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Category:Minimum level 18 items

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Last Edited Item Type Enhancements ML Bind Quests
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Awanahu Sash
Awanahu Sash.png
  • Constitution +6Icon tooltip.png Constitution +6: This item gives the wearer improved health, granting a +6 enhancement bonus to Constitution.
  • Proof Against Poison +6Icon tooltip.png Proof Against Poison +6: This item grants its wearer immunity to natural poisons. This item also grants a +6 Enhancement bonus to saving throws against magical poisons, and the wearer does not fail saving throws against them on a roll of a natural 1 (this renders the wearer immune to magical poisons with a DC of less than 7 + their Fortitude save).
  • AssassinIcon tooltip.pngAssassin: Bonus to hit and damage with sneak attacks (+2 to hit and +5 damage from attacks considered sneak attacks[both non-stacking even if it say exceptional]), 20% less threat. If have Assassin III Enhancement: chance with weapons to apply a Level Drain effect.
18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Sins of Attrition, Any chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Calitomes' Sash
Calitomes' Sash.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Sins of Attrition, Any End Chest; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Lorinthor's Belt
Lorinthor's Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Sins of Attrition, Any chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Vorne's Belt
Vorne's Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Sins of Attrition, Any chest; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Belt of the Defenders of Siberys
Belt of the Defenders of Siberys.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Genesis Point, Any end chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Eerie Belt
Eerie Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Genesis Point, Any end chest; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Knost's Belt
Knost's Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Genesis Point, Any end chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Singed Belt
Singed Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Genesis Point, Any End Chest; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Tokala's Belt
Tokala's Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Genesis Point, Any end chest; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Amara's Belt
Amara's Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
A New Invasion, Any chest; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Colethenis's Belt
Colethenis's Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire A New Invasion, Any chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Rahkir's Sash
Rahkir's Sash.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
A New Invasion, Any chest; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Thamor's Belt
Thamor's Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
A New Invasion, Any Chest; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Ann Velsing's Belt
Ann Velsing's Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Bastion of Power, Any end chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Morah's Belt
Morah's Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Bastion of Power, Any end chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Morgana's Belt
Morgana's Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Bastion of Power, End chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Telvi's Sash
Telvi's Sash.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Bastion of Power, Any end chest; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.4.3
  • 3 years, 6 months, and 19 days
  • BugTime
Kormor's Belt
Kormor's Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Sins of Attrition, Any chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Buckle of Transformation
Buckle of Transformation.png
Belt  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Law and Order, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Bladesworn Bandolier
Bladesworn Bandolier.png
Belt  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Bark and the Blade, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Book-Cover Beltstrap
Book-Cover Beltstrap.png
Belt  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vecna Unleashed (quest), End chest
Mechanic's Belt
Mechanic's Belt.png
Belt  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire A New Invasion, Any chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
Boots of Anchoring
Boots of Anchoring.png
Boots  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Crafted, Crafted in Amrath by Liella d'Orien
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Lightning Railworker's Boots
Lightning Railworker's Boots.png
Boots  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Grand Theft Aureon, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Skymage's Shoes
Skymage's Shoes.png
Boots  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Grand Theft Aureon, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 26 days
  • Cru121
Steel-Toed Steps
Steel-Toed Steps.png
Boots  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Turn the Page (quest), End chest
Cannith Boots of Propulsion
Cannith Boots of Propulsion.png
Boots  18 Bound to Account on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Schemes of the Enemy, Dackle's chest, some end chests (hard or elite difficulty only)
Goatskin Boots (Level 18)
Goatskin Boots (Level 18).png
Boots  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, end chest, jeweled key chest (heroic hard)
Treads of Falling Shadow (Level 18)
Treads of Falling Shadow (Level 18).png
Boots  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip Detour, end chest (Heroic Elite)
Warded Sewer Waders
Warded Sewer Waders.png
Boots  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Kill Ten Rats, end chest
  • Update 48.4.3
  • 3 years, 6 months, and 21 days
  • BugTime
Fabricator's Bracers
Fabricator's Bracers.png
Bracers  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Blown to Bits, Iron Fire Bomber's chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
World-Weary Wrappings
World-Weary Wrappings.png
Bracers  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Evil We Know, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Crystalline Wristlet
Crystalline Wristlet.png
Bracers  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vecna Denied, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Wristbound Register
Wristbound Register.png
Bracers  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vecna Unleashed (quest), End chest
  • Update 67.2.1
  • 4 months and 22 days
  • BugTime
Charm Bracelet
Charm Bracelet.png
Bracers  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Fred's First Date, End chest
  • Update 68
  • 3 months and 28 days
  • BugTime
Bracers of Twisting Shade (Level 18)
Bracers of Twisting Shade (Level 18).png
Bracers  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Stay at the Inn, End chest (Heroic Elite)
  • Update 48.4.3
  • 3 years, 6 months, and 29 days
  • BugTime
Magewright's Cloak
Magewright's Cloak.png
Cloak  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Power Play, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
University Archer's Cloak
University Archer's Cloak.png
Cloak  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Enemy of My Enemy, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
University Researcher's Cloak
University Researcher's Cloak.png
Cloak  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Devils to Pay, End chest
University Defender's Cloak
University Defender's Cloak.png
Cloak  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Grand Theft Aureon, End chest
  • Update 61.0.2
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 5 days
  • BugTime
Ruined Glory
Ruined Glory.png
Cloak  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Kill Ten Rats, End Chest
University Duelist's Cloak
University Duelist's Cloak.png
Cloak  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Taken in Hand, End chest
Capelet of Cuisine
Capelet of Cuisine.png
Cloak  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Too Many Cooks, end chest
Fancy Flayer's Cape
Fancy Flayer's Cape.png
Cloak  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Fred's First Date, end chest
Architect's Cloak
Architect's Cloak.png
Cloak  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire This Old Haunt, end chest, Wraith chest
  • Update 68
  • 3 months and 27 days
  • BugTime
Prismatic Cloak, Blue (Level 18)
Prismatic Cloak, Blue (Level 18).png
Cloak  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The Tracker's Trap, Lines of Supply, Breaking the Ranks, A Break In the Ice, What Goes Up, end chest (Heroic Hard)
  • Update 68
  • 3 months and 27 days
  • BugTime
Prismatic Cloak, Green (Level 18)
Prismatic Cloak, Green (Level 18).png
Cloak  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The Tracker's Trap, Lines of Supply, Breaking the Ranks, A Break In the Ice, What Goes Up, end chest (Heroic Hard)
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 26 days
  • BugTime
Prismatic Cloak, Grey (Level 18)
Prismatic Cloak, Grey (Level 18).png
Cloak  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The Tracker's Trap, Lines of Supply, Breaking the Ranks, A Break In the Ice, What Goes Up, end chest (Heroic Hard)
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 25 days
  • BugTime
Prismatic Cloak, Red (Level 18)
Prismatic Cloak, Red (Level 18).png
Cloak  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The Tracker's Trap, Lines of Supply, Breaking the Ranks, A Break In the Ice, What Goes Up, end chest (Heroic Hard)
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 25 days
  • BugTime
Prismatic Cloak, Violet (Level 18)
Prismatic Cloak, Violet (Level 18).png
Cloak  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The Tracker's Trap, Lines of Supply, Breaking the Ranks, A Break In the Ice, What Goes Up, end chest (Heroic Hard)
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Fabricator's Gauntlets
Fabricator's Gauntlets.png
Gloves  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire House Cannith Manufactury, Wrack's chest (Rare encounter)
  • Update 49
  • 3 years, 5 months, and 18 days
  • BugTime
Tinker's Gloves
Tinker's Gloves.png
Gloves  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Schemes of the Enemy, Whitefang's chest, some End chests ; House Cannith Manufactury, Stellite's chest (Rare Encounter).
Gloves of Titan's Grip
Gloves of Titan's Grip.png
Gloves  18 Bound to Account on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
The Mindsunder, Disc locked optional end chest, End reward
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
The Dark Six-Fingered Glove
The Dark Six-Fingered Glove.png
Gloves  18 Bound to Account on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Evil We Know, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Absorption Gauntlet
Absorption Gauntlet.png
Gloves  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Taken in Hand, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Control Gauntlet
Control Gauntlet.png
Gloves  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Taken in Hand, End chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 24 days
  • BugTime
Gloves of the Master Illusionist (Level 18)
Gloves of the Master Illusionist (level 18).png
Gloves  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip A Break In the Ice, End chest (Heroic Hard)
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 24 days
  • BugTime
Nether Grasps (Level 18)
Nether Grasps (Level 18).png
Gloves  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip The End of the Road, End chest (Heroic Elite)
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Wolfinson's Monocular Enhancer
Wolfinson's Monocular Enhancer.png
Goggles  18 Bound to Account on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Power Play, Scrapheap's chest
  • Update 48.4.3
  • 3 years, 6 months, and 26 days
  • BugTime
Tinker's Goggles
Tinker's Goggles.png
Goggles  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire House Cannith Manufactury, Bulat's chest (Rare encounter) ; Schemes of the Enemy, Dackle's chest (only on Normal difficulty)
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Mystic Monocle
Mystic Monocle.png
Goggles  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Paper Trail, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Eyes of Enlightenment
Eyes of Enlightenment.png
Goggles  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Law and Order, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Study Spectacles
Study Spectacles.png
Goggles  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Devils to Pay, End chest
  • Update 61.2
  • 1 year and 24 days
  • Bladedge
Magewright's Spectacles
Magewright's Spectacles.png
Goggles  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire House Cannith Manufactury, Stellite's Chest (Rare encounter)
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 24 days
  • BugTime
Four Eyes
Four Eyes.png
Goggles  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Terminal Delirium, second dance bonus chest
  • Update 61.2
  • 1 year and 18 days
  • Bladedge
Alchemist's Crown
Alchemist's Crown.png
Helm  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire House Cannith Manufactury, Tegan Darsit's chest (Rare encounter)
  • Update 64
  • 10 months and 12 days
  • Jaysyn
Renard's Elegant Hat
Renard's Elegant Hat.png
Helm  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Wrath of the Flame, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
University Sentry's Helm
University Sentry's Helm.png
Helmet  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Paper Trail, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
University Champion's Helm
University Champion's Helm.png
Helmet  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Party 101, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
University Mage's Hat
University Mage's Hat.png
Helmet  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Devils to Pay, End chest
University Investigator's Hat
University Investigator's Hat.png
Helmet  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire What Dreams May Come, End chest
Hat of the Head Chef
Hat of the Head Chef.png
Helmet  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Too Many Cooks, end chest
Home Renovation Hat
Home Renovation Hat.png
Helmet  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire This Old Haunt, end chest, Wraith chest
Fancy Flayer's Headpiece
Fancy Flayer's Headpiece.png
Helmet  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Fred's First Date, end chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Kilau's Necklace
Kilau's Necklace.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Sins of Attrition, Any end chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Torin's Choker
Torin's Choker.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Sins of Attrition, Any chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Gilvaenor's Necklace
Gilvaenor's Necklace.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Genesis Point, Any end chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Nyoko's Necklace
Nyoko's Necklace.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Genesis Point, Any end chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Connor's Pendant
Connor's Pendant.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire A New Invasion, Any chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Shintao Cord
Shintao Cord.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire A New Invasion, Any chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Shiona's Pendant
Shiona's Pendant.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire A New Invasion, Any chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Oremi's Necklace
Oremi's Necklace.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Bastion of Power, Any End chest; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Smedgar's Necklace
Smedgar's Necklace.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Bastion of Power, Any end chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.4.3
  • 3 years, 6 months, and 27 days
  • BugTime
Stalwart Necklace
Stalwart Necklace.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Sins of Attrition, Any chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 48.4.3
  • 3 years, 6 months, and 27 days
  • BugTime
Verik's Necklace
Verik's Necklace.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire A New Invasion, Any chest; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 50.2
  • 3 years, 1 month, and 29 days
  • Cru121
Dragonmarked Necklace
Dragonmarked Necklace.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire Bastion of Power, Any end chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
War-Rune Pendant
War-Rune Pendant.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Law and Order, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Blademark Amulet
Blademark Amulet.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire The Bark and the Blade, End chest
Song-Chime Locket
Song-Chime Locket.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Turn the Page (quest), End chest
  • Update 61.0.2
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 5 days
  • BugTime
Rust-Laden Pendant
Rust-Laden Pendant.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Kill Ten Rats, End Chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 21 days
  • BugTime
Alchemist's Pendant
Alchemist's Pendant.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Blown to Bits, end chests including the optional one for destroying all the crates
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 19 days
  • BugTime
Vim and Vigor
Vim and Vigor.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Terminal Delirium, second bonus dance chest
Draconic Necklace
Draconic Necklace.png
Necklace  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Bastion of Power, End chest ; Tower of Despair, Nythirios chest
Cherished Wedding Ring
Cherished Wedding Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Kill Ten Rats, End Chest
  • Update 59
  • 1 year, 5 months, and 21 days
  • Cru121
Neglected Wedding Ring
Neglected Wedding Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Kill Ten Rats, End Chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 19 days
  • BugTime
Amara's Band
Amara's Band.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 19 days
  • BugTime
Ann Velsing's Band
Ann Velsing's Band.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, rght side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 19 days
  • BugTime
Band of Siberys
Band of Siberys.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 19 days
  • BugTime
Calitomes' Ring
Calitomes' Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 19 days
  • BugTime
Cinder's Band
Cinder's Band.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 19 days
  • BugTime
Connor's Band
Connor's Band.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 18 days
  • BugTime
Consuming Darkness (Level 18)
Consuming Darkness (Level 18).png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on EquipIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Equip: This item is Bound to Character on Equip What Goes Up, jeweled key chest, end chest (Heroic Hard)
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 18 days
  • BugTime
Draconic Ring
Draconic Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 18 days
  • BugTime
Dragonmarked Ring
Dragonmarked Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 18 days
  • BugTime
Encrusted Ring
Encrusted Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 18 days
  • BugTime
Gilvaenor's Ring
Gilvaenor's Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 18 days
  • BugTime
Gnawed Ring
Gnawed Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 18 days
  • BugTime
Kilau's Band
Kilau's Band.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 18 days
  • BugTime
Kormor's Ring
Kormor's Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 18 days
  • BugTime
Kyosho's Ring
Kyosho's Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 18 days
  • BugTime
Kyrian's Band
Kyrian's Band.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Lorinthor's Ring
Lorinthor's Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Morah's Band
Morah's Band.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Morgana's Ring
Morgana's Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Nyoko's Band
Nyoko's Band.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Oremi's Ring
Oremi's Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Radiant Ring
Radiant Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Rahkir's Ring
Rahkir's Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Ring of Deftness
Ring of Deftness.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Ring of the Ravager
Ring of the Ravager.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Sanura's Band
Sanura's Band.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Shiona's Seal
Shiona's Seal.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Smedgar's Ring
Smedgar's Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Telvi's Touch
Telvi's Touch.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Thamor's Ring
Thamor's Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Verik's Ring
Verik's Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Warchanter's Band
Warchanter's Band.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 68.0.1
  • 3 months and 17 days
  • BugTime
Whisper Ring
Whisper Ring.png
Ring  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Tower of Despair, right side end chest
  • Update 48.2
  • 3 years, 9 months, and 24 days
  • BugTime
Mysterious Bauble
Mysterious Bauble.png
Trinket  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
The Weapons Shipment, End chest (main objective)
  • Update 48.4.3
  • 3 years, 6 months, and 20 days
  • BugTime
Shimmering Arrowhead
Shimmering Arrowhead.png
Trinket  18 Bound to Character on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire The Weapons Shipment, End chest (main objective)
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Morgrave Skeleton Key
Morgrave Skeleton Key.png
Trinket  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Grand Theft Aureon, End chest
  • Update 61.0.1
  • 1 year, 1 month, and 30 days
  • BugTime
Library Card
Library Card.png
Trinket  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Vecna Unleashed (quest), End chest
Long-Lost Charm
Long-Lost Charm.png
Trinket  18 Bound to Account on AcquireIcon tooltip.pngBound to Account on Acquire: This item is Bound to Account on Acquire Kill Ten Rats, End Chest
Xachosian Eardweller
Xachosian Eardweller.png
Trinket  18 Bound to Character on Acquire, ExclusiveIcon tooltip.pngBound to Character on Acquire: This item is Bound to Character on Acquire
This is an Exclusive item. You may only carry one at a time.
Eye of the Titan, I Dream of Jeets, Finding the Path, and The Dreaming Dark: Random spawn after opening any chest. Default spawn rate is 0% on Normal, 2.5% on Hard, and 5% on Elite.
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