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Apothecary enhancements

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: Class/tree can be earned via favor. : Class/tree free to VIP or found in DDO Store. 1: Tree only available to a certain archetype. 2: Tree unavailable to a certain archetype.

Aasimar 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Dragonborn Drow Dwarf Eladrin *Requires any version of Magic of Myth Drannor, or free to VIP Elf / Wood Elf (& AA) Gnome
Half-Elf (& AA) Half-Orc Halfling Human Shifter 1,595 DP1,595 DDO Points Tabaxi 1,595 DP1,595 DDO Points Tiefling Warforged Free by turning in 400 Total favor per server 995 DP995 DDO Points
Bladeforged 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Chaosmancer *Requires ultimate edition of Magic of Myth Drannor Deep Gnome 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Morninglord 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points (& AA) PDK 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Razorclaw 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Scoundrel 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Scourge 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Shadar-kai 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Trailblazer 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points

Apothecary enhancements

Apothecary enhancements tree

Core abilities[edit]

Determination: +1 to your Will Saving Throws. Each Core Ability you take in this tree beyond the first grants +5 Positive and Negative Spell Power.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 Requires: Alchemist Level 1
Alchemical Shield: While in cloth armor or in Composite Body, your equipped armor or docent grants you a +4 Alchemical bonus to Armor Class and immunity to Magic Missiles.
Passive: While your Reaction is Verdanite, you get +2% Positive and Negative Spell Critical Damage.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Determination, Alchemist Level 3
Curative Admixture: Cure Serious Wounds: Gildleaf SLAs: Curative Admixture: Cure Serious Wounds and Inflict Serious Wounds.
Passive: While your Reaction is Verdanite, +2% Positive & Negative Spell Critical Damage.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Alchemical Shield, Alchemist Level 6
Spill the Bad Stuff: Gildleaf Offensive SLA: Deals 1d6+4 per Caster Level of a random type of damage to enemies in a short cone. The damage scales with Positive Spell Power. Affected enemies have a chance to be Blinded, Dazed, Silenced, Tripped, Stunned, or Paralyzed. (Fortitude save negates).
Passive: While your Reaction is Verdanite, you get +2% Positive & Negative Spell Critical Damage.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Curative Admixture, Alchemist Level 12
Curative Admixture: Heal: Gildleaf SLAs: Curative Admixture: Heal and Harm.
Passive: While your Reaction is Verdanite, you get +2% Positive and Negative Spell Critical Damage.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Spill the Bad Stuff, Alchemist Level 18
Genius Never Dies!: You gain +4 Intelligence, +20 Concentration, +1000 Unconsciousness Range, the Diehard feat, +1 Spell Penetration and +2 Transmutation DCs.
Passive: While your Reaction is Verdanite, you get +2% Positive and Negative Spell Critical Damage.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 40 Requires: Curative Admixture: Heal, Alchemist Level 20

Tier One[edit]

Requires Determination, Alchemist Level 1

Curative Admixture: Cure Light Wounds or Inflict Light Wounds: Gildleaf SLA choice: Curative Admixture: Cure or Inflict Light Wounds.
Metamagic: Empower, Empower Heal, Maximize, Intensify
Spell Point Cost: 4/3/2
Cooldown 12/8/4 seconds
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Apothecary Skills: +[1/2/3] Haggle, Concentration, and Heal. Rank 3: +1 Will Saves
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Spell Critical Chance: Positive & Negative I: +2% chance to critically hit with Positive and Negative Spells.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements
Energy of the Scholar: +[30/60/100] Maximum Spell Points
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Soothing Poultices: While your Reaction is Verdanite, when you cast spells on yourself or allies you grant temporary hitpoints equal to third/two thirds/full Intelligence. These last for three minutes.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

Tier Two[edit]

Requires Alchemist level 2, 5 APS spent in tree

Hale & Hearty: +[3/6/10] Positive and Negative Healing Amplification
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements
Spell Critical Chance: Positive & Negative II: +2% chance to critically hit with Positive and Negative Spells.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Spell Critical Chance: Positive & Negative I
Stone of the Scholar: Alchemist's Stone Toggle: While wielding an Orb in your off-hand, you gain +10 Healing Amplification and +20 Positive Spell Power. You can only have one Alchemist's Stone Toggle active at a time.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements
Life Salve: Training this Enhancement also grants you a similar ability Death Salve. Target player, hireling, or pet takes 100% base healing from Positive spells for the next 3 minutes (or until target dies.) Has no effect on NPC allies or allies that already take 100% base Positive healing. This overrides their innate base healing from Positive spells for the duration. Shares a cooldown with Death Salve and Converter. Note: cannot be used on self.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements

Tier Three[edit]

Requires Alchemist level 3, 10 APS spent in tree

Panacea Poultice: (Gildleaf SLA): Target ally at touch range takes the Panacea effect. (6/3/1 spell point, 12/8/6 second cooldown).
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements
Safety Goggles: +[1/2/3] Armor Class and +[2/4/6] Resistance to Fire, Cold, Acid and Electric damage. Rank 3: Blindness Immunity.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements
Spell Critical Chance: Positive & Negative III: +2% chance to critically hit with Positive and Negative Spells.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Spell Critical Chance: Positive & Negative II
Willful Ambition: When your Reaction is Verdanite, you gain +1 Will Save, +1 for every 5 Alchemist Levels you have.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements
Ability I: +1 to either Intelligence or Constitution
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

Tier Four[edit]

Requires Alchemist level 4, 20 APS spent in tree

Apothecary's Satchel: Spells you cast cost 5% less Spell Points.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Insulated Boots
Insulated Boots: +[2/4/6] Magical Resistance Rating.

Rank 3: You are immune to Slippery Surfaces.

Not quite fashionable, but they'll keep you standing!
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 20 No requirements
Spell Critical Chance: Positive & Negative IV: +2% chance to critically hit with Positive and Negative Spells.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Spell Critical Chance: Positive & Negative III
Run for your life!: While your Reaction is Verdanite, you gain 1% Movement Speed per Alchemist Level.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 No requirements
Ability II: +1 to either Intelligence or Constitution
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Ability II

Tier Five[edit]

Requires Alchemist Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 APs spent in tree

Curative Admixture: Cure or Inflict Critical Wounds: Gildleaf SLA choice: Curative Admixture: Cure Or Inflict Critical Wounds.
Metamagic: Empower, Empower Heal, Maximize, Intensify
Spell Point Cost: 5
Cooldown 12 seconds
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 No requirements
Gloves of the Master Apothecary: +5 Use Magic Device, +10 Universal Spell Power. You have a 15% chance to retain a copy of any single-use Positive, Negative, or Repair Healing Potion that you drink.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Insulated Boots
Master Apothecary: You have no Max Caster Level with Curative Admixtures and any Gildleaf Alchemist Spells. +2 To Transmutation DCs, and +2 Spell Penetration.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Spell Critical Chance: Positive & Negative IV
Dissolve: Target enemy at touch range that is Fascinated, Sleeping, Dancing, Dazed, Tripped, Mesmerized, Paralyzed, Petrified, or Stunned must make a Fortitude save (d20 + your Heal skill) or die instantly.
Cooldown 20 seconds
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 No requirements
Deadly Neurotoxin/Nightshade: Choose between Deadly Neurotoxin and Nightshade.

Deadly Neurotoxin: Offensive Gildleaf or Ceruleite Spells will reduce your targets Armor Class and Magical Resistance rating by -1 per stack, max 5.

Nightshade: Spell point Cost: 10, Cooldown: 30 seconds, Metamagics: Quicken, Accelerate Primer: Gildleaf

Target enemy falls asleep for 6 seconds with no save.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 No requirements