Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.

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Enchantment spells affect the minds of others, influencing or controlling their behavior.

All enchantments are mind-affecting spells. Two types of enchantment spells grant you influence over a subject creature.


A charm spell changes how the subject views you, typically making it see you as a good friend.


A compulsion spell forces the subject to act in some manner or changes the way its mind works. Some compulsion spells determine the subject’s actions or the effects on the subject, some compulsion spells allow you to determine the subject’s actions when you cast the spell, and others give you ongoing control over the subject.

Spells per Class and Level[edit]

Artificer Bard Cleric Favored Soul Paladin Ranger Sorcerer/Wizard Total
Level 1 0 5 3 3 1 0 3 15
Level 2 0 5 2 2 0 1 3 13
Level 3 0 4 2 2 1 0 5 14
Level 4 0 3 1 1 2 0 2 9
Level 5 0 3 1 1 0 0 4 9
Level 6 0 2 1 1 0 0 3 7
Level 7 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 6
Level 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3
Level 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2
Total 0 22 11 11 4 1 30 79


Name Description Classes
Alc Art Brd Clr Drd FvS Pal Rgr Sor Wiz War
Aid, Mass This spell functions like Aid, except that it affects multiple targets and each target gains temporary hit points equal to 8+1 per caster level (Maximum caster level 15.) temporary hit points and a +1 morale bonus to attack and saves versus fear. Aid, Mass will not stack with Bless. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png
Aid This spell grants 8 plus 1 per caster level temporary hit points (max 18 at caster level 10), and a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saves versus fear. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png
Sp drd animaltrance.png
Animal Trance Fascinates nearby Animals, Magical Beasts, and Vermin, causing them to stop and stare blankly until damaged. A successful Will save negates this effect. Creatures targeted by this effect have their will save momentarily weakened (-3 to will). Mindless targets cannot save, but the duration is halved. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Bane Bane fills your enemies with fear and doubt. Each affected creature takes a -1 penalty on attack rolls and a -1 penalty on saving throws against fear effects. Bane counters and dispels Bless. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Icon bless.png
Bless You and any allies near you are filled with courage and gain +1 morale bonuses to attack rolls and saving throws against fear, with an additional +1 per 5 caster levels, max 5 at caster level 20. Bless counters and dispels Bane. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png Icon Feat Past Life Paladin.png
Charm Animal.png
Charm Animal Charms a hostile Animal, Magical Beast, or Vermin, which will fight as a trusted friend and ally. Charmed animals get an additional save every 15 to 30 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. Mindless targets cannot save, but the duration is halved. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png Icon Feat Past Life Ranger.png
Charm Monster This spell functions like Charm Person, except that the effect is not restricted by creature type. Monsters that fail its Will save are charmed and get additional saves every 3d6+12 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Charm Person Charms an enemy humanoid, which then fights as an ally. Charmed humanoids get an additional saving throw every 3d6+12 seconds. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Command You give the target a single command, causing it to fall to the ground and become Prone for 6 seconds. A successful Will save negates. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png
Crushing Despair An invisible sphere of despair causes great sadness in the subjects. Each affected creature takes a -2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. A successful Will save negates this effect. In addition all targets within the area of effect suffer a will save penalty for 16 seconds regardless of whether a target makes their saving throw (applies Vulnerable - Will effect). Crushing Despair counters and dispels Good Hope. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Daze Monster Dazes an enemy so that it takes no actions for 6 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. Targets of this spell have their will weakened against future mental attacks for 16 seconds even if they success against the Will save (applies Vulnerable - Will effect). Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Deep Slumber This area of effect spell functions like Sleep (spell), inducing a magical slumber, sending a group of enemies to sleep (which renders them helpless) until damaged or for a duration of 20 seconds + 2 per caster level (no maximum). Ineffective on Undead, Constructs, Elves and other creatures immune to sleep. A successful will save negates this effect. Also allows a recurring will save to negate the effect every 12 seconds. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Icon Dominate Animal.png
Dominate Animal Telepathically controls the actions of an Animal, Magical Beast, or Vermin, causing it to change sides. Dominate acts like Charm, with additional Will saves every 15 to 30 seconds, but the creature will follow you throughout the dungeon. Mindless targets receive no save, but the duration is halved. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Dominate Monster Telepathically controls the actions of a living enemy that fails its Will save, causing it to change sides. Dominate acts like Charm Monster, but the target only gains an additional Will saving throw every 15 to 30 seconds. The creature has less chance to break free and will follow you throughout the dungeon. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Dominate Person Telepathically controls the actions of a humanoid enemy, causing it to change sides. Dominate acts like Charm Person, except the creature will have blue graphic above it's head, and will follow you throughout the dungeon. This spell allows a recurring Will saves every 15 to 30 seconds to break free. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Feeblemind This spell sets the Intelligence and Charisma of the victim to 1. A successful Will save negates this effect. It is useful to disable a spell caster. The override defeats enhancement bonuses. (So Fox's Cunning cannot temporarily bring the victim up to 5.) Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Focusing Chant You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and skill checks. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png
Good Hope This area of effect spell instills powerful hope to the recipients, granting a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls. Counters and dispels Crushing Despair. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png
Greater Command Enemies are commanded to fall to the ground and lie prone. A successful Will save negates this effect. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png
Greater Heroism This spell imbues a single ally creature with great bravery and morale in battle. The target gains a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks. The target also receives temporary hit points equal to the caster level and immunity to fear. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Heroism This spell imbues a single ally creature with great bravery and morale in battle. The target gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Sp rgr holdanimal.png
Hold Animal An Animal, Magical Beast, or Vermin becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware, but it can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. A successful Will save negates. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 6 seconds. Mindless targets cannot save, but the duration is halved. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png Icon Feat Past Life Ranger.png
Hold Monster, Mass As Hold Monster, but for multiple targets. Enemies that fail its Will save become held in place and are thus considered helpless for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Hold Monster This spell functions like Hold Person affecting any living creature that fails its Will save. The enemy is aware, but it can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Hold Person, Mass Casts Hold Person on multiple targets. Affected enemies that fail his will save become held and can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new will save every 3 seconds. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Hold Person The enemy humanoid becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware, but it can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. A successful Will save negates this effect. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. Humanoids include Kobolds, Goblinoids, player races except for Warforged, and more creatures. Attacks against a held opponent no longer result in automatic critical hits but rather follow the rules of helpless opponents. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Icon Howl of Terror.png
Howl of Terror You utter a terrifying howl, filling your foes with a paralyzing fear. Foes around you are paralyzed for 6 to 24 seconds. Does not cause helplessness. Will save negates. Icon Feat Past Life Druid.png
Hypnotism Gestures and droning incantation fascinate nearby enemies, causing them to stop and stare blankly for 6 seconds or until damaged. A successful Will save negates this effect. Creatures targeted by this effect have their will save momentarily weakened (-3 to will) for 8 seconds (Applies Weakened - Will effect). Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Mass Charm Monster A group of enemy monsters are charmed and will fight as trusted friends and allies. Charmed monsters get additional saves every 3d6+12 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Mass Suggestion Casts Suggestion on multiple enemies. The actions of affected enemies are influenced by you, allowing you to suggest that they fight as your allies for 30 + 2 seconds per caster level (no maximum). A successful Will save negates this effect. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Mind Fog Mind Fog produces a bank of mist that weakens the mental resistance of those caught in it. Creatures in the mind fog take a -10 competence penalty on Will saves. A successful Will save negates this effect. (A creature that successfully saves against the fog is not affected and need not make further saves even if it remains in the fog.) Affected creatures take the penalty as long as they remain in the fog. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Otto's Irresistible Dance The Foe feels an undeniable urge to dance and begins doing so, complete with foot shuffling and tapping. The spell effect makes it impossible for the Foe to do anything other than caper and prance in place. It lasts for 5d3+12 seconds (17 to 27 seconds). Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Otto's Resistible Dance At your touch, the enemy feels an undeniable urge to dance, that prevents it from doing anything else. A successful Will save negates this effect. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Otto's Sphere of Dancing A magical sphere that compels all enemies who enter it to dance. A successful Will save negates this effect. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Power Word: Blind A single word of power is uttered, causing your target to become Blinded. Creatures are Blinded for at least 6+6d4 seconds, and players are Blinded for at least 4+1d6 seconds. Creatures with more than 100,000 Hit Points are unaffected by Power Word: Blind. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Power Word: Kill You utter a single word of power that instantly kills one creature of your choice, whether the creature can hear the word or not. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Power Word: Stun A single word of power is uttered, causing your target to become stunned. Creatures with 150 or fewer current HP are stunned for 12 to 24 seconds, creatures with 151 to 300 HP are stunned for 10 to 16 seconds, and creatures with 301 HP or more are stunned for 8 seconds. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Sp prayer.png
Prayer Gives special favor to you and any allies near you, giving a +1 luck bonus to allies and a -1 penalty to enemies attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, with this buff and debuff increasing in magnitude by 1 every 5 caster levels - max total of 5 at caster level 20. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png Icon Feat Past Life Paladin.png
Rage Each affected creature in the area of effect gains a +2 morale bonus to Strength and to Constitution, a +1 morale bonus on Will saves, and a -2 penalty to Armor Class. This is a standard aoe spell. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png
Sp recitation.png
Recitation This area of effect spell gives special favor to you and any allies near you, granting a +2 luck bonus to attack rolls, armor class, and saves. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png
Silence Creature.png
Silence Creature Attempt to magically silence one enemy, who must succeed on a Will saving throw or be rendered unable to cast spells for 6 seconds, plus an additional second per caster level. (Maximum Caster Level: 20). Creatures that have been silenced in this manner may attempt to save again every two seconds. Does not affect Bosses or Raid Bosses. Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Sleep Induces an area of effects magical slumber, sending creatures to sleep (which renders them helpless) until attacked. Ineffective on Elves, Undead, Constructs, Ooze or other creatures that do not sleep. A successful Will save negates this effect. Special spell DC = spell's save DC - creature's HD + your caster level. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Suggestion Influences the actions of an enemy, allowing you to suggest it to fight as your ally for 30+2 seconds per caster level. A successful will save negates this effect. Icon Feat Past Life Bard.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Symbol of Persuasion You create a pinkish symbol of power in the air, and it's activated by an enemy who comes into range of it, applying a charm effect to all nearby targets for 6 seconds per caster level. Each target can make a Will save to negate the effect. The symbol dissipates 20 seconds after being triggered, or in 5 minutes otherwise. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Symbol of Stunning You create a symbol of power in the air, and it's activated by a target approaching. All targets entering the area of effect are Dazed (effect may be called stunned, but unlike a real stun this effect does not make the targets helpless) for 6d6 seconds. A successful Will save negates this condition. The symbol dissolves 20 seconds after being triggered, or in 5 minutes otherwise. Icon Feat Past Life Cleric.png Icon Feat Past Life Favored Soul.png Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png
Touch of Idiocy Reduces an enemy's mental faculties, giving a 1d6 penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores. Also briefly renders your target vulnerable to future mental attacks (Will -5) for 15 seconds. Target's Abilities scores may not be reduced to less than 1. Icon Feat Past Life Sorcerer.png Icon Feat Past Life Wizard.png Icon Feat Past Life Warlock.png