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In development/Enhancements

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Lamannia Enhancements Preview (more news)
The long awaited enhancement changes are also available with the expansion.

(This portion of the update is available for everyone for free.)

This page lists future enhancements coming to the game. Feel free to contribute by adding your own finds.

Enhancement Pass 2013[edit]

  • The first alpha version of the enhancement changes was put on Lamannia on April, 11th, 2013. The corresponding release notes can be found here.

See the currently available racial and class trees here: Enhancement Alpha.

Design changes in June[edit]

  • You now have access to 6 Class trees and 1 Racial for a total of 7 trees
  • The first Core Enhancement is Required to take the first Enhancement of that Tree
  • Improved Enhancement UI. Core Enhancements are now called out more clearly, and a white box highlights them when they can be taken (like non-Core enhancements have already done)
  • You can now re-arrange your enhancement trees by clicking on the drop-down box near the bottom of the trees. The “TBD – DNT – Unset” panel is available so you can select the order you prefer.
  • You can only take tier 5 abilities in one class tree

Graphical explanation[edit]

The new enhancement system works like this. See also changes below.



CHANGES (Week 2)

  • We are lowering the number of Action Points spent in the Trees required to access the Top Tier Enhancements. (Class Enhancement Trees will require 0, 5, 10, 20, and 30 Action Points spent and Racial Enhancement Trees will require 0, 5, 10, and 15 Action Points spent.) Note that while this change would allow you to take Tier 5 abilities from two Class Trees, that is not intended. We will eventually add the "You can only take Tier 5 Enhancements from a single Tree" restriction. DDO Forums
  • Tier 5 class abilities require 5 class levels, but they also require 12 character levels. DDO Forums

Lamannia Leaks October 2012[edit]

Source: DDO Forums


  • Prodigal Lyrist - DNT TBD Your music ripples with latent energy. Granted Abilities: +2 Charisma, +1 to your Spell DCs, +1 to your Spell Penetration checks, and 100 Spell Points. In addition, you are able to cast your spells 20% faster. Bard Spell List: Gain Wall of Sound as a 6th Level spell.
  • Wall of Sound - Creates a wall of sound This spell does 2 to 8 Sonic damage plus 1 additional point of damage per caster level (up to a max of 25 additional points at caster level 25) to enemies. Oozes are particularly susceptible to the pitch of the sound, and take an additional 2 to 8 Sonic damage. In addition, enemies caught in the Wall of Sound may begin dancing on a failed Will save, and become slowed thereafter on a failed Fortitude save.

Other Rogue-related changes[edit]

  • Sweeping Strikes - Melee Quarterstaff Trip Attack: Deals +1[W] damage to all nearby enemies and trips them (Balance DC 10 + Half Rogue Level + Dexterity Modifier Negates trip)
  • Staff Lunge - Melee Quarterstaff Attack: Deals +2[W] damage as you dive through enemies in a line.
  • Tumbler - You can pass through enemies when you tumble.
  • Cartwheel Charge - After tumbling, you gain a +2 Morale bonus to Strength and Dexterity for 6 seconds.
  • Followthrough - You gain +2 Strength and Dexterity After tumbling, your basic attacks with two handed weapons strike two targets per swing instead of one for 6 seconds.

Unfinished Class Prestige Enhancements[edit]

Class Name Note
Barbarian Occult Slayer
Bard Spellsinger Options to add spells to the bard list. See above.
Warchanter Advanced "Tools of War" and "Skaldic Rage"
Cleric Exorcist of the Silver Flame
Favored Soul Divine Avenger Hinted at being the next in line. Also details below.
Beacon of Hope
Fighter Purple Dragon Knight
Monk Henshin Mystic DDO Forums, also see details below.
Ninja Spy III
Paladin Merge the Hunter of the Dead and the Knight of the Chalice into a single "Offensive Crusader" style PrE.
Ranger Deepwood Sniper
Rogue Thief-Acrobat DDO Forums, see the details below
Assassin DDO Forums
Mechanic III
Sorcerer Acolyte of the Skin
Wizard Wildmage

Divine Avenger details[edit]

(available with the enhancements revamp)

Source: DDO Forums Eladrin

Favored Soul Divine Avenger I (Sovereign Host) Prereqs: Level 6 Favored Soul, Favored by the Sovereign Host, Favored Soul Attack Boost II, Favored Soul Charisma I, and any of the following: Power Attack or Two Weapon Fighting. Cost: 4 AP Benefit: Everything the gods need to say to your enemies can be said with your weapon. When wielding a longsword in your right hand you are treated as if you have a fighter’s base attack bonus. You also gain the ability to swear an oath of enmity against a foe, vowing to destroy them in the name of your deity.

Oath of Enmity
Benefit: You mark an opponent as your chosen foe with a righteous smite. This attack gains twice your Charisma modifier to your attack roll and a damage bonus based on your Favored Soul level. Whether or not the attack hits, for the next five minutes, each time you critically hit your chosen enemy <SOMETHING AWESOME HAPPENS - oath mechanics are still very much in development, and this is just a hint> for a short period of time. (This bonus stacks up to ten times.) Your Oath of Enmity recharges after five minutes, or upon the death of your chosen foe.

Repeat for other deities, replacing "favored by" as appropriate.

Lord of Blades accepts any of the following: Improved Fortification, Power Attack, or Two Handed Fighting.

Silver Flame accepts any of the following: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Ranged, or Zen Archery, and instead of a melee smite as their Oath, gets a ranged attack, and their Oath mechanic was a little bit different (and wasn't working properly at all).

Thief Acrobat details[edit]

Granted/Bottom Row

  • Acrobat (0 AP, 1 Rog) - You can also use your DEX modifier to hit with Quarterstaves
  • Stick Fighting (5 AP, 3 Rog) - You can now use your DEX modifier for damage with Quarterstaves
  • Tumbler (10 AP, 6 Rogue) - You can pass through enemies when you tumble
  • Kip Up (20 AP, 12 Rogue) - You are immune to most knockdown effects and slippery surfaces
  • Carthweel Charge (30 AP,18 Rogue) - After tumbling, you gain a +2 Morale bonus to STR and DEX for 6 seconds
  • Followthrough (41 AP, 20 Rogue) - You gain +2 STR and DEX. After tumbling, your basic attacks with two handed weapons strike two targets per swing instead of one for 6 seconds.

Tier 1

  • Staff Training 1 - +1 to hit and damage with Quarterstaves
  • Acrobatic (3 Ranks) - +1/2/3 Balance, Jump, and Tumble, +5/10/15% attack speed with quarterstaves.
  • Charming (3 Ranks) - +1/2/3 Bluff, Diplomacy, Haggle, and Intimidate
  • Sly Flourish (3 Ranks) - Melee Attack: Deals +.5/1/1.5[W] damage with +1/2/3 Critical Threat Range, and reduces your threat with nearby enemies by 100. On Sneak Attack: Intelligent target also gains -1 penalty to Balance, Reflex, and Will saves for 20 seconds. (Stacks 5 times)
  • Faster Sneaking (3 Ranks) - +20/35/50% Movement speed while sneaking.

Tier 2

  • Staff Training 2 (Requires: Staff Training 1) - +1 to hit and +2 damage with Quarterstaves
  • Trip Focus(3 Ranks) - +1/2/3 to the save DC of Trip Attacks
  • Subtlety (3 Ranks) - -20/30/40% threat generation with melee attacks. Does not stack with other subtlety enhancements.
  • Quick Strike (3 Ranks) - Melee Quarterstaff Attack: Deals +1/+2/+3[W] damage. You gain a 5/15/25% Morale Bonus to Double Strike for 10 seconds.
  • Haste Boost (3 Ranks)

Tier 3

  • Staff Training 3(Requires: Staff Training 2) - +1 to hit and +2 damage with Quarterstaves
  • Improved Glancing Blows (3 Ranks) (Requires: Defensive Roll? (Two Handed Fighting maybe?)) Glancing blows produced by your two-handed attacks get an additional 2/4/6% chance of producing secondary weapon effects.
  • Shadow Dodge (3 Ranks) - Toggle: +1/2/3% Dodge, +1/2/3 DEX, -10/20/30% Fort
  • Sweeping Strike (3 Ranks) (Requires: Quick Strike) - Melee Quarterstaff Trip Attack: Deals +1/2/3[W] damage to all nearby enemies and trips them. (Balance DC 10 + Half Rogue Level + DEX Modifier negates)
  • Stat Enhancement: STR or DEX

Tier 4

  • Staff Training 4 (Requires: Staff Training 3) +1 to hit and +2 damage with Quarterstaves
  • Improved Defensive Roll (3 Ranks) (Requires: Defensive Roll) - Defensive Roll now triggers at 30/40/50% or below health and reduces damage to 40/30/20% when successful.
  • No Mercy (3 Ranks) - You deal 10/20/30% additional damage to helpless opponents.
  • Staff Lunge (3 Ranks) - Melee Quarterstaff Attack: Deals +2/3/4[W] damage as you dive through enemies in a line.
  • Stat Enhancement: STR or DEX

Tier 5

  • Staff Specialization - +1 Critical Threat Multiplier with Quarterstaves
  • Vault (Requires: No Mercy Rank 1) - Quarterstaff Action: Leap through the air.

Assassin details[edit]


  • Knife in the Darkness (0 AP, Rog 0) - You gain proficiency with Kukris. You can also use your Dexterity modifier to hit with Daggers and Kukris.
  • Dagger in the Back (5 AP, Rog 3) - You can now use your DEX modifier for damage with Daggers and Kukris
  • Assassin's Trick (10 AP, Rog 6) - Activate: Target intelligent opponent loses 25% Fort and immunity to Sneak Attack for 12 seconds if the target fails a Will save (DC 10 + Rogue Level + Int Modifier)
  • Nimbleness (20 AP, Rog 12) - On Sneak Attack: Up to once every 2 seconds, you gain 1% dodge for 6 seconds. This effect can stack up to 10 times.
  • Lethality (30 AP, Rog 18) - Any sneak attack that also counts as a vorpal strike that you make will kill most living targets.
  • Deadly Shadow (41 AP, Rog 20) - +4 Sneak Attack Dice

Tier 1

  • Poison Strikes - Select one of three Poisonous attacks.
  • Toxin Affinity (3 Ranks) - +1/2/3 Fortitude Saves vs Poisons (and?) to the save DC of your Poison attacks
  • Shiv (3 Ranks) - Melee Attack: Deals +1/2/3[W] damage and reduces your threat with nearby enemies by 100. On Sneak Attack: Target also gains a -2 Fortitude penalty against Poisons for 20 seconds. (Stacks 5 times.)
  • Sneak Attack Training 1 - Grants +1 Sneak Attack die and +1 to hit when performing Sneak Attacks
  • Stealthy (3 Ranks) - +1/2/3 Hide and Move Silently

Tier 2

  • Poison Strikes*
  • Venomed Blades (3 Ranks) - Poison Stance: On Hit: 1d4/6/8 Poison damage with weapon attacks
  • Bleed Them Out (3 Ranks) - Melee Attack: Deals +1/2/3[W] damage and on successful damage causes your opponent to bleed. The bleed effect can stack up to 5 times.
  • Sneak Attack Training 2 (Requires: Sneak Attack Training 1) - Grants +1 Sneak Attack die and +1 to hit when performing Sneak Attacks
  • Damage Boost (3 Ranks)

Tier 3

  • Poison Strikes*
  • Critical Accuracy (3 Ranks) - +1/2/3 to confirm Critical Hits
  • Shadow Dagger (3 Ranks) - Throws a dagger made of solidified shadows at your enemy. Deals 4d8 unholy damage and blinds the target (Fort DC 10 + Half Rogue Level + Intelligence Modifier negates Blindness)
  • Sneak Attack Training 3 (Requires: Sneak Attack Training 2) - Grants +1 Sneak Attack die and +1 to hit when performing Sneak Attacks
  • Stat Enhancement: DEX or INT

Tier 4

  • Execute (Requires: Critical Damage) - Melee Assassinate Attack: Deals +3[W] damage. On Sneak Attack: If the target is below 20% health, deal 500 damage (Fort DC 10 + Half Rogue Level + Int Mod negates).
  • Critical Damage (3 Ranks) (Requires: Critical Accuracy) - +1/2/3 Critical Hit damage (before weapon multipliers)
  • Killer (3 Ranks) (Requires: Critical Damage) - When you kill a target, you gain a 5% Morale bonus to melee doublestrike for 15 seconds. Weak enemies will not always produce this effect. The killer buff can stack up to 2/3/4 times.
  • Sneak Attack Training 4 (Requires: Sneak Attack Training 3) - Grants +1 Sneak Attack die and +1 to hit when performing Sneak Attacks
  • Stat Enhancement: DEX or INT

Tier 5

  • Assassinate - Stealth Melee Assassinate Attack: On Sneak Attack: Kills a living target instantly if the target fails a Fortitude save (DC 10 + Rogue Level + Int Mod). Even on a successful save, the target takes 10d6 additional Sneak Attack damage from this attack.
  • Improved Assassinate (3 Ranks) - +1/2/3 to the save DC's of your Assassinate abilities.
  • Knife Specialization - +1 Critical Threat Multiplier with Daggers and Kukris. Daggers also gain +1 Critical Threat Range.

Poison Strikes - Figuring the poisons might be based on the ones we have now I did a search in the localization for the descriptions... near as I can tell these are the ones it refers to.

  • Heartseeker Poison - Melee Poison Attack: On Damage: -1 Fortitude Save (stacks 5 times), On Critical Hit: 1d6 Constitution damage, On Vorpal Hit: Heartseeker (-5% hit points Fortitude DC 10 + Half Rogue Level + Intelligence Modifier negates)
  • Soulshatter Poison - Melee Poison Attack: On Damage: -1 Will Save (stacks 5 times), On Critical Hit: 1d6 Wisdom damage, On Vorpal Hit: Shattermantle (-100 Spell Resistance for 10 seconds Will DC 10 + Half Rogue Level + Intelligence Modifier negates)
  • Ice Chill Poison - Melee Poison Attack: On Damage: -1 Reflex Save (stacks 5 times), On Critical Hit: 1d6 Dexterity damage, On Vorpal Hit: Paralysis (Fort DC 10 + Half Rogue Level + Intelligence Modifier negates, 30% chance for an additional save on damage)

Unfinished Race PrEs[edit]

  • Drow Elf
    • Scorpion Wraith [Counts as Rogue]
  • Dwarf
    • Dwarven Tactics cost decreased (from 12 AP for +3 Trip/Sunder/Stun) to 5 AP for +5 Trip/Sunder/Stun.
    • Kundarak Dragonmark Heir
    • Dwarven Defender [Counts as Fighter]
  • Elf
    • Phiarlan Dragonmark Heir
  • Halfling
    • Jorasco Dragonmark Heir
  • Half-Orc
    • Tharashk Dragonmark Heir
  • Human
    • Cannith Dragonmark Heir
    • Deneith Dragonmark Heir
    • Orien Dragonmark Heir
    • Tharashk Dragonmark Heir
  • Warforged
    • Warforged Juggernaut [Counts as Barbarian]
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