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Module 3: Demon Sands/5

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In Testing: Upcoming Combat Changes: Melee Combat[edit]

One of the most exciting components of Module 3 is the changes we are making to combat - both ranged and melee. This article takes an in-depth look at the changes we are making to melee combat, while an earlier article on the changes to ranged combat can be found here. We gathered data from several sources ? pure data analysis (DPS etc.), user comments on the forums (especially the feedback Codog solicited on his "Pet Peeves" thread), and our own experiences playing DDO. We ultimately arrived at the changes you see below.

Active combat feats have been greatly improved

There is now a distinct advantage towards using your active combat feats.

  • Active combat feats now are easier to insert into an autoattack chain ? the time delay is smaller and there will be less failures. This also applies to spellcasting and other, similar, actions.
  • Active combat feats now perform the next swing in your attack chain, taking on whatever bonuses/to-hit modifier is intended for those swings. This will allow you to time your active combat feats to receive the best bonus.
  • You can now use your active combat feats at any time ? standing, moving, or jumping.
  • Paladin Alert: All of these improvements also apply to Smite Evil.

The combat delay at the end of combo chains has been removed.

There will no longer be an artificial delay at the end of your swing. Therefore there is no disadvantage towards completing your attack combos. This change will also negate some of the more "creative" ways that people have been using attack combos. On a related note...

Performing non-combat actions will now cause a small delay.

Now, when you perform an action there will now be a small recovery period before you can perform an attack. For example, there is now a one second delay after equipping your sword.

Action boosts will no longer get interrupted by movement

In keeping with a movement-friendly combat style, action boosts no longer force you to stop moving before you can use them.

Tumbling will no longer break your combat chain.

This one essentially speaks for itself - this change helps ensure the usefulness of Tumble.

Moving attacks have been slowed down slightly.

Moving attacks and standing attacks are now on two different speed advancement curves. The difference between standing while attacking and moving while attacking has been evened out bringing combat more in line with pen and paper D&D. Position is still an extremely important part of melee combat, but were trying to account for the fact that having your feet firmly planted on the ground will give your swings extra power while opening your body up to take extra damage.

Dual-wielding has been improved.

First, the speed for dual attacks has been slightly increased. Second, on your second moving attack you will now get both your right-hand attack and your left-hand attack, making dual-wield consistent with the dual-wield standing attack.

You may now perform melee attacks while you are in the air.

In a nutshell ? you can now attack while jumping. That pesky kobold who hopped on top of a crate ? if you jump and swing you now can hit him. That skeleton archer who is a few steps higher than you on the staircase ? you can now take him out. And let's not forget the always annoying barrel on top of a crate. Jump, swing, smash.

Sap has been fixed!

Sap will now properly render your target unconscious (new damage will revive the target). Try it for crowd control!

The artificial delay has been removed from auto-attack

We want you to be able to decide for yourself which play-style suits you the best. While there still is a tactical advantage towards driving your attacks manually, the gap between auto-attack and manual attack has been closed.

You can now map your mouse buttons more flexibly!

When new players enter the game their mouse will now be set to a more traditional MMO scheme. Current players will find a much larger set of options for your mouse controls. You can choose the DDO Classic style, a traditional MMO scheme, or any mix in-between.

Just for Bards

  • The amount of time it takes for Bard's song effects to kick in has been reduced.
  • Movement will no longer interrupt Bard songs.
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