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Flame Blade

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Flame Blade effects
Flame Blade.png
Name: Flame Blade
School: Evocation
Spell Level: Drd 2
Components: SomaticIcon tooltip.pngSomatic: A somatic component is a measured and precise movement of the hand. You cannot cast spells that require this component if you cannot move causing arcane spell failure resulting in a ruined spell. Spells without a somatic component may be used with disregard to Arcane Spell Failure chance. Note - that characters make the same arm gestures for most spells in DDO, so you can't tell which spells require this component by watching your character's animations., VerbalIcon tooltip.pngVerbal: A verbal component is a spoken incantation. You cannot cast spells that require this component if you cannot act or speak. Certain rare spells, such as Silence Creature, may temporarily disable spells that require verbal components., MaterialIcon tooltip.pngMaterial: A material component is one or more physical substances or objects that are annihilated by the spell energies in the casting process. You must have the required items in your inventory. If you run out of the components, the game will not allow you to cast the spell and will instead inform you of what component is missing. The metamagic feat Eschew Materials and some enhancements in Draconic Incarnation can remove this restriction.
Spell Point Cost: 15
Metamagic: Eschew, Quicken
Target: Self
Range: Personal
Duration: 30 minutes
Saving Throw:
Spell Resistance:
Cooldown: 1 second


Summons a scimitar of fire that does fire damage instead of slashing damage, and uses the wielder's Wisdom instead of Strength for determining attack and damage bonuses. The user can choose to summon a single scimitar or two for dual-wielding. At caster level 1, the scimitar has a +1 enhancement bonus and the flaming effect. Every five caster levels it gains a higher enhancement bonus, and the weapon is further improved with additional flaming effects (see below). Flame blade(s) are not a physical weapon but rather pure flame shaped by the caster's will; because of this, it is snuffed out if unequipped.

Flame Blade enchantments by caster level:

Caster Level 1-4:Flame Blade Level 1.png [1d6] + 1 Fire +1 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+1 Enhancement Bonus: +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., FlamebladeIcon tooltip.pngFlameblade: This blade is made of pure fire and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately., Fiery 1Icon tooltip.pngFiery 1: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to burn with enchanted flames, dealing 1d6 Fire damage on each hit.
Caster Level 5-9:Flame Blade Level 5.png [1d6] + 2 Fire +2 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+2 Enhancement Bonus: +2 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., FlamebladeIcon tooltip.pngFlameblade: This blade is made of pure fire and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately., Fiery 2Icon tooltip.pngFiery 2: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to burn with enchanted flames, dealing 2d6 Fire damage on each hit., Flaming Blast 2Icon tooltip.pngFlaming Blast 2: This weapon burns with deadly magical fire, dealing 2d6 Fire damage on a successful hit, and an additional 2d6 Fire damage on a critical hit.
Caster Level 10-14:Flame Blade Level 10.png 1.5[1d6] + 4 Fire +4 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+4 Enhancement Bonus: +4 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., FlamebladeIcon tooltip.pngFlameblade: This blade is made of pure fire and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately., Fiery 3Icon tooltip.pngFiery 3: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to burn with enchanted flames, dealing 3d6 Fire damage on each hit., Flaming Blast 3Icon tooltip.pngFlaming Blast 3: This weapon burns with deadly magical fire, dealing 3d6 Fire damage on a successful hit, and an additional 3d6 Fire damage on a critical hit., IncinerationIcon tooltip.pngIncineration: This weapon stores the power of a raging inferno deep within. Occasionally, this destructive power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with massive fire damage.
Caster Level 15-19:Flame Blade Level 15.png 2[1d6] + 6 Fire +6 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+6 Enhancement Bonus: +6 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., FlamebladeIcon tooltip.pngFlameblade: This blade is made of pure fire and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately., Fiery 4Icon tooltip.pngFiery 4: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to burn with enchanted flames, dealing 4d6 Fire damage on each hit., Flaming Blast 4Icon tooltip.pngFlaming Blast 4: This weapon burns with deadly magical fire, dealing 4d6 Fire damage on a successful hit, and an additional 4d6 Fire damage on a critical hit., IncinerationIcon tooltip.pngIncineration: This weapon stores the power of a raging inferno deep within. Occasionally, this destructive power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with massive fire damage., Blinding EmbersIcon tooltip.png Blinding Embers: This weapon sheds tiny embers that can impair a creatures sight. If you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the target will become blinded by a burst of fiery sparks.
Caster Level 20-24:Flame Blade Level 20.png 3[1d6] + 8 Fire +8 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+8 Enhancement Bonus: +8 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., FlamebladeIcon tooltip.pngFlameblade: This blade is made of pure fire and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately., Fiery 4Icon tooltip.pngFiery 4: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to burn with enchanted flames, dealing 4d6 Fire damage on each hit., Flaming Blast 4Icon tooltip.pngFlaming Blast 4: This weapon burns with deadly magical fire, dealing 4d6 Fire damage on a successful hit, and an additional 4d6 Fire damage on a critical hit., Overwhelming IncinerationIcon tooltip.pngOverwhelming Incineration: This weapon stores the power of a raging inferno deep within. Occasionally, this destructive power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with overwhelming fire damage., Blinding EmbersIcon tooltip.png Blinding Embers: This weapon sheds tiny embers that can impair a creatures sight. If you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the target will become blinded by a burst of fiery sparks.
Caster Level 25-29:Flame Blade Level 25.png 4[1d6] + 10 Fire +10 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+10 Enhancement Bonus: +10 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., FlamebladeIcon tooltip.pngFlameblade: This blade is made of pure fire and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately., Fiery 5Icon tooltip.pngFiery 5: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to burn with enchanted flames, dealing 5d6 Fire damage on each hit., Flaming Blast 5Icon tooltip.pngFlaming Blast 5: This weapon burns with deadly magical fire, dealing 5d6 Fire damage on a successful hit, and an additional 5d6 Fire damage on a critical hit., Overwhelming IncinerationIcon tooltip.pngOverwhelming Incineration: This weapon stores the power of a raging inferno deep within. Occasionally, this destructive power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with overwhelming fire damage., Blinding EmbersIcon tooltip.png Blinding Embers: This weapon sheds tiny embers that can impair a creatures sight. If you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the target will become blinded by a burst of fiery sparks.
Caster Level 30:Flame Blade Level 30.png 5[1d6+2] + 15 Fire +15 Enhancement BonusIcon tooltip.png+15 Enhancement Bonus: +15 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls., FlamebladeIcon tooltip.pngFlameblade: This blade is made of pure fire and is surprisingly light to the touch. It bypasses the Incorporeal chances of Ethereal monsters innately., Fiery 9Icon tooltip.pngFiery 9: This effect causes the edges of this weapon to burn with enchanted flames, dealing 9d6 Fire damage on each hit., Flaming Blast 9Icon tooltip.pngFlaming Blast 9: This weapon burns with deadly magical fire, dealing 9d6 Fire damage on a successful hit, and an additional 9d6 Fire damage on a critical hit., Overwhelming IncinerationIcon tooltip.pngOverwhelming Incineration: This weapon stores the power of a raging inferno deep within. Occasionally, this destructive power comes to the surface, devastating enemies with overwhelming fire damage., Legendary Blinding EmbersIcon tooltip.pngLegendary Blinding Embers: This weapon sheds tiny embers that can impair a creatures sight. If you roll a 20 when attacking and confirm the critical hit, the target will become blinded by a burst of fiery sparks.


  • Warning: Creates no swords at caster level 41.
  • Improved Critical (Slashing) has normal effect with a flame blade, making its critical range 15-20.
  • Dual wielding flame blades does not require Oversized Two Weapon Fighting.
  • This spell does not grant Scimitar weapon proficiency. This may be relevant when casting the spell from a scroll.
  • Because they are an extension of the caster's will, monks may use these weapons without becoming uncentered.
  • If the user casts two flame blades for dual-wielding, and then equips a two-handed weapon, such as a greatsword, the flame blade in the user's main hand will dissipate, but the flame blade in the off-hand will not. In inventory, the off-hand weapon slot will show the flame blade, however, the secondary weapon stats in the Details section will be watermarked as "Occupied"; there will be no off-hand damage as a result. Equipping another one-handed main weapon will allow the remaining flame blade to be used as an off-hand weapon. Casting a single flame blade will keep the off-hand flame blade and will not reset its timer; the main-hand flame blade will be summoned with the usual 30 minute timer. Unequipping the main-hand weapon will automatically move the off-hand flame blade to the main hand. This blade cannot be moved back to the off-hand (although there appears to be a cosmetic bug that will continue to show this moved flame blade in the main hand, both on-screen and in the main-hand inventory slot, even if unequipped).
  • Flame Blades don't benefit from spellpower.
  • Flame Blades do benefit from bonus caster levels. Tested on a fire elemental form druid with red Draconic Knowledge, Elder of Winter and Pendant of the Azure Sky and managed to get the +10 version at level 18. Did not test past level 21 which still had the +10 version of the sword using the druid past life.

See also: