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Category:Wolf race monsters

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CR Type Quest(s)
Alpha Wolf
( view
Alpha Wolf.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 1 Animal
Apex Hound Koro
( view
Apex Hound Koro.png
 • edit )
 ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Animal
Apex Hound Taka
( view
Apex Hound Taka.png
 • edit )
 ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Animal
Arzag-Khor Mutt
( view
Arzag-Khor Mutt.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦6Normal ♥8Hard ♠11Elite Magical Beast
Black Twilight Wolf
( view
Black Twilight Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal Animal
Black Wolf
( view
Black Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦3Normal ♥5Hard ♠8Elite Animal
( view
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 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Magical Beast
( view
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 ♦8Normal Magical Beast
Deadheart Pack Wolf
( view
Deadheart Pack Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦22Epic Normal ♥31Epic Hard ♠46Epic Elite Animal
Dire Mist Wolf
( view
Dire Mist Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦11Normal ♥13Hard ♠16Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard Animal
Dire Wolf
( view
Dire Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal ♥14Hard ♠17Elite ♦22Epic Normal ♥30Epic Hard ♠45Epic Elite Animal
Dreadwood Worg
( view
Dreadwood Worg.png
 • edit )
 ♦3Normal ♥5Hard ♠8Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Magical Beast
Fey Brilliant Hunt Hound
( view
Fey Brilliant Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
Magical Beast
Fey Caustic Hunt Hound
( view
Fey Caustic Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
Magical Beast
Fey Decay Hunt Hound
( view
Fey Decay Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
Magical Beast
Fey Fire Hunt Hound
( view
Fey Fire Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
Magical Beast
Fey Frost Hunt Hound
( view
Fey Frost Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
Magical Beast
Fey Kinetic Hunt Hound
( view
Fey Kinetic Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
Magical Beast
Feywild Winter Wolf
( view
Feywild winter wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦5Normal ♥7Hard ♠10Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Magical Beast
Flamebound Worg
( view
Flamebound Worg.png
 • edit )
 ♥14Hard ♠17Elite Magical Beast
( view
 • edit )
 ♦14Normal ♥16Hard ♠19Elite ♦34Epic Normal ♥38Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Magical Beast
Frenzied Wolf
( view
Frenzied Wolf.png
 • edit )
 ♥17Hard ♠22Elite ♥21Epic Hard Animal
Frost Wolf
( view
Frost Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♠24Elite Magical Beast
( view
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 ♦3Normal ♥5Hard ♠8Elite Magical Beast
( view
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 ♦6Normal Animal
Giant Wolf Marauder
( view
Giant Wolf Marauder.jpg
 • edit )
 ♥8/10Hard ♠13Elite ♥27Epic Hard ♠33Epic Elite Animal
Glacier Wolf
( view
Glacier Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦9Normal ♥11Hard ♠14Elite ♥27Epic Hard Magical Beast
Illusionary Wolf
( view
Illusionary Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
Island Wolf
( view
Island Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦7Normal ♠12Elite ♥30Epic Hard Animal
Kar-Thul Mutt
( view
Kar-Thul Mutt.jpg
 • edit )
 ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Magical Beast
Lamannian Wolf Pup
( view
Lamannian Wolf Pup.png
 • edit )
 ♦18Normal ♥21Hard ♠25Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Animal
Leader of the Pack
( view
Leader of the Pack.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦14Normal ♥18Hard ♠24Elite ♦36Epic Normal ♥40Epic Hard ♠45Epic Elite Animal
Messenger of Peaks
( view
Messenger of Peaks.jpg
 • edit )
 ♠12Elite ♦23Epic Normal ♥32Epic Hard Magical Beast
Messenger of Pits
( view
Messenger of Pits.jpg
 • edit )
 ♠13Elite ♦23Epic Normal ♥32Epic Hard Magical Beast
Messenger of Plains
( view
Messenger of Plains.jpg
 • edit )
 ♠12Elite ♦23Epic Normal ♥32Epic Hard Magical Beast
Mist Wolf
( view
Mist Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ♦31Epic Normal ♥35Epic Hard Animal
( view
 • edit )
 ♦3Normal ♥7Hard ♠9Elite Animal
Night Wolf
( view
Night Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♥19Hard ♠24Elite Animal
Packhunter Worg
( view
Packhunter Worg.png
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite Magical Beast
Pet Wolf
( view
Pet Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦12Normal Animal
Plains Wolf
( view
Plains Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal ♥3Hard ♠6Elite ♦21Epic Normal ♥25Epic Hard ♠30Epic Elite Animal
( view
 • edit )
 ♥9Hard ♠12Elite Magical Beast
( view
 • edit )
 ♦10Normal ♥12Hard ♠15Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥39Epic Hard ♠44Epic Elite Animal
Ravenous Timberwolf
( view
Ravenous Timberwolf.png
 • edit )
 ♦16Normal ♥19Hard ♠23Elite ♦33Epic Normal ♥37Epic Hard ♠41Epic Elite Animal
Restless Wolf
( view
Restless Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦5Normal ♦22Epic Normal ♥30Epic Hard ♠45Epic Elite Animal
Roving Wolf
( view
Roving Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦18Normal ♠28Elite ♦24Epic Normal ♥29Epic Hard Animal
( view
 • edit )
 ♦20Normal Magical Beast
Slavering Mist Wolf
( view
Slavering Mist Wolf.png
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal ♠15Elite ♥35Epic Hard Animal
Steel's Brilliant Hunt Hound
( view
Steel's Brilliant Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 3 Magical Beast
Steel's Caustic Hunt Hound
( view
Steel's Caustic Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 3 Magical Beast
Steel's Decay Hunt Hound
( view
Steel's Decay Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 3 Magical Beast
Steel's Fire Hunt Hound
( view
Steel's Fire Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 3 Magical Beast
Steel's Frost Hunt Hound
( view
Steel's Frost Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 3 Magical Beast
Steel's Kinetic Hunt Hound
( view
Steel's Kinetic Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
Challenge Level + 3 Magical Beast
Tormentor Worg
( view
Tormentor Worg.png
 • edit )
 ♦5Normal Magical Beast
Tower Winter Wolf
( view
Tower Winter Wolf.png
 • edit )
 ♦14Normal ♥16Hard ♦31Epic Normal Magical Beast
Twilight Winter Wolf
( view
Twilight Winter Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦17Normal Magical Beast
Twilight Wolf
( view
Twilight Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦15Normal Animal
Wild Hunt Hound
( view
Wild Hunt Hound.png
 • edit )
 ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard ♠40Epic Elite Animal
Winter Wolf
( view
Winter Wolf.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦5Normal ♥7Hard ♠10Elite Magical Beast
Wolf Marauder
( view
Wolf Marauder.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦6Normal ♥8Hard ♠11Elite ♦21Epic Normal ♥25Epic Hard ♠30Epic Elite Animal
Wolf Rider
( view
Wolf Rider.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦1.00Normal ♦21Epic Normal Animal
( view
 • edit )
 ♦1Normal ♥2Hard ♠5Elite Animal
Worg Sentinel
( view
Worg Sentinel.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦8Normal ♥10Hard ♠13Elite ♦22Epic Normal ♥30Epic Hard ♠45Epic Elite Magical Beast
Worg Stalker
( view
Worg Stalker.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦11Normal ♥13Hard ♠16Elite ♦32Epic Normal ♥36Epic Hard Magical Beast
Worg Warhound
( view
Worg Warhound.jpg
 • edit )
 ♦13Normal ♥15Hard ♠18Elite ♦34Epic Normal ♥38Epic Hard ♠43Epic Elite Magical Beast
( view
 • edit )
 ♦2Normal ♥4Hard ♠7Elite Magical Beast
( view
 • edit )
 ♦5Normal ♥7Hard ♠10Elite ♦35Epic Normal ♥44Epic Hard ♠39Epic Elite Magical Beast

See Also[edit]