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Messenger of Pits

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Messenger of Pits.jpg

Type: Magical Beast (List)

Race: Wolf (List)

Sub-race: Worg (List)

Monster Manual classification: Wolf

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Boss: Red Named - Quest Boss

CR:  ♠13Elite ♦23Epic Normal ♥32Epic Hard

Attack: Claw (Slashing), Bite (Piercing), Improved Trip, Negative levels


Description: While you fight it on heroic elite and all epic difficulties, this is the only member of the boss quartet that does fight every time. It helps you and Brawnpits to fight the Spirits of the Hearth that attack once you deliver the firewood.

While running heroic elite at-level, it is the most dangerous boss in the pack, because you likely have very few ways to protect yourself or Brawnpits against negative levels.