Year of the Dragon: Through 30th October, claim your free Prismatic Dragon Outfit cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Pre release patch 15 feb 2006

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New version coming today! 15-Feb-2006

We're pleased to inform you that we'll be applying the new version today. All servers will come down at 9AM GMT and will remain down for 3 hours. When they come back up, you'll be automatically patched up to our new version. In the meantime, you might like to read the patch notes and known issues here.

Patch Notes:[edit]

Known Issues:[edit]

  1. Preorder Items are tradable to other players OR to vendors. fixed
  2. When a monster dies, unless it has something on its corpse, it's no longer selectable. If a monster does have something on its corpse, you'll be able to retrieve it.fixed
  3. Banned Strings list has not been updated.fixed
  4. A memory bloating issue which can affect server performance over time.fixed
  5. English voiceovers missing from EN-GB build when we tried to turn off the Voiceovers for FR and DE.
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