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Shifter enhancements

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Alchemist ArtificerDog Barbarian Bard Cleric
DruidWolf Fighter Favored Soul Monk Paladin
BC1NWNP2SH Dra1Ken2Rav1StDVan2 AoVBoHWar HeMNiSShi


Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Wizard Warlock

Falconry     ~     Feydark Illusionist     ~     Harper Agent     ~     Horizon Walker     ~     Inquisitive     ~     Vistani Knife Fighter


: Class/tree can be earned via favor. : Class/tree free to VIP or found in DDO Store. 1: Tree only available to a certain archetype. 2: Tree unavailable to a certain archetype.

Aasimar 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Dragonborn Drow Dwarf Eladrin *Requires any version of Magic of Myth Drannor, or free to VIP Elf / Wood Elf (& AA) Gnome
Half-Elf (& AA) Half-Orc Halfling Human Shifter 1,595 DP1,595 DDO Points Tabaxi 1,595 DP1,595 DDO Points Tiefling Warforged Free by turning in 400 Total favor per server 995 DP995 DDO Points
Bladeforged 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Chaosmancer *Requires ultimate edition of Magic of Myth Drannor Deep Gnome 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Morninglord 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points (& AA) PDK 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Razorclaw 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Scoundrel 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points Scourge 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Shadar-kai 1,295 DP1,295 DDO Points Trailblazer 1,395 DP1,395 DDO Points

Shifter enhancements

Shifter enhancements tree

Core abilities[edit]

Icon ExtraShifting.png
Extra Shifting: +1 Rage uses per rest. (You expend Rage uses to activate your Shifting).
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 0 Requires: Character level 1
Icon Constitution.png
Ability I: Choose between Constitution, Dexterity, Strength or Wisdom
  • Icon Constitution.png +1 Constitution
  • Icon Dexterity.png +1 Dexterity
  • Icon Strength.png +1 Strength
  • Icon Ability Score.png +1 Wisdom
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 1 Requires: Character level 4, Extra Shfting
Icon ExtraShifting.png
Extra Shifting: +2 Rage uses per rest.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 3 Requires: Character level 7, Ability I
Icon Constitution.png
Ability II: Choose between Constitution, Dexterity, Strength or Wisdom
  • Icon Constitution.png +1 Constitution
  • Icon Dexterity.png +1 Dexterity
  • Icon Strength.png +1 Strength
  • Icon Ability Score.png +1 Wisdom
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 4 Requires: Character level 11, Extra Shifting
Icon RegeneratingShift.png
Regenerating Shift: +You regenerate 1 Rage use every 90 seconds.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 6 Requires: Character level 16, Ability II

Tier One[edit]

Requires character level 1, 1 AP spent in tree

Icon BruteFighting.png
Brute Fighting: Select between:
  • Icon BrutalSpellcasting.png Brutal Spellcasting: Your damaging spells generate [25/50/75]% more hate than they normally would, making enemies more likely to attack you. Cooldown: 2 seconds
  • Icon BruteFighting.png Brutal Fighting: Activate this ability to cause your melee attacks to generate [25/50/75]% more hate, making enemies more likely to attack you. Cooldown: 2 seconds
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon HuntAndTrack.png
Hunt & Track: +[1/2/3] Spot, Listen and Intimidate
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon ExtendShifting.png
Extend Shifting: Your Shifting and Barbarian rages last [25/50/75]% longer.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon HardyShifting.png
Hardy Shifting: +[1/2/3] Constitution while Shifting or Raging.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements
Icon SelfRelaint.png
Self-Reliant: +[1/2/3] to Will Saving Throws.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 1 No requirements

Tier Two[edit]

Requires 5 APs spent in tree

Icon ShiftedDefenses.png
Shifted Defenses: Choice determined by your subrace:
  • Icon ShiftedDefenses.png Shifted Defenses: +[4/8/12] Physical Resistance Rating while Raging. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Icon ShiftedSenses.png Shifted Senses: +[3/6/10] Spot and +[2/4/6]% Dodge while Raging. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon NaturalArmor.png
Natural Armor: +[2/4/6] Natural Armor
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon BeasthideHowl.png
Howl: Choice determined by your subrace:
  • Icon BeasthideHowl.png Beasthide Howl: Release a mighty howl, granting nearby allies +2 Action Boost Bonus to PRR and MRR, plus an additional 2 per 5 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 60 Seconds. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Icon WildhuntHowl.png Wildhunt Howl: Release a mighty howl, granting nearby allies +1 Action Boost Bonus to Saving Throws, plus an additional 1 per 10 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds. Cooldown: 60 Seconds. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements
Icon MagicFang.png
Magic Fang: Increases the Enhancement Bonus of the target's natural weapon by 1, plus 1 per five caster levels. An item can have only one temporary item enhancement at a time. Only works on players, hirelings, or pets, and only if they are Animals, Vermin, Magical Beasts, Dragons, or Fey. Equipping a new weapon cancels the effect.

Cost: 8 HP

Cooldown: 20 seconds
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements
Sp drd maul.png
Maul (spell): Melee Attack: Deals +20%Damage. Requires an equipped Melee weapon. Make an attack similar to the Druid spell Maul: This attack applies a bleeding effect that deals 1d4 slash damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. Striking the target successfully may also intimidate the target based on the player's intimidate skill.

Cost: 2 HP

Cooldown: 12 seconds
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 5 No requirements

Tier Three[edit]

Requires 10 APs spent in tree

Icon EmpoweredByNature.png
Empowered by Nature: Choose an effect:
  • Icon EmpoweredByNature.png Beasthide: +[10/20/30] Positive Healing Amplification. You are now immune to Fatigue, including Fatigue from Shifting. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Icon EmpoweredByNatureWildhunt.png Wildhunt: +[25/50/100] Maximum Spell Points. You can now cast while Raging. You are now immune to Fatigue, including Fatigue from Shifting. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
You are now immune to Fatigue, including Fatigue from Shifting
Note: The casting while raging seems to work for all spells. This includes clickies and wand/scroll casting.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 10 No requirements
Icon AugmentSummoning.png
Augment Summoning: Grants the Augment Summoning feat: Your summoned creatures, charmed minions, pets, and hirelings have +4 to all ability scores, increased health, and increased fortification.
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements
Icon StrongerHowlBeasthide.png
Stronger Howl: Choose between:
  • Icon StrongerHowlBeasthide.png Beasthide: When you Howl, nearby enemies take -2 to Attack, minus an additional 2 per per 5 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Icon StrongerHowlWildhunt.png Wildhunt: When you Howl, nearby enemies take -1 to Saving Throws, minus an additional 1 per 5 Character Levels you have for 20 seconds. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 Requires: Howl
Icon FavoredEnemyAnimal.png
Favored Enemy: Choose a Favored Enemy
  • Icon FavoredEnemyAnimal.png Favored Enemy: Animal
  • Icon FavoredEnemyFey.png Favored Enemy: Fey
  • Icon FavoredEnemyMagicalBeast.png Favored Enemy: Magical Beast
  • Icon FavoredEnemyPlant.png Favored Enemy: Plant
  • Icon FavoredEnemyReptilian.png Favored Enemy: Reptilian
  • Icon FavoredEnemyVermin.png Favored Enemy: Vermin
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 10 No requirements

Tier Four[edit]

Requires 15 APs spent in tree

Icon ThreateningShift.png
Exceptional Shifting: Choose an effect based on your subrace:
  • Icon ThreateningShift.png Threatening Shift: While raging, +20% to Threat Generation, +5% Quality Bonus to Maximum Hit Points and +10 Physical Resistance Rating. Requires Beasthide Shifter
  • Icon CamouflagedShift.png Wild Magic: While raging, gain Lesser Displacement. When you activate a Rage, you gain Temporary Spell Points equal to 5 + double your Character Level. These last for 5 minutes, until you dismiss or activate another rage, or until used. Requires Wildhunt Shifter
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 1 Progression: 15 No requirements
Icon TrueHunter.png
True Hunter: You gain +2 to Saves vs. Enchantments and Illusions, Freedom of Movement, and +10 to Spot.
AP Cost: 2 Ranks: 1 Progression: 15 No requirements
Icon HowlOfTerror.png
Howl of Terror: You utter a terrifying howl, filling your foes with a paralyzing fear. Foes around you are paralyzed for 6 to 24 seconds. Will save (18 + Wis Mod + Enchantment bonuses) negates. This can be cast while Raging.

Cost: 45/40/30 SP

Cooldown: 20/15/10 seconds
AP Cost: 1 Ranks: 3 Progression: 15 No requirements