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The Dreaming Dark

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For ages the Dreaming Dark watched us in our dreams - now it strikes and nightmarish creatures are threatening Xen'drik! Go back in time, investigate ancient mysteries, and then journey to the Plane of Nightmares itself. Includes 5 hand-crafted adventures.

The Dreaming Dark adpack icon.jpg
350 DP Requires access to adventure pack: The Dreaming Dark

The Dreaming Dark story arc consists of 5 high level quests, initially introduced with the Update 2 and offered to Free to Play players as an Adventure Pack.

Access to The Path of Inspiration adventure pack is strongly recommended prior to this pack, as this is a continuation of The Path of Inspiration and items from those quests are needed to use Suppressed Power crafting.


Quest NameQuest LevelBase FavorPatronCasualNormalHardElite
Eye of the Titan196The Coin Lords
Reclaiming Memories196The Coin Lords
Raiding the Giants' Vault196The Coin Lords
Mining for Ancient Secrets196The Coin Lords
The Dreaming Dark (quest)206The Coin Lords
Total5 Quests30 

The Dreaming Dark quest chain[edit]

In the Inspired Quarter, talk to Lord Gerald Goodblade to start the quest series.

Completing Eye of the Titan grants you the quest Present of the Past, and access to another town area, Isle of Forgotten Dreams.

After Reclaiming Memories is done, you receive the quest The Interdiction Lens, and need to find a new Aspect Crystal for the Lens.

Complete either one of following.

After getting the new crystal, talk to Channa d'Cannith so that she can repair the lens and complete The Interdiction Lens.

The story ends up in the Plane of Nightmares, in this final quest.