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Stormsinger spells

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Stormsinger Spells List[edit]

Stormsingers cast arcane spells. This includes spells that are otherwise limited to divine casters, such as the Cure line.

Consult the table below to know the number of Stormsinger spells available per spell level, and per spell school.

  Abjuration Conjuration Divination Enchantment Evocation Illusion Necromancy Transmutation Total
Level 1 13252113 18
Level 2 03052323 18
Level 3 22141112 14
Level 4 25032000 12
Level 5 12031100 8
Level 6 03022003 10
Total 6 18 3 22 10 6 4 11 80

Level 1[edit]

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Remove Fear Abjuration Instills courage in an ally, granting a +4 morale bonus against fear effects for 10 minutes. This area of effects spell counters and dispels Cause Fear.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon curelightwounds.png
Cure Light Wounds Conjuration (Healing) Positive energy heals an ally for 1d6+2 plus 1 per caster level (Maximum caster level 5.) hit points, or deals the same amount of damage to an undead creature. (A Will save reduces this damage by half.)
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Grease Conjuration Covers the ground with a 10 ft. square layer of slippery grease, forcing targets to make a Reflex save or fall. (Affects party members.) Sometimes it deals 2d6 fire damage per 2 caster levels to all enemies of the caster in the grease every few seconds, as well as the caster of the Grease spell. A successful Reflex save will reduce this damage by half.
Eq comp brd level 01.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Summon Monster I Conjuration Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Brown Spider, Celestial Dog, Giant Rat to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane.
Eq comp brd level 01.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Detect Secret Doors Divination Reveals secret and hidden doors.
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Master's Touch Divination Enchants the items currently equipped in the target's right and left hands to grant their wielder proficiency if the items are simple or martial weapons, or shields, and lasts until the target rests.
Charm Person Enchantment Charms an enemy humanoid, which will fight as a trusted friend and ally. Charmed humanoids get an additional saving throw every 3d6+12 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. Humanoids include kobolds, goblinoids, player races except for warforged, and more creatures
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Focusing Chant Enchantment You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls and skill checks, 30+6 seconds per caster level.
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Hypnotism Enchantment Gestures and droning incantation fascinate nearby enemies, causing them to stop and stare blankly until damaged. A successful Will save negates this effect. Hypnotism confers a -3 Will Save on all targets for 15 seconds, even if the targets make their save.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Otto's Resistible Dance Enchantment At your touch forces one Foe to dance, preventing it from doing anything else. A successful Will save negates this effect.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Sleep Enchantment Induces a magical slumber, rendering creatures Helpless until attacked. Ineffective on Undead, Constructs, or Oozes. A successful Will save negates this effect. (DC = spell's save DC - creature's HD + your caster level)
Eq comp brd level 01.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Shocking Grasp Evocation (Electricity) Delivers a jolt of 1d6+2 electricity damage per caster level (Maximum damage 5d6+10.) to any enemy you touch.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Sonic Blast Evocation
Blasts an enemy with loud high-pitched sounds, dealing 1d6+1 per caster level. (Maximum damage 10d6+10.) The target must make a successful Will save to avoid be Dazed for a short period of time, or until they take damage.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Color Spray icon.png
Color Spray Illusion Enemies are sprayed with illusions of color, and must make a Will save or be Dazed, Blinded, and/or Silenced. The target must make a saving throw for each effect.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Cause Fear Necromancy If the target fails a Will save acquires the condition Cowering, otherwise it becomes Shaken.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Expeditious Retreat Transmutation Increases base run speed by 25% for 1 minute per caster level.
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Feather Fall Transmutation Causes an ally to fall slowly, although faster than feathers typically do.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Sp rgr merfolksblessing.png
Merfolk's Blessing Transmutation Gives an ally a +10 enhancement bonus on Swim plus 1 for every 2 caster levels beyond 1st.
Eq comp brd level 01.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png

Level 2[edit]

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Sp curemoderatewounds.png
Cure Moderate Wounds Conjuration (Healing) Positive energy heals an ally for 2d6+4 plus 1 per caster level (Maximum caster level 10.) hit points, or deals the same amount of damage to an undead creature. (A Will save reduces this damage by half.)
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Glitterdust Conjuration A cloud of golden particles covers everything in an area, causing targets to become Blinded and outlining Invisible creatures. (-40 to Hide checks, and visually affects party members.) A successful Will save negates Blinded.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Summon Monster II Conjuration Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Black Widow, Fiendish Bat, Fiendish Monstrous Scorpion to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Daze Monster Enchantment Clouds the mind of an enemy so that it takes no actions for 6 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect. It weakens the will save for a brief period of time even in a successful save.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Heroism Enchantment This spell imbues a single ally creature with great bravery and morale in battle. The target gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and skill checks.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Hold Person Enchantment The enemy humanoid becomes paralyzed and freezes in place. It is aware, but it can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. A successful Will save negates this effect. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds. Humanoids include Kobolds, Goblinoids, player races except for Warforged, and more creatures. Attacks against a held opponent are treated as if the opponent is helpless.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Rage Enchantment This area of effect spell grants to targets +2 morale bonus to Strength and to Constitution, +1 morale bonus on will saves, and a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The spell's duration is 60 + 6 seconds per caster level.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Suggestion Enchantment Influences the actions of an enemy, allowing you to suggest it to fight as your ally for 30+2 seconds per caster level. A successful will save negates this effect.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Electric Loop Evocation
Zap one or more targets for 1d3+3 electrical damage per two caster levels (Maximum damage 5d3+15.), then may leap erratically about to other nearby targets hitting each of them with a similar shock. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. On a failed Reflex save, the target must make a successful Will save to avoid be Dazed for a short period of time or until takes damage.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Soundburst Evocation
A tremendous cacophony creates a burst area of effect dealing to every creature 1d6+1 per caster level points of sonic damage,(Max of 15d6+15), and each creature must succeed on a fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 6 seconds.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Blur Illusion An ally's outline becomes slightly blurred, granting a 20% miss chance on attacks against the ally.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Hypnotic Pattern Illusion A twisting pattern of subtle, shifting colors weaves through the air, fascinating targets within it. A successful will save negates this effect. It weakens the will save by 3 for a brief period of time even in a successful save. The spell's duration is 30 seconds.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Invisibility Illusion This spell renders a creature invisible for 1 minute per caster level. Attacking a target, or using an object (door, lever, etc.) removes this condition.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Blindness Necromancy Renders an enemy blinded. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Scare Necromancy This spell functions like Cause Fear on multiple targets. Affected enemies become frightened. A successful Will save causes the target to become Shaken instead.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Sp rgr catsgrace.png
Cat's Grace Transmutation An ally gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity for 1 minute per caster level.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon eaglessplendor.png
Eagle's Splendor Transmutation An ally gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma for 1 minute per caster level.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Fox's Cunning Transmutation An ally gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence for 1 minute per caster level.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png

Level 3[edit]

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Sp dispelmagic.png
Dispel Magic Abjuration Removes ongoing spells that have been cast on a target, on a successful caster level check 1d20+caster level (Maximum caster level 10.) of DC 11+spell's caster level. In addition, this spell can be used to sever the connection between a summoner and his or her summoned monster, causing the summoned creature to attack unpredictably, possibly turning on its summoner.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Sp removecurse.png
Remove Curse Abjuration Removes all curses on an ally. Counters and dispels Bestow Curse.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Sp cureseriouswounds.png
Cure Serious Wounds Conjuration (Healing) Positive energy heals an ally for 3d6+6 plus 1 per caster level (Maximum caster level 15.) hit points, or deals the same amount of damage to an undead creature. (A Will save reduces this damage by half.)
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Summon Monster III Conjuration Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Winter Wolf, Air Mephit, Hellhound to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
See Invisibility Divination Reveals Invisible creatures, or objects.
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Charm Monster Enchantment An enemy monster is charmed and will fight as a trusted friend and ally. Charmed monsters get additional saves every 3d6+12 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Crushing Despair Enchantment An invisible cone of despair gives the targets -2 penalties to attack, saving throws, skill checks and weapon damage. A successful Will save negates this effect. This spell also applies a Weaken Will effect on all targets (-5 to will save for 15 seconds) whether they succeed or fail their saving throw.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Deep Slumber Enchantment This area of effect spell functions like Sleep (spell), inducing a magical slumber, sending a group of enemies to sleep (which renders them helpless) until attacked or for a duration of 20 + 2 seconds per caster level (no maximum). Ineffective on Undead, Constructs, Elves and other creatures immune to sleep. A successful will save negates this effect.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Good Hope Enchantment This area of effect spell instills powerful hope to the recipient, granting a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and weapon damage rolls.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Lightning Bolt Evocation (Electricity) Deals 1d6+3 per caster level (Maximum damage 10d6+30.) electricity damage to each target in its path. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half. Has a 50% chance to fork, hitting affected targets a second time with another reflex save allowed to halve the damage from the second bolt.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Displacement Illusion An ally creature's outline becomes blurred, giving enemies a 50% miss chance when attacking.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Fear Necromancy An area of effect of terror in the shape of a cone causes each living enemy in an area to become panicked. A successful will save causes enemies to become shaken. Creatures that fail their save are also slowed 35% by necrotic energy.
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Haste Transmutation Quickens allies (32% enhancement bonus to run speed), causing them to attack 15% faster than normal (15% enhancement bonus to attack speed). In addition the recipient gains a +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls, plus a +1 dodge bonus to AC and Reflex saves.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Slow Transmutation Creatures in the affected area of effect are slowed. Slowed creatures move at 50% speed, a 30% penalty to attack speed, a -1 penalty to Attack rolls, Armor Class, and Reflex saves. A successful will save negates this effect.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png

Level 4[edit]

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Sp breakenchantment.png
Break Enchantment Abjuration Affected allies in an area are freed from enchantments, transmutations, and curses. Enemies have beneficial effects removed. Must succeed on a check of 1d20+your caster level (Maximum caster level 15.) versus 11+the spell's caster level to remove an effect.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Sp rgr freedomofmovement.png
Freedom of Movement Abjuration This spell enables an ally to move and attack normally for the duration of the spell, even under the influence of magic or conditions that normally impedes movement, such as Entangled, Paralyzed, or Solid Fog.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Cure Critical Wounds Conjuration (Healing) Positive energy heals an ally for 4d6+8 plus 1 per caster level (Maximum caster level 20.) hit points, or deals the same amount of damage to an undead creature. (A Will save reduces this damage by half.)
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Dimension Door Conjuration Creates a door of magical energy in a dungeon or adventure area. Any member of your party may use the door to return to the inside entrance of the area. The magical door disappears once the caster passes through it.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Sp neutralizepoison.png
Neutralize Poison Conjuration (Healing) Detoxifies any sort of venom in an ally, causing him to suffer no additional effects from the Poison. Additionally, it immunizes the ally from any Poison he is exposed to during the duration of the spell.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Sleet Storm Conjuration
Driving sleet blocks all sight (Attackers are Blinded.), and causes the ground around the target to become icy, slowing targets within it by 50%. The knockdown/slippery part of this spell affects party members too.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Summon Monster IV Conjuration Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Fiendish Monstrous Spider, Greater Ice Mephit, Lantern Archon to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Dominate Person Enchantment You can control the actions of any humanoid creature that fails its Will save through a telepathic link that you establish with the subject’s mind. Dominate acts like Charm Person, with additional Will saves every 15 to 30 seconds, but the creature will follow you throughout the dungeon.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Hold Monster Enchantment This spell functions like Hold Person, except that it affects any living creature that fails its Will save. The enemy is aware, but it can take no actions for a maximum of 6 seconds per caster level. The enemy may attempt to make a new Will save every 3 seconds.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Otto's Sphere of Dancing Enchantment A magical sphere that compels all enemies who enter it to dance. A successful Will save negates this effect.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Ball Lightning Evocation
Launches one 3 feet sphere of lightning, dealing 1d6+5 electrical damage per caster level. (Maximum damage 15d6+75.) A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Shout Evocation
Emits an ear-splitting yell that does 1d6+3 sonic damage per caster level (max CL 15) to all targets in its path. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png

Level 5[edit]

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Greater Dispel Magic Abjuration Removes ongoing spells that have been cast on a target. You must make a caster level check of 1d20+your caster level (Maximum caster level 20.) of DC 11+spell's caster level to remove an effect. In addition, this spell can be used to sever the connection between a summoner and his or her summoned monster, causing the summoned creature to attack unpredictably, possibly turning on its summoner.

If cast on a spell ward trap, this spell will reduce the level of the trap by 1 to 4 (1d4 levels). If the level of the trap is reduced to 0, the trap is disabled.

Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Cure Light Wounds, Mass Conjuration (Healing) Casts Cure Light Wounds on multiple targets. Positive energy is channeled to heal light wounds of allies or damage undead for 1d6+2 plus 1 per caster level (Maximum caster level 25.) hit points, or deals the same amount of damage to an undead creature. (A Will save reduces this damage by half.)
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Summon Monster V Conjuration Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Bearded Devil, Medium Earth Elemental, Umbral Worg to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time.

Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane.

Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Greater Heroism Enchantment This spell imbues a single ally creature with great bravery and morale in battle. The target gains a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks. The target also receives temporary hit points equal to the caster level and immunity to fear.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Suggestion, Mass Enchantment Casts Suggestion on multiple enemies. The actions of affected enemies are influenced by you, allowing you to suggest that they fight as your allies for 6 seconds per caster level. A successful Will save negates this effect.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Mind Fog Enchantment Produces a bank of thin mist that weakens the mental resistance of those caught in it, giving a -10 competence penalty to Will saves. A successful Will save negates this effect.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Chain Lightning Evocation
An electrical discharge strikes a primary target for 1d6+6 electrical damage per caster level (maximum damage 20d6+120 at caster level 20), then arcs to other nearby targets hitting each of them with a similar lightning bolt. A successful Reflex save reduces the damage by half.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Shadow Walk Illusion Transports you to the edge of the Material Plane where it borders the Plane of Shadow. While this spell is active, you move 50% faster than normal, and your outline appears faint and you are harder to hit. Attacking another creature, or otherwise interacting with objects shunts you back to the Material Plane.
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png

Level 6[edit]

Icon Name School Description S.C. Metamagic Feats
Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass Conjuration (Healing) Casts Cure Moderate Wounds on multiple targets. Positive energy is channeled to heal moderate wounds of allies or damage undead for 2d6+4 plus 1 per caster level (Maximum caster level 30.) hit points, or deals the same amount of damage to an undead creature. (A Will save reduces this damage by half.)
Icon Feat Empower Healing Spell.png
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Heroes' Feast Conjuration Brings forth a great feast for all nearby allies. While this spell is active on someone, the next time they use a rest shrine they consume the feast. The nectar like beverage which is part of the feast cures them of all Diseases, Nauseated, and Sickened, makes them immune to Poison for 1 minute per caster level, and grants 1d8 temporary Hit Points plus 1 per 2 caster levels. (Maximum caster level 20.) The ambrosial food that is consumed grants each creature that partakes a +1 morale bonus on Attack rolls, Will saves, and immunity to fear for 1 minute per caster level.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Summon Monster VI Conjuration Summons 1 Monster from 3 choices: Eladrin Bralani, Fiendish Troll, Large Water Elemental to fight for you for 10 minutes. You can only have 1 summoned creature of any type serving you at a time. Summoning a new creature of any type will return the previous one to its home plane.
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Charm Monster, Mass Enchantment A group of enemy monsters are charmed and will fight as trusted friends and allies. Charmed monsters get additional saves every 3d6+12 seconds. A successful Will save negates this effect.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Otto's Irresistible Dance Enchantment This spell makes it impossible for the enemy to do anything other than caper and prance in place.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Greater Shout Evocation
Emits an ear-splitting yell that deafens and deals 1d6+3 sonic damage per caster level to a max of 20d6+60 and stuns targets in its path. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage and negates stun.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Heighten Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Thunderstroke Evocation (Electricity) Calls forth a tremendous bolt of lightning and thunder, which strikes your chosen target for 28 to 33 damage for every caster level up to 20. A successful reflex save reduces damage by half.
Icon Feat Empower Spell.png
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Maximize Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Icon Intensify Spell.png
Icon Embolden Spell.png
Cat's Grace, Mass Transmutation Casts Cat's Grace on multiple targets, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity to each of them for 1 minute per caster level.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Eagle's Splendor, Mass Transmutation Casts Eagle's Splendor on multiple targets, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma to each of them for 1 minute per caster level.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png
Fox's Cunning, Mass Transmutation Casts Fox's Cunning on multiple targets, giving a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence to each of them for 1 minute per caster level.
Icon Feat Enlarge Spell.png
Icon Feat Extend Spell.png
Icon Feat Quicken Spell.png