Year of the Dragon: Through 26th November, claim your free Hoard of Discovery! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Item:Heart Seed

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Heart Seed[edit]

Heart Seed


  • Exchange 100 Commendations of Valor (CoV) for one Heart Seed, via CoV barter UI opened by double clicking your stack of Commendations of Valor.
  • Any Epic quest reward list while you are at Epic level cap (level 30 or above) - choice of 2 Heart Seeds appear, as of Update 22 Patch 2. This only applies to where Commendations of Valor appear (i.e., not on Casual difficulty, not when quest ransacked, and only twice per day per quest).


  • To convert to a Heart of Wood, open the "Commendations of Valor" barter window by double-clicking on a stack of Heart Seeds or of Commendations of Valor.
  • Since they are Bound to Account, players can accumulate their Seeds account-wide, then combine and exchange them on any character (on that Account) for a Heart they want. (DDO Forums)
Item Bind Amount required
Iconic True Heart of Wood Bound to Account 42
Epic Heart of Wood Bound to Account 42