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Fury of the Wild

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Draconic Incarnation
Magus of the Eclipse
Divine Crusader
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Exalted Angel
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Unyielding Sentinel
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Grandmaster of Flowers
Legendary dreadnought.png
Legendary Dreadnought
Fury of the wild.png
Fury of the Wild
Primal avatar.png
Primal Avatar
Shiradi champion.png
Shiradi Champion

Fury of the Wild[edit]

U51 Fury of the Wild.png


Overview: Fury provides damage and some durability supported by regeneration with a primary focus on melee builds that use two handed weapons, duel wield, animal forms and razor claw.

Core Abilities[edit]

Die Hard.png
Die Hard: You gain the Diehard feat. Each Core ability in this tree, including this one, grants the following:
  • +25 Maximum Hit Points
  • +5 Melee Power
  • +5 Ranged Power
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 Requires: None
Die Hard.png
Die Harder: +100 Unconsciousness Range.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: Progression: 5 Requires: Die Hard, Character Level 23
Die Hard.png
Die Hardest: +250 Unconsciousness Range.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Die Harder, Character Level 26
Die Hard.png
Be the Whirlwind: Using any of the feats Trip, Improved Trip, or Whirlwind Attack, or Quick Cutter causes a whirlwind of force to burst from you striking nearby enemies for 1d10 bludgeon damage per character level. Scales with 200% Melee Power. Improved Trip also causes all affected enemies to be tripped unless they succeed at a balance check (DC equal to Improved Trip).
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Third core, Level 32

Tier 1 (Requires Character Level 20)[edit]

U51 Acute Senses.png
Acute Senses: +2/4/6 Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saving Throws vs. Traps. Rank 3: You dodge is increased by 1%.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 0 Requires: None
U51 Adrenaline.png
Epic Strike: Multiselector:
  • U51 Adrenaline.png Adrenaline (Epic Strike): Your next melee attack deals +25/50/75% damage, and increases your critical threat by 16. Requires a melee weapon to use. Cooldown: 9 seconds. (Note: if you have core 1 from Ravager enhancements, rolling a 1 while under the effect of Adrenaline grants the +1 rage bonus to atk/dmg, even if you are not raging. Damage increase seems to also apply to stat damage from melee attacks such as Cruel Cut)
  • Quick Cutter.png Quick Cutter: Cleave Melee Attack (Epic Strike) Deals +10%/+20%/+30% Damage. +1/+2/+3 Critical Threat Range. This attack strikes all enemies around you twice. When you activate this ability, you gain Quick if you successfully strike a target, and all enemies hit gain Cutter.
    • Quick: +6% Dodge. Duration: 9 seconds.
    • Cutter: 3d6 Slash damage per Character Level every 2 seconds. Stacks 3 times, scales with 200% Melee Power. Duration: 8 seconds.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 0 Requires: None
Savage Takedown.png
Savage Takedown: +1/2/3 to Trip DCs. Rank 3: While wearing Medium or Light Armor, additional bonuses to +3 to Trip DCs.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 0 Requires: None
U51 Mantle of Fury.png
Mantle of Fury: Fury of the Wild Destiny Mantle: You deal +3/6/9% damage against helpless targets. You also gain 2/4/6d10 Positive Energy Healing every 15 seconds. This healing scales with the highest of 100% Positive Spell Power or 200% Melee Power.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 0 Requires: None
U51 Enduring.png
Enduring: +2/4/6 Physical Resistance Rating.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 0 Requires: None

Tier 2 (Requires Character Level 20, 5 points spent in tree)[edit]

Speed or Strength.png
Speed or Strength: Multiselector:
  • Speed or Strength.png Fast and Furious: Melee Charge Attack: Deals +10%/+20%/+30% Damage. +1/+2/+3 Critical Multiplier. Rush forward and strike your enemies! Rank 3: On Use, if you are raging, the cooldown on this ability is reset, allowing you to use it a second time immediately. This may only trigger once every 10 seconds. Cooldown: 12 seconds.
  • Speed or Strength.png Boulder's Might: Melee Attack: Deals +50% Damage. +0/1/2 Critical Multiplier. Requires you to be fighting in Two Handed Fighting style (using a Two Handed Weapon while not Natural Fighting) to use. Cooldown 6 seconds.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: None
Fear my Vengeance.png
Fear my Vengeance: +1/2/3 damage to Shaken and Feared enemies.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: None
Im Always Angry.png
I'm Always Angry: You gain the Barbarian Rage feat. +1/2/3 uses of Rage.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 Requires: None
U51 Primal Scream.png
Primal Scream: Nearby Enemies take 1d20 Sonic damage per character level and are Shaken for 30 seconds. This damage scales the highest of 200% with Melee Power or 100% Sonic Spellpower. You and your allies gain a +2 Morale bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution for 5 minutes. The Morale bonus cannot be refreshed until the previous one expires. Cooldown: 30 seconds.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: None
Gird against Demons.png
Gird against Demons: Weapons you wield bypass Cold Iron damage reduction.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: None

Tier 3 (Requires Character Level 23, 10 points spent in tree)[edit]

U51 Sense Weakness.png
Sense Weakness: Sense Weakness +2/4/6% Fortification Bypass. Your Fury of the Wild Destiny Mantle grants you an additional 3/6/9% damage to helpless targets.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: Mantle of Fury
Wild Weapons Strikethrough.png
Wild Weapons: Multiselector:
  • Wild Weapons Doublestrike.png Doublestrike: +1/2/3% Doublestrike Chance
  • Wild Weapons Off Hand Strike.png Offhand Strike Chance: +3/6/10% Offhand strike Chance
  • Wade Through Strikethrough.png Strikethrough: +5/10/15% Strikethrough Chance
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: None
Eternal Rage.png
Eternal Rage: If you are not Raging and are currently out of Rage charges, you have a 1/2/3% chance to gain 1 charge of Rage whenever you strike a foe.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: None
Force Selector.png
Fury Selector: Multi Selector:
  • Force of Fury.png Furious: +1/2/3 Strength while Raging. Increases Adrenaline damage bonus by 25/50/75%.
  • Spirit of the Beast.png Spirit of the Beast: +2/3/4 attack bonus. Rank 3: The effects of Ram's Might and Animal Growth spells cast on you are doubled.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: None
Embrace the Pain.png
Embrace the Pain: When you drop below 15/25/40% HP, you immediately heal 2d10 Positive Energy Healing, and continue to do so every 6 seconds until you are over 15/25/40% HP. This healing scales with the highest of 100% Positive Spell Power or 200% Melee Power.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: None

Tier 4 (Requires Character Level 26, 20 points spent in the tree)[edit]

Top Dog.png
Top Dog: You gain the Improved Trip Feat.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: None
Icon Wild Weapons.png
Wilder Weapons: Multiselector:
  • Wade Through Doublestrike.png Doublestrike: +2/4/6% Doublestrike chance
  • Wade Through Off Hand Strike.png Offhand Strike Chance: +3/6/10% Offhand strike chance
  • Wade Through Strikethrough.png Strikethrough: +10/15/25% Strikethrough chance
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 20 Requires: Wild Weapons
The Voice of Fury.png
The Voice of Fury: Doubles the damage and stat bonuses of your Primal Scream. If Adrenaline or Quick is active when you use Primal Scream, the damage is tripled instead, and nearby enemies have a 75% chance of become Confused for 3 seconds, no save. Adrenaline and Quick are consumed.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: None
Force Selector.png
Force Selector: Multiselector:
  • Force of Fury.png Overwhelming Force: Adrenaline now grants an additional 25/50/75% bonus to damage. Rank 3: Foes struck by your Adrenaline attacks are now knocked down for 4 seconds.
  • Spirit of the Beast.png Primal Force: +1/2/4 Attack bonus and 2/4/6% Fortification Bypass. Rank 3: While Two Weapon Fighting or in Animal Form, gain a +2% damage with all attacks.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 20 Requires: Fury Selector
Unquenchable Rage.png
Unquenchable Rage: Reduce all damage taken by 8/12/15% for 5 seconds after you consume a Rage charge or use Primal Scream. Rank 3: You also apply the effects of the Heal spell to yourself which scales with Melee Power.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: None

Tier 5 (Requires Character Level 30, 30 points spent in the tree):[edit]

Lore of the Wilds.png
Lore of the Wilds: Every 2 Wilderness Lore feats now grant a 1% Primal bonus to Maximum Hit Points. Note: actually a 0.5% bonus per Wilderness Lore feat.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: None
Scarred by Chaos.png
Scarred by Chaos: Gain +50 Maximum Hit Points and 10 Physical Resistance Rating. Double these bonuses if have the Harbinger of Chaos Feat.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: None
U51 Unbridled Fury.png
Unbridled Fury (Epic Moment): Cooldown: 5 minutes. For the next 30 seconds: You gain +1000 Unconsciousness Range and 100% Strikethrough. Every 5 seconds you heal for 10% of your max Hit Points, gain the Adrenaline & Quick effects, and the cooldown for the Great Leveler resets.
EDP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: None
Natures Fury.png
Nature’s Fury: While Two Weapon Fighting, Two Handed Fighting, or while in Animal Form, you gain a +1 bonus to your Critical Multiplier on rolls of 19 or 20.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: None
The Great Leveler.png
The Great Leveler: Melee attack: Deals +30%/+40%/+60% Damage. +4/8/16 Critical Threat Range. +500 to Hit. You stop in place to create a shockwave that blasts all enemies in a short line. The size of the line triples if Adrenaline or Quick is active, consuming those effects. Applies a Trip to all enemies struck (DC 20 + Highest of STR/DEX/CON + Trip DCs vs Balance). Targets who make their save are still Tripped for 2 seconds. Cooldown: 20 seconds.
EDP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 30 Requires: None