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Eberron Plane[edit]

Lamannia symbol seen in Stealer of Souls quest

Lamannia.png Lamannia, The Twilight Forest is one of the Planes of Eberron.

Untouched by civilization, the plane of Lamannia is full of virgin forests, majestic mountains, rolling hills, steamy jungles, festering swamps, and all manner of terrain. A number of lycanthropes who have made a new life for themselves on the plane after fleeing Eberron during the time of the Purge.

Preview Server[edit]

Lamannia is a public test server for DDO, allowing beta-test of new features. All players with a DDO account have access to Lamannia. The servers "official" purpose is to allow players to experience and give feedback on forthcoming game changes prior to their public release.

Lamannia is available only during limited periods and is frequently "refreshed". Since few characters would reach a high level on such a server, DDO development team created a character transfer tool, creating a copy of a character of any level from another server to Lamannia.

Character copy[edit]

DDO Forums To copy a character from the live worlds to Lamannia, simply launch the Lamannia game client, select the character copy option, and follow the steps. If you run into an issue with character copy, log into the character you want to transfer on the live worlds, log out, then try again. You cannot send the same item twice to Lamannia on different characters.

Update 39[edit]

Due to some, still unknown reason, a new client will need to be installed to access Lamannia.DDO Forums

Store Points[edit]

Go to Test Dojo and talk to NPC Lord Poincelot <Festival Collector>, each time you do so he gives you 10,000 points. (Shows up as "In-Game Points Grant" on your Store history)

External links[edit]

Note: Do not install in the same location as your regular DDO client.

See also[edit]