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Monk stances

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Monk Stances are toggled stances available to monks, or monk multiclasses, as long as they are centered. Any effect forcing the monk to become uncentered will disable an active monk stance. It must be reactivated after becoming centered again.

Monks receive the basic set of stances at monk level 1, Adept of Forms stances at monk level 6, Master of Forms stances at monk level 12, and Grandmaster of Forms stances at monk level 18 for free. The upgrades can also be purchased via feats for multiclassed monks at character levels 6, 12, and 18 respectively.

Icon Feat Mountain Stance.png
Mountain Stance


The unyielding mountain stance focuses on endurance and defense. While in Mountain Stance, you gain 1 Ki whenever you are hit by an attack.

  • Mountain Stance: +2 Constitution, +5% Total Armor Class, +3 Physical Resistance Rating, +25% Insight bonus to Threat Generation, -2 Dexterity, -10% Movement Speed.
  • Mountain Stance with Adept of Forms (Adept of Rock) now grants +2 Constitution, a 10% boost to AC, 8 physical resistance, and a +40% Insight bonus to melee threat generation, at the cost of -2 Dexterity and -10% movement speed. While in Mountain Stance, you gain 'Get Hit Effect: Gain 1 ki.'
  • Mountain Stance with Master of Forms (Master of Stone) now grants +3 Constitution, a 15% boost to AC, 12 physical resistance, a +55% Insight bonus to melee threat generation, at the cost of -2 Dexterity and -10% movement speed. While in Greater Mountain Stance, you gain 'Get Hit Effect: Gain 1 ki.'
  • Mountain Stance with Grandmaster of Forms (Grandmaster of Mountains) now grants +4 Constitution, a 20% boost to AC, 15 physical resistance, a +70% Insight bonus to melee threat generation, at the cost of -2 Dexterity and -10% movement speed. While in Ultimate Mountain Stance, you gain 'Get Hit Effect: Gain 1 ki.'
  • Target: Self

Icon Feat Ocean Stance.png
Ocean Stance


The eternal ocean focuses on redirection and the supernatural.

  • Ocean Stance: +2 Wisdom, +3% Dodge, +2 Dodge Cap and +2 Fortitude, Reflex, and Will Saving Throws, -2 Strength.
  • Ocean Stance with Adept of Forms (Adept of Rain) now grants +2 Wisdom, +6% dodge, +4 Maximum Dodge, and +3 to all Saving Throws at a cost of -2 Strength.
  • Ocean Stance with Master of Forms (Master of the Sea) now grants +3 Wisdom, +9% dodge, +4 to all Saving Throws, and your passive ki generation when centered is increased by 1, at a cost of -2 Strength.
  • Ocean Stance with Grandmaster of Forms (Grandmaster of Oceans) now grants +4 Wisdom, a +12% dodge, +8 Maximum Dodge, +5 to all Saving Throws, and your passive ki generation when centered is increased by 1, at a cost of -2 Strength.
  • Target: Self

Icon Feat Sun Stance.png
Sun Stance


The consuming flame focuses on an aggressive offense.

  • Sun Stance: +2 Strength, -2 Wisdom. On Hit: +1 Ki. On Critical Hit: +2 Ki.
  • Sun Stance with Adept of Forms (Adept of Flame) now grants +2 Strength at a cost of -2 Wisdom. While in Sun Stance you gain 'Hit Effect: Gain 1 ki.' and 'Critical Effect: Gain 3 ki.'
  • Sun Stance with Master of Forms (Master of Bonfires) now grants +3 Strength and the critical multiplier of all weapons you use is increased by 1 on rolls of a natural 19 or 20 at a cost of -2 Wisdom. While in Greater Sun Stance you gain 'Hit Effect: Gain 1 ki.' and 'Critical Effect: Gain 4 ki.'
  • Sun Stance with Grandmaster of Forms (Grandmaster of the Sun) now grants +4 Strength and the critical multiplier of all weapons you use is increased by 1 on rolls of a natural 19 or 20 at a cost of -2 Wisdom. While in Ultimate Sun Stance you gain 'Hit Effect: Gain 1 ki.' and 'Critical Effect: Gain 5 ki.'
  • Target: Self

Icon Feat Wind Stance.png
Wind Stance


The relentless storm focuses on movement and speed.

  • Wind Stance: +2 Dexterity, +7.5% Enhancement bonus to Attack speed, +3% Doublestrike, -2 Constitution
  • Wind Stance with Adept of Forms (Adept of Wind) now grants +2 Dexterity, a 10% Enhancement bonus to melee and thrown attack speed, and grants a 6% chance to doublestrike with melee weapons, at the cost of -2 Constitution.
  • Wind Stance with Master of Forms (Master of Thunder) now grants +3 Dexterity, a 12.5% Enhancement bonus to melee and thrown attack speed, and grants a 7.5% chance to doublestrike with melee weapons, at the cost of -2 Constitution.
  • Wind Stance with Grandmaster of Forms (Grandmaster of Storms) now grants +4 Dexterity, a 15% Enhancement bonus to melee and thrown attack speed, and grants a 12% chance to doublestrike with melee weapons, at the cost of -2 Constitution.
  • Target: Self


Try to avoid swapping to this during combat, as the animation blurs the screen for several seconds, which is not helpful.


Stance Element Basic Stance Adept of Forms Master of Forms Grandmaster of Forms
Sun Fire +2 Str, -2 Wis

On Critical Hit: +2 ki

+2 Str, -2 Wis

On Hit: +1 ki

On Critical Hit: +3 ki

+3 Str, -2 Wis

On Hit: +1 ki

On Critical Hit: +4 ki

On 19-20: +1 Crit Multiplier

+4 Str, -2 Wis

On Hit: +1 ki

On Critical Hit: +5 ki

On 19-20: +1 Crit Multiplier

Ocean Cold +2 Wis, -2 Str

+3% Dodge, +2 Max Dodge

+2 Saves

+2 Wis, -2 Str

+6% Dodge, +4 Max Dodge

+3 Saves

+3 Wis, -2 Str

+9% Dodge, +6 Max Dodge

+4 Saves

+1 Passive Ki Regeneration

+4 Wis, -2 Str

+12% Dodge, +8 Max Dodge

+5 Saves

+1 Passive Ki Regeneration

Mountain Acid +2 Con, -2 Dex, -10 Move

+5% AC, +3 PRR, +25% Incite

+2 Con, -2 Dex, -10% Move

+10% AC, +8 PRR, +40% Incite

+3 Con, -2 Dex, -10% Move

+15% AC, +12 PRR, +55% Incite

Upon Being Hit: +1 ki

+4 Con, -2 Dex, -10% Move

+20% AC, +15 PRR, +70% Incite

Upon Being Hit: +1 ki

Wind Electric +2 Dex, -2 Con

+7.5% attack speed

+3% doublestrike

+2 Dex, -2 Con

+10% melee & throwing speed

+6% doublestrike

+3 Dex, -2 Con

+12.5% melee & throwing speed

+9% doublestrike

+4 Dex, -2 Con

+15% melee & throwing speed

+12% melee double strike