Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
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Arcane spell failure
Arcane spell failure (ASF) is the chance that an arcane spell – that is, one from the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list or Bard spell list – will fail to be cast due to interference from the caster's armor or shield.
Divine spells – that is, any spell from the Cleric and Favored Soul or Druid spell lists, are not subject to ASF, nor are Alchemist or Artificer exclusive spells. There are a couple of edge cases:
- Certain spells appear on both the Sorcerer/Wizard and Cleric/Favored Soul spell lists. Presumably to create complications based on the caster's classes, these spells never suffer from ASF.
- Bug: Certain non-Arcane spells do suffer from ASF – for example, Raise Dead.
A failure caused by Arcane spell failure expends the spell's spell points and cooldown as if it had been cast.
The ASF penalty from armor and shields is cumulative – they are added together.
To see your current arcane spell failure, drag a spell subject to ASF to your hotbar and hover over it. If an item (armor or shield) has ASF, its failure chance is displayed on the item; however, this information does not include global ASF reductions that you might have.
- Spells that don't have somatic component (for example Blur or Displacement) are not subject to ASF, either when cast or read from scrolls.
- Spell-like abilities (SLA) generally ignore ASF (with the exception of some Warlock SLAs).
Spells cast from items and Arcane Spell Failure[edit]
Spells cast from a scroll which are normally subject to Arcane Spell Failure when cast directly are also subject to it when cast from a scroll. This can be awkward for characters who do not usually cast Arcane spells, as they likely will have no way of bypassing the failure chance, especially if wearing heavy armor or a shield. To get around this, spells cast from wands or clicky items are never subject to ASF. This is useful for heavily armored characters in need of an Arcane spell, although note that not all spells have applicable wands or clickies.
Reducing Arcane Spell Failure[edit]
Item enchantments[edit]
The following effects do not stack with each other; only the highest reduction applies.
- The Arcane Casting Dexterity reduces ASF by 5%/10%/15%. Arcane Casting Dexterity reduces total ASF, and as such can be on any item rather than needing to be on the armor or shield that's causing ASF.
- A Sapphire of Spell Agility +5/+10/+15 in a Blue Augment Slot
Blue Augments
- Named: Category:Blue augments
- AC: Natural Armor Bonus (+1 to +14) or Protection (Deflection bonus) (+1 to +11)
- ASF reduction: -5% to -15%
- Fortification: +25% to +100%
- Good Luck: +1 or +2
- Hit points: +4 to +54
- Max Dex Bonus (Armor): +1 or +2
- Defense (PRR and MRR): +3 to +36
- Saves (Resistance bonus): +1 to +11
- Dodge: +1% to +14%
- Tactics DCs (Stunning, Sunder, Trip): +2 to +16
- Accuracy: +2 to +22
- Positive/Negative/Repair Healing Amplification: +3 to +57
- Named: Category:Colorless augments
- Ability (Enhancement bonus): +1 to +14
- Ability (Exceptional bonus): +1
- Ability (Insight bonus): +5
- Skills, except UMD (Competence bonus): +5 to +20
- The Lesser Arcane Sigil and Arcane Sigil prefixes are normally docent-exclusive enhancements, but can be added to Dragontouched Armor via the appropriate runes. They reduce ASF by 5% and 10% respectively. Prior to U17 LAS/AS were untyped and stacked with normal item enhancement effects and with each other. After U17, LAS/AS were apparently changed to global enhancement bonuses and no longer stack with other item enhancements or with each other. DDO Forums
Additional stacking sources:
- The Twilight armor prefix reduces ASF by 10%, and Greater Twilight reduces ASF by 20%. Twilight affects the armor or shield it is on only, however. It is applied before item effects granting global reduction of arcane spell failure and stacks with them.
- Otto's Irrevocable Power: Spell Failure Reduction – filigree for a sentient weapon (-10%)
- Frozen Wanderer: Arcane Spell Failure – filigree for a sentient weapon (-10%)
Armor/Shield Materials[edit]
- Mithral is exceptionally light, reducing the Arcane Spell Failure chance of an armor or shield made with it by 10%. For very light types of armor or shields, this can completely negate ASF by itself. Mithral also reduces the weight category of armor (but not the size class of shields) by one step (Heavy to Medium, etc.) which reduces the PRR provided by the armor since PRR from armor is based in part on the weight category.
- Darkleaf reduces the ASF of the armor or shield made with it by 5%, but this material is generally found on rather heavy armors (Breastplate and Banded) and will not negate ASF alone.
- Alchemical Crystal reduces the ASF of an Alchemical Shield by 10% when applied to it through reforging.
Several enhancements allow no-ASF spellcasting not normally allowed by their caster class. This does not reduce the ASF for other (heavier) armors or shields.
- For Artificers, Renegade Mastermaker (Tier 5) allows casting in any armor.
- For Bards, Warchanter (Tier 4) allows casting in Medium armor.
- For Sorcerers, Eldritch Knight (Tier 4) allows casting in Light and Medium armor, and with Mithral Body.
- For Warlocks, Enlightened Spirit (Tier 4) allows casting in Medium armor. (Note: This includes arcane casting from all other classes!)
- For Wizards, Eldritch Knight (Tier 4) allows casting in Light and Medium armor, and with Mithral Body.
Flat reductions in ASF can be found in...
- The Arcane Fluidity enhancement is available to Elves, Half-Elves, Drow, and Morninglords (iconic) as a Tier 1 racial enhancement. Rank 1/2/3 reduce ASF from armor (but not shields) by a total of 5%/10%/15% at a cost of 1 AP per rank.
- The Eldritch Knight third core enhancement Imbue the Blade reduces ASF from armor, shields and Warforged Body feats by 15% at a cost of 1 AP.
- The Eldritch Knight fourth core enhancement Subtle Force I reduces ASF from armor, shields and Warforged Body feats by an additional 20% (total 35%) at a cost of 1 AP.
- The Eldritch Knight tier 2 enhancement Shield Training reduces ASF from shields by 5% and grants proficiency with all shields except Tower Shields at a cost of 2 AP.
- The Eldritch Knight tier 4 enhancement Armored Arcana grants medium armor proficiency and reduces ASF from light armor, medium armor, and Mithral Body to 0% at a cost of 2 AP.
- The Battle Engineer Infused Armor core enhancement 3 and 5 each reduce ASF by 10%, for a total of 20% with both.
Epic Destinies[edit]
- The Fatesinger Epic Destiny Sonata to Serve (Tier 3) gives immunity to ASF while in Mantle of Sound and Fury (Bards with Tower Shields!)
Warforged and Bladeforged[edit]
Arcane Spell Failure is of particular importance to Warforged and Bladeforged arcane casters as their natural body plating imposes at least a 5% ASF penalty by default.
- The default Composite Plating imposes 5% ASF, while the optional Mithral Body imposes 15% and Adamantine Body imposes 35%.
Fortunately, there are also warforged-exclusive ways to mitigate ASF:
- Composite and Mithral body plating are considered light armor and thus don't impact warforged Bards or Warlocks.
- The Inscribed Armor enhancement is available to Warforged and Bladeforged as a tier 1 racial enhancement, reducing ASF from body plating by 5%/10%/15% for a cost of 1 AP per rank.
- Lesser Arcane Sigil and Arcane Sigil are docent-exclusive enhancements, reducing ASF by 5% and 10% respectively. Prior to U17 LAS/AS were untyped and stacked with normal item enhancement effects and with each other. After U17, LAS/AS were apparently changed to global enhancement bonuses and no longer stack with other item enhancements or with each other. DDO Forums
Bards and Warlocks[edit]
- Bards and Warlocks are not subject to ASF while wearing Light armor.
- Both have access to a tier 4 enhancement which extends this benefit to Medium armor as well.
Effects that increase spell failure[edit]
Certain spells and effects can grant you a chance of spell failure; this can affect also divine casters:
- Earthquake spell – 30%
- Deafened condition, for example from Storm of Vengeance
- Being engulfed in a Gelatinous Cube
- Touch of the Mournlands – special attack in the Lord of Blades raid (20% per stack)
- Curse of the Vile Tongue (15% chance to fail all spell casts) – in-quest effect in Fall of the Forbidden Temple
Default ASF penalties[edit]
- See also Mithral
Armor Name | Failure % | Armor Type |
Composite Plating (Warforged only) | 5% | Light |
Padded Armor (pre-MotU) | 5% | Light |
Leather Armor (pre- and post-MotU) | 10% | Light |
Mithral Body (Warforged only) | 15% | Light |
Studded Leather Armor (pre-MotU) | 15% | Light |
Chain armors (post-MotU) | 15% | Light |
Chain Shirt (pre-MotU) | 20% | Light |
Hide Armor (pre-MotU) | 20% | Medium |
Breastplate (pre-MotU) | 25% | Medium |
Brigandine (pre-MotU) | 25% | Medium |
Scalemail (post-MotU) | 20% | Medium |
Scalemail (pre-MotU) | 25% | Medium |
Chainmail (pre-MotU) | 30% | Medium |
Half Plate (post-MotU) | 30% | Heavy |
Adamantine Body (Warforged only) | 35% | Heavy |
Banded Mail (pre-MotU) | 35% | Heavy |
Full Plate (pre-MotU) | 35% | Heavy |
Half Plate (pre-MotU) | 40% | Heavy |
Splint Mail (pre-MotU) | 40% | Heavy |
Shield Name | Failure % |
Buckler | 0% |
Small Shield | 10% |
Large Shield | 15% |
Tower Shield | 50% |