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Greater Dispel Magic
Name: | Greater Dispel Magic |
School: | Abjuration |
Spell Level: | Brd 5, Blc 6, Clr 6, DarkA 6, Drd 6, FvS 6, Sor/Wiz 6, Storm 5, Wild 6 |
Special: | Wlk 4 (Fey pact only) |
Components: | VerbalVerbal: A verbal component is a spoken incantation. You cannot cast spells that require this component if you cannot act or speak. Certain rare spells, such as Silence Creature, may temporarily disable spells that require verbal components., SomaticSomatic: A somatic component is a measured and precise movement of the hand. You cannot cast spells that require this component if you cannot move causing arcane spell failure resulting in a ruined spell. Spells without a somatic component may be used with disregard to Arcane Spell Failure chance. Note - that characters make the same arm gestures for most spells in DDO, so you can't tell which spells require this component by watching your character's animations. |
Spell Point Cost: | 30 |
Metamagic: | Enlarge, Quicken |
Target: | Friend, Self, Foe |
Range: | Standard |
Duration: | Instantaneous |
Saving Throw: | 11+spell's caster level |
Spell Resistance: | No |
Cooldown: | 5 seconds (Wiz/Clr/Brd), 2.75 (Sor) |
Removes ongoing spell effects that are on a target. You must make a caster level check of 1d20 + your caster level (max caster level 20) versus 11 + spell's caster level to remove an effect. If cast on a spell ward trap, this spell will reduce the trap's level by 10d3 levels. If the level of the trap is reduced to 0, the trap is disabled. This spell can be used to sever the connection between a summoner and his or her summoned monster, causing the summoned creature to attack unpredictably, possibly turning on its summoner.
- The number of decreased spell ward's levels was increased in Update 47 and the description was not updated.
- Some spell effects, as detailed in their descriptions, can’t be defeated by dispel magic. (Bestow curse is an important such example.) Dispel magic can dispel spell-like abilities (SLAs) just as it does spells.
- Spell Ward Traps can be disabled with multiple castings of the spell against it; 2 castings back-to-back is typically enough to destroy most known spell ward traps even on Epic level missions.
- Lowering the level of Spell Wards will reduce the damage they do, the save required for them, and the disable check required to disable them.
- Frederik Star <Arcane Scroll Vendor - Level 6-7> found in Object Desire in House Phiarlan
- ML: 9, CL: 11, UMD: 40, Base value: 165ppPlatinum Piece
- Heather Holywind <Arcane Scroll Vendor - Level 6-7> found in The Portable Hole in Teleport
- ML: 9, CL: 11, UMD: 40, Base value: 165ppPlatinum Piece
- Offensive spells
- Abjuration spells
- Bard spells/Level 5
- Blightcaster spells/Level 6
- Cleric spells/Level 6
- Dark Apostate spells/Level 6
- Druid spells/Level 6
- Favored Soul spells/Level 6
- Sorcerer / Wizard spells/Level 6
- Stormsinger spells/Level 5
- Wild Mage spells/Level 6
- Warlock spells
- Spells with a Verbal component
- Spells with a Somatic component
- Spells with Enlarge
- Spells with Quicken
- Spells with no SR