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Stonejaw <Mighty Hunter>

Type: Animal (List)

Race: Dinosaur (List)

Sub-race: Tyrannosaur (List)

Monster Manual classification: Unknown

Alignment: Unknown

Boss: Purple Named - Powerful Boss

CR:  ♦20Normal ♦61Epic Normal

Attack: Bite (Piercing + Chomped!), Tail Slam (Bludgeoning), Stomp (Bludgeoning), Roar (Sonic)


Description: Stonejaw has less health than the other purple named bosses in his wilderness area but makes up for it with a devastating bite attack that can also reduce max HP by up to 150hp a hit on epic. On epic, his chest contains Black Pearls and a random Dinosaur Bone weapon.

Thanks to his brutally powerful attacks, Stonejaw is probably the hardest of the three wilderness bosses. He can be made slightly easier if you pull him northwest to the cliffs and get underneath him. This will cause him to stop using his Bite and Roar special attacks, leaving only the significantly less powerful Stomp attack.

Alternatively, if you have high MRR or a Sonic Absorption item, there is an area of large flat-topped stones to the northeast, which can be jumped on from the ground. Stonejaw often has serious problems pathing around this area, particularly if your Jump skill is high enough to leap between stones, and will often be forced to resort to using his Tail Slam and Roar moves, especially if players stand near the centre of the stones and use ranged attacks against him. (This approach is less advisable in a party, as while Tail Slam should only be able to hit targets on one stone at a time, Roar hits everybody in its range, and can deal heavy damage to players with low MRR.)