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Bombardier enhancements

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Alchemist ArtificerDog Barbarian Bard Cleric
DruidWolf Fighter Favored Soul Monk Paladin
BC1NWNP2SH Dra1Ken2Rav1StDVan2 AoVBoHWar HeMNiSShi


Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Wizard Warlock

Falconry     ~     Feydark Illusionist     ~     Harper Agent     ~     Horizon Walker     ~     Inquisitive     ~     Vistani Knife Fighter


: Class/tree can be earned via favor. : Class/tree free to VIP or found in DDO Store. 1: Tree only available to a certain archetype. 2: Tree unavailable to a certain archetype.

Aasimar 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Dragonborn Drow Dwarf Eladrin *Requires any version of Magic of Myth Drannor, or free to VIP Elf / Wood Elf (& AA) Gnome
Half-Elf (& AA) Half-Orc Halfling Human Shifter 1,595 DP1,595 DDO Points Tabaxi 1,595 DP1,595 DDO Points Tiefling Warforged Free by turning in 400 Total favor per server 995 DP995 DDO Points
Bladeforged 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Chaosmancer *Requires ultimate edition of Magic of Myth Drannor Deep Gnome 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Morninglord 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points (& AA) PDK 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Razorclaw 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Scoundrel 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Scourge 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Shadar-kai 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Trailblazer 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points

Bombardier enhancements

Bombardier enhancements tree

Core abilities[edit]

Alchemical Resistance: +1 Fortitude save. Each core ability you take in this tree beyond the first grants +5 Fire, Cold, Acid, Electric, and Poison Spell Power, as well as +1 Burning Ambition Dice.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 Requires: Alchemist Level 1
Arcane Oil: All equipped weapons are considered Spellcasting Implements. While in Pyrite Reaction, you gain +2% Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Poison Spell Critical Damage.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Alchemical Resistance, Alchemist Level 3
Liquid Power I: Select an Element to specialize in.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerAcidI.png Liquid Power Acid: You gain +3 Caster Level with Acid Spells.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerColdI.png Liquid Power Cold: You gain +3 Caster Level with Cold Spells.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerElectricI.png Liquid Power Electric: You gain +3 Caster Level with Electric Spells.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerFireI.png Liquid Power Fire: You gain +3 Caster Level with Fire Spells.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerPoisonI.png Liquid Power Poison: You gain +3 Caster Level with Poison Spells.

While in Pyrite Reaction, you gain +2% Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Poison Spell Critical Damage.

Note: You cannot choose the same element twice.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Arcane Oil, Alchemist Level 6
Liquid Power II: Select an Element to specialize in.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerAcidII.png Liquid Power Acid: You gain +3 Caster Level with Acid Spells.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerColdII.png Liquid Power Cold: You gain +3 Caster Level with Cold Spells.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerElectricII.png Liquid Power Electric: You gain +3 Caster Level with Electric Spells.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerFireII.png Liquid Power Fire: You gain +3 Caster Level with Fire Spells.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerPoisonII.png Liquid Power Poison: You gain +3 Caster Level with Poison Spells.

While in Pyrite Reaction, you gain +2% Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Poison Spell Critical Damage.

Note: You cannot choose the same element twice.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Liquid Power I, Alchemist Level 12
Liquid Power III: Select an Element to specialize in.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerAcidIII.png Liquid Power Acid: You gain +3 Caster Level with Acid Spells.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerColdIII.png Liquid Power Cold: You gain +3 Caster Level with Cold Spells.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerElectricIII.png Liquid Power Electric: You gain +3 Caster Level with Electric Spells.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerFireIII.png Liquid Power Fire: You gain +3 Caster Level with Fire Spells.
  • BombadierLiquidPowerPoisonIII.png Liquid Power Poison: You gain +3 Caster Level with Poison Spells.

While in Pyrite Reaction, you gain +2% Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, and Poison Spell Critical Damage.

Note: You cannot choose the same element twice.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Liquid Power II, Alchemist Level 18
Multivial: Select an Element to specialize in.

Primer Element: Crimsonite,
Passive: +4 Intelligence, +2 Conjuration DCs.
While in Pyrite Reaction, you gain +2% Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid and Poison Spell Critical Damage.

Bug: Unlike the multivial spells, this ability requires a target. (You can't just throw this ability whenever you want; there needs to be an enemy in order to be allowed to use this ability.)
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 40 Requires: Liquid Power III, Alchemist Level 20

Tier One[edit]

Alchemical Resistance, Alchemist Level 1

Spellvial Selection I: Select an Element to specialize in.

Metamagic: Empower, Maximize, Quicken, Heighten, Enlarge, Eschew Materials
Spell Point Cost: 4/2/1
Cooldown 12/8/4 seconds
Primer Element: Crimsonite (Red)
Conjuring a bottle of <element>, you throw a projectile at a single foe that deals 3 to 8 <element> damage per caster level, max caster level 10.

DND Dice: Deals 1d6+2 <element> damage per caster level, max 10d6+20
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Arcane Knowledge: +[1/2/3] to Spellcraft and Use Magic Device
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Magical Subtlety: -[20/40/60]% Threat with Spells
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Spell Critical: Elemental and Poison I: Your Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, and Poison damage spells have an additional 1% chance to critically hit.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 No requirements
Wand and Scroll Mastery: +[25/50/75]% damage and healing from your wands, scrolls, and other items that cast spells, and +[1/3/6] to the save DCs of your offensive wands.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

Tier Two[edit]

Requires Alchemist level 2, 5 APS spent in tree

Spellvial Selection II: Select an Element to specialize in. You may not select the same element as you chose in Spellvial Selection I.

Metamagic: Empower, Maximize, Quicken, Heighten, Enlarge, Eschew Materials
Spell Point Cost: 4/2/1
Cooldown 12/8/4 seconds
Primer Element: Crimsonite
Conjuring a bottle of <element>, you throw a projectile at a single foe that deals 3 to 8 <element> damage per caster level, max caster level 10.

DND Dice: Deals 1d6+2 <element> damage per caster level, max 10d6+20
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements
Efficient Metamagics I: Select a Metamagic Feat to enhance.
  • Efficient Empower: Using the Empower Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.
  • Efficient Maximize: Using the Maximize Spell Metamagic costs you 3/6/9 fewer Spell Points.
  • Efficient Quicken: Using the Quicken Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements
Stone of the Savant: Alchemist's Stone Toggle: While wielding an Orb in your off-hand, you gain +1 Magical Resistance Rating and Magical Resistance Rating Cap per Alchemist Level. You can only have one Alchemist's Stone Toggle active at a time.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements
Spell Critical: Elemental and Poison II: Your Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, and Poison damage spells have an additional 1% chance to critically hit.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 Requires: Spell Critical: Elemental and Poison I
Elemental Defenses: When enemy spells deal elemental damage against you, there's a 25% chance you'll gain [10/20/30] temporary hitpoints for 30 seconds. This can trigger up to once every 12 seconds. (Elemental Damage includes Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, Sonic.)
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements

Tier Three[edit]

Requires Alchemist level 3, 10 APS spent in tree

Spellvial Selection III: Select an Element to specialize in. You may not select the same element as you can chose in Spellvial Selection I or Spellvial Selection II.

Metamagic: Empower, Maximize, Quicken, Heighten, Enlarge, Eschew Materials
Spell Point Cost: 4/2/1
Cooldown 12/8/4 seconds
Primer Element: Crimsonite
Conjuring a bottle of <element>, you throw a projectile at a single foe that deals 3 to 8 <element> damage per caster level, max caster level 10.

DND Dice: Deals 1d6+2 <element> damage per caster level, max 10d6+20Spell
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements
Efficient Metamagics II: Select a Metamagic Feat to enhance.
  • Efficient Empower: Using the Empower Spell Metamagic costs you 2/4/6 fewer Spell Points.
  • Efficient Maximize: Using the Maximize Spell Metamagic costs you 3/6/9 fewer Spell Points.
  • Efficient Quicken: Using the Quicken Spell Metamagic costs you 1/2/4 fewer Spell Points.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 Requires: Efficient Metamagics I
Holastic Ambition: While your Reaction is Pyrite, you gain +1 Fortitude Save, +1 for every 5 Alchemist levels you have.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements
Spell Critical: Elemental and Poison III: Your Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, and Poison damage spells have an additional 1% chance to critically hit.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Spell Critical: Elemental and Poison II
Ability I: +1 to Intelligence
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

Tier Four[edit]

Requires Alchemist level 4, 20 APS spent in tree

Spell Like Ability: Smoke Bomb: SLA: Smoke Bomb

Metamagic: Extend, Quicken, Eschew Materials
Spell Point Cost: 25/20/15
Cooldown 12 seconds
Primer Element: Gildleaf (Yellow),

Throw a bottle beneath you that explodes into a cloud of smoke and leaves you Invisible and Displaced for 12 seconds.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 20 No requirements
Efficient Heighten: Using the Heighten Spell Metamagic costs you [1/2] fewer Spell Point per heightened level.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 2 Progression: 20 Requires: Efficient Metamagics II
Burning Ambition: When your Reaction is Pyrite, your offensive Crimsonite and Gildleaf Alchemist spells will ignite your enemies with magic, dealing additional damage. This damage determines its element based on the element of the spell cast. This ability begins at 1d4 damage, adding another 1d4 for each Burning Ambition die you get from other abilities. This damage scales with Spell Power.


  • Burning Ambition will proc multiple times on spells that have multiple hits.
  • Burning Ambition has a chance to critically hit, probably based on the spell critical chance for the corresponding element.
  • Burning Ambition does not apply to Curative Admixtures, even when they would inflict damage to their targets. It also does not apply to Spill the Bad Stuff and Corrosive Dust.
  • Burning Ambition lasts 11 seconds for purpose of Inferno of Creation. You can't overwrite a duration of current Burning Ambition by same elemental. Need to apply again once current one is expired.
  • Bug: Core 3 and 4 add an additional burning ambition dice each.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 No requirements
Spell Critical: Elemental and Poison IV: Your Acid, Cold, Electric, Fire, and Poison damage spells have an additional 1% chance to critically hit.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Spell Critical: Elemental and Poison III
Ability II: +1 to Intelligence
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 20 Requires: Ability I

Tier Five[edit]

Requires Alchemist Level 5, Character Level 12, 30 APs spent in tree

Elemental Obliteration: Select an Element for an explosive spell.
  • BombadierElementalObliterationAcid.png SLA: Caustic Obliteration
  • BombadierElementalObliterationFire.png SLA: Fiery Obliteration
  • BombadierElementalObliterationCold.png SLA: Frost Obliteration
  • BombadierElementalObliterationPoison.png SLA: Poison Obliteration
  • BombadierElementalObliterationElectric.png SLA: Voltaic Obliteration

Spell Like Ability: Elemental Obliteration
Metamagic: Empower, Maximize, Quicken, Heighten
Spell Point Cost: 12/8/6
Cooldown 12/8/6 seconds
Primer Element: Crimsonite (Red),

Throw a vial that explodes with <element> on impact, dealing 1d6+3 <element> damage per Caster Level to all enemies nearby. (Max Caster Level 10)
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 30 No requirements
Augmentation: +2 Caster Levels with Crimsonite and Gildleaf spells.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 No requirements
Inferno of Creation: When your Reaction is Pyrite, you gain +1 Burning Ambition die, and your harmful Crimsonite spells will apply a stack of Vulnerable to enemies that have been recently affected by at least 3 different elements of Burning Ambition. Vulnerable: You take 1% more damage for 3 seconds. This effect stacks up to 20 times, and loses one stack on expiration.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 Requires: Burning Ambition
Conjuration Focus: +2 to Conjuration DCs
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 No requirements
Weakening Mixture: Select an Element to specialize in.
  • BombadierWeakeningMixtureAcid.png Weakening Mixture Acid: When cast an Acid spell on a creature that is immune to Acid, it makes them vulnerable to Acid for a short period of time.
  • BombadierWeakeningMixtureCold.png Weakening Mixture Cold: When cast on a Cold spell on a creature that is immune to Cold, it makes them vulnerable to Cold for a short period of time.
  • BombadierWeakeningMixtureElectric.png Weakening Mixture Electric: When cast an Electric spell on a creature that is immune to Electric, it makes them vulnerable to Electric for a short period of time.
  • BombadierWeakeningMixtureFire.png Weakening Mixture Fire: When cast on a Fire spell on a creature that is immune to Fire, it makes them vulnerable to Fire for a short period of time.
  • BombadierWeakeningMixturePoison.png Weakening Mixture Poison: When cast on a Poison spell on a creature that is immune to Poison, it makes them vulnerable to Poison for a short period of time.
Note: Any spell of the proper element can remove immunities. Tested working for Sorcerer, Alchemist, and Artificer spells.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 30 No requirements