo [including thrown weapons] within the caster's inventory, each one dealing 1d6 fire damage. Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Icon Vial of Flame.png
Flame Concentration Conjuring a bottle of burning liquid, you throw a projectile at a single foe that deals 1d6 Fire damage, plus 1 per caster level, max caster level 20. The fire will burn over time, dealing its damage every 2 seconds for 16 seconds. You may stack this up to three times.

DND Dice: Deals 1d6 Fire damage, plus one per caster level (max caster level 20). A successful reflex save reduces damage by half.

Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
Flame Strike A flame strike produces a vertical column of divine fire roaring downward. The spell deals 1d6+3 points of damage per caster level of fire damage, then another 1d6+3 points of damage per caster level of bane damage. Maximum caster level 15. A successful Reflex save reduces the fire damage by half. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png
Flaming Bolt Fires a small orb of fire at a target, doing 1d6+2 fire damage per caster level (max 10d6+20 at caster level 10). Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Flaming Sphere Creates a rolling ball of fire, dealing 2d6 fire damage. A Reflex save negates the damage. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Icon Gold Breath.png
Gold Breath You exhale gold through your mouth in a large cone, causing enemies caught within the area to take 3 to 6 Fire and 3 to 6 Bludgeon damage per caster level, max caster level 20. This is a Breath attack.

DND Dice: Deals 1d4+2 Fire and 1d4+2 Bludgeon, max 20d4+40 and 20d4+40. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half.

Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
Icon Hellball.png
Hellball Official description: Deal 3d20 + 15 acid, electric, fire, and sonic damage to enemies in an area. Successful Reflex saving throws may negate each type of damage.
  • Bug: Creatures are only subject to a single reflex save, not one for each type.
Incendiary Cloud An incendiary cloud spell creates a cloud of roiling smoke shot through with white-hot embers. This spell deals 2d4 +1 per level fire damage every 2 seconds (no initial tic). Creatures entering the cloud save vs reflex or become blind until they leave the cloud.

Casting Ice Storm eliminates Incendiary Cloud (just like with Wall of Fire).

Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Ki Explosion Icon.png
Ki Explosion Waves of fire emanate from your body, dealing 1d6+3 fire and force damage per caster level to enemies in your vicinity, scaling with 300% Melee Power. For 20 seconds after you cast this spell, you benefit from Fire Shield: Hot, which prevents 50% of your incoming Cold damage and deals a small amount of Fire damage to attackers that strike you in melee. Icon Feat Past Life Paladin.png
Meteor Swarm Causes four 2-foot-diameter chunks of rock to spring forth and streak in straight lines toward a target, leaving fiery trails of sparks. The meteors explode on impact, dealing 1d3+1 Fire damage per Caster Level (a successful Reflex save reduces the fire damage by half) and 1d2+1 Bludgeoning damage per Caster Level (no save) to targets in the area. This spell has double range. Max. caster level 20. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Icon Molotov Cocktail.png
Molotov Cocktail Lob a glass bottle full of reactive chemicals that shatters and then ignites in a large area, dealing damage to all enemies struck. Enemies are ignited, dealing 1d6+3 Fire damage per caster level, max caster level 15.

DND Dice: Deals 1d6+3 fire damage per caster level in an area (max 15d6+45 at caster level 15). A successful fortitude save reduces damage by half.

Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
Icon Multivial of Flame.png
Multivial of Flame Conjuring many bottles of burning liquid, you throw 4 projectiles that explode on impact, with each dealing 1d4+3 Fire damage per caster level to all nearby foes, max caster level 20. Shares a cooldown with all other Multivial spells.

DND Dice: Deals 1d4+3 fire damage per caster level per projectile (max 20d4+60 per projectile at caster level 20). A successful reflex save reduces damage by half.

Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
Arcane Spell Prismatic Ray.png
Prismatic Ray A shining ray of multicolored light blinds creatures with 8 Hit Die or less for 12 to 48 seconds, and does 1 of 7 harmful effects at random to one target, with a 12.5% of inflicting a second different effect from that 7. These 7 effects are detailed as follows: Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Prismatic Spray A shining blast of multicolored light blinds creatures with 8 Hit Die or less for 12 to 48 seconds, and does 1 of 7 harmful effects at random to one target, with a 12.5% of inflicting a second different effect from that 7. These 7 effects are detailed as follows: Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Prismatic Strike A brilliant ray of multicolored light projects from your finger. Ray spell. Enemy takes 1d6 per caster level in two of three elements (Fire, Force, or Electric) chosen randomly each time. The enemy is also subject to 2 of 3 CC effects chosen randomly each time:
  • Knock the target prone; a successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates the knockdown.
  • Daze the target; a successful Reflex save halves the damage and negates the daze.
  • Reduce the target's melee and ranged damage by 25%; a successful Will save halves the damage and negates the penalty to attack damage.
Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png
Produce Flame.png
Produce Flame Flames as bright as a torch appear in your open hand and launch towards your foes. They deal 1d6+1 fire damage per caster level, up to 15d6+15 at caster level 15. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Protection from Elements, Mass Casts Protection from Elements on multiple targets, granting targets temporary immunity to all forms of energy for 1 minute per caster level, or until 12 points of energy per caster level (Maximum caster level 10.) for each energy type has been absorbed. Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Protection from Elements.png
Protection from Elements Grants temporary immunity to five forms of energy damage for 1 minute per caster level, or until 12 points of energy per caster level (Maximum 120 points at caster level 10) for each energy type has been absorbed. Protects against: Acid, Cold, Lightning, Fire and Sonic. Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Sp rgr protectionfromenergy selector.png
Protection from Energy Protection from Energy grants temporary immunity to one chosen type of energy you specify when you cast it (Acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic.) for 1 minute per caster level, or until 12 points of energy per caster level (Maximum caster level 10.) from the chosen kind of energy type has been absorbed. Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png Icon Feat Past Life Ranger.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Sp rgr resistenergy selector.png
Resist Energy Grants a creature limited resistance from an elemental damage of whichever one of five energy types you select: acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The creature gains energy resistance 10 against the energy type chosen, meaning that each time the creature is subjected to such damage (whether from a natural or magical source.), that damage is reduced by 10 points before being applied to the creature’s hit points. The value of the energy resistance granted increases to 20 points at 7th level, and to a maximum of 30 points at 11th level. Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png Icon Feat Past Life Paladin.png Icon Feat Past Life Ranger.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Scorch A jet of roaring flame bursts from your outstretched hand, dealing 1d6+2 fire damage per caster level (maximum 10d6+20 at caster level 10) to targets in its path. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Scorching Ray Blasts a target with fiery rays, each doing 4d3+12 fire damage on impact. The number of rays increases to two at caster level 7, then to to a maximum of three at caster level 11. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Symbol of Flame You scribe a potent rune of power in the air, and it's activated by an enemy who comes into range of it dealing 5d3+15 fire damage to that target. A successful Reflex save reduces damage by half. The symbol dissolves 20 seconds after being triggered, or in 5 minutes otherwise. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Tactical Detonation.png
Tactical Detonation Causes an unstable ball of plasma to streak towards your enemy. The ball explodes on impact, knocking enemies to the ground and dealing 1d6+3 fire damage per caster level (a successful Reflex save reduces the fire damage by half and negates the knockdown effect) and 1d6+3 force damage per caster level (no save) to targets in the area. Icon Feat Past Life Artificer.png
Icon Vial Smash Fire.png
Vial Smash: Fire Conjuring a bottle of burning liquid, you throw a projectile at your feet that deals 2 to 7 Fire damage per caster level, max caster level 5.

DND Dice: Deals 1d6+1 fire damage per caster level (max 5d6+5 at caster level 5). A successful reflex save reduces damage by half.

Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
Icon Vial of Flame.png
Vial of Flame Conjuring a bottle of burning liquid, you throw a projectile at a single target foe that deals 3 to 8 Fire damage per caster level, max caster level 10.

DND Dice: Deals 1d6+2 fire damage per caster level (max 10d6+20 at caster level 10). A successful relfex save reduces damage by half.

Icon Feat Past Life Alchemist.png
Wall of Fire This wall deals 2d6 points of fire damage plus 1 point of fire damage per caster level (Maximum caster level 15.) to targets within the wall, and does 2d6 additional fire damage against Undead creatures. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png

See also[edit]

Monster DR and weaknesses