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Greater Single Weapon Fighting

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Icon Feat Single Weapon Fighting.png
Greater Single Weapon Fighting


  • Your Single Weapon Fighting bonus is increased to a +30% Combat Style bonus to attack speed
  • an additional +2 Combat Style bonus to Melee Power (for a total of +6)
  • +50% more of your appropriate ability score to your damage. For Bastard Swords and Dwarven Waraxe, this adds to their existing 10% bonus

Does not function in animal forms.


  • Unlike most other bonuses, a Balance skill tome counts towards your total ranks for the purpose of qualifying for this fear. For example, a character with a +5 Balance tome would only need to get 2 ranks in Balance in order to take this feat.
  • Fighters may select this feat as one of their fighter bonus feats.
Feat Requirements Attack Speed (Cumulative) Melee Power (Combat Style Bonus) Other Benefits
Single Weapon Fighting 0 BAB, 2 Balance 10% 2
Improved Single Weapon Fighting 6 BAB, 4 Balance 20% 4
Greater Single Weapon Fighting 11 BAB, 7 Balance 30% 6
Perfect Single Weapon Fighting Level 22, 25, or 28 Epic Destiny Feat - 10
Offhand Versatility 8 BAB, SWF - -
  • Single Weapon Fighting with an empty offhand: +0.25 ability modifier damage scaling
  • Single Weapon Fighting with a Runearm or Orb on your offhand: +1 Imbue Dice