Year of the Dragon: Through 24th September, claim one free Draconic Raiders Reward Box per server! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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444 edits and counting!
Monster MummyLord.png
You are now buried five feet under. The dark side is calling you...

Jaysyn has 250 or more edits - can you make 500 ?

An honor to make your acquaintance! I am a relatively new individual that enjoys doing small fixes throughout the Wiki. I always have a keen eye for grammatical errors and enjoy fixing articles that were edited last century. However, be warned, as I may not live up to the expectations or editing skills of the most prestigious editors on this fine Wiki. I'll get the job done eventually, and learn from my mistakes along the way. Sometimes, I write down my observations on pages of the Wiki, and sometimes these contradict with other information or are redundant. I apologize in advance for this!