Year of the Dragon: Through 31st July, claim free Red Dragon Wyrmling Creature companion! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Wolf Companion

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Wolf Companions are wolves that Druids and Dark Hunters can summon using the Call Wolf Companion feat. Like hirelings, but unlike a monster summoned under the Summon Monster I spell, a wolf companion has its own command bar. A wolf companion has its own stats, equipment and enhancements, accessible under the 'pet' tab on the main page of the Character Sheet (only available when the wolf is summoned). A wolf companion will also progress in levels (via the character increasing Druid Levels) as you do, getting more and more dangerous to mobs.

They can equip:

  • Companion Collars: These group in game end reward lists if you have checked "Quest End Rewards Based on Class" under Gameplay in Options. However any pair of handwraps that you find, including named handwraps from raids, can be transformed into Collars by using the Device Workstation in House Cannith (or summoning the same into the cargo hold of your airship). Once done, you cannot reverse the process.
    • {{Potential Bug: Please note that at one time there was a slight possibility of losing pet equipment if it is left equipped to your wolf while your reincarnate. However, that was long ago and is assumed to be fixed not having heard of this happening for years.)
    • Bug: Many on-hit damage effects don't work; collars with more passive effects such as Vulnerability, Deadly, Keen, etc. may be a better option. Collars are seen by your pet as accessories not weapons so Red augments that only work for weapons will have no effect in a collar.
    • Bug: Dark Hunters only receive Ranger Quest Rewards with "Quest End Rewards Based on Class" enabled. You may wish to switch this off for a while if looking for a collar.
Originally Posted by SteelStar (Contribs • Message• SteelStar) Source on August 28, 2023

The issue is less "pets suppress those augments" and more "pets have no understanding that those modern augments exist and even if they did they wouldn't know how to use them"

  • Light or Medium Armor or Heavy Armor - Wolf Companions became classified as having levels of ranger, hence they have all the proficiencies of the ranger class. You can check this by equipping armor and looking at the changes in ppr on the pet character sheet. A Druid's wolf has the same Druidic Oath restrictions as a Druid - i.e. no metal armor!
    • This means that you must seek out Leather, Hide, Dragonscale, Densewood or some other nonmetallic materials for your wolf. Please note that if you do choose the Cunning wolf evasion enhancements and take evasion along with improved evasion as a capstone, you need to consider that evasion only works while wearing light armor (leather and the like).
    • {{Potential Bug: Dark Hunter's Wolf still has Druid Oath Restrictions.}}

Some effects don't take affect until the pet has been dismissed and recreated, for example, Vitality.

If your wolf is beside you while you click on the ship buff bar at the top of an airship, it will receive all ship buffs that you receive with a timer that does not count down. Dismissing your wolf at any time will remove said ship buffs. Leveling your character will also remove all buffs.

Leaving your pet parked inside an instance that is closing such as a finished dungeon or dismissing a Scarecrow hireling may result in your wolf accidently being dismissed as well.

If your wolf seems to become inactive, calling it to you and/or changing it from active/defense/passive to another setting can help. Also try remove fear. You pet will have much trouble with foes that are first passive then become active such as Memoirs Dungeon and the like.

It is very important that you consider Fortification on your wolf as lack thereof is the leading cause of death. Tenacious Pack will provide +30 fortification along with +60 healing amp. (Bug: this fortification does not stack with certain endgame armor that has an enhancement bonus to fortification).

If your armor or collar has augment slots, you can use those to increase overall ability scores including Strength. Other ways to increase Strength in order to get levers such as those found in tempest spine include rage, shifting to Magistar for Grand Summoner (requires augment summoning), Primal Scream, Mass Bulls, and using your three druid pet buff spells which includes Pack Aptitude (adds + to a single ability score [Bug: Pack Aptitude gives +4 to a single ability score instead of indicated +6])

Update 53 changes[edit]

  • almost all existing pet enhancements are automatically granted as the pet goes up in level
  • threat increase/reductions can be selected at your class trainer.
  • Bluff and Intimiate enhancements have been removed
  • All pets have base 100% fortification

Wolf Companion Stats[edit]

Wolf Companion starts with 100% fortification and 45 hp (30 heroic durability, hit dice d10, 2 Con, 3 toughness) and 15 AC (10 base, 2 dex, 1 small size, 2 natural armor)

Advancement table[edit]

Table: Wolf Companion (Ranger)
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
1st +1/+1/+6 +2 +2 +0 Striding I, Wolf Instincts I, Toughness, +2 Natural Armor, Heroic Durability, 100% Fortification 15 15 15 6 10 10
2nd +2/+2/+7 +3 +3 +0 - 16 16 16 6 10 10
3rd +3/+3/+8 +3 +3 +1 Toughness, Diehard, Wolf Takedown I, Wolfpack Bite I, Wolfpack Tactics I, Raging Wolf I, +1 Natural Armor 17 17 17 6 11 10
4th +4/+4/+9 +4 +4 +1 Wolf Instincts II, +1 Natural Armor 18 18 18 6 11 10
5th +5/+5/+10/+15 +4 +4 +1 Becomes Medium, +1 Natural Armor, Feed I, Growl II, Hounding Yip II, Striding II, Improved Heroic Durability 19 19 19 7 12 11
6th +6/+6/+11/+16 +5 +5 +2 Wolfpack Bite II, Wolfpack Tactics II, Wolfpack Flanking I 20 20 20 7 12 11
7th +7/+7/+12/+17 +5 +5 +2 Wolf Instincts III, Opportunistic Bite I, Wolf Hamstring I, +2 Natural Armor 21 21 21 7 13 11
8th +8/+8/+13/+18 +6 +6 +2 Growl III, Hounding Yip III, Howl, Raging Wolf II, Thick Fur II, Toughness 22 22 22 7 13 11
9th +9/+9/+14/+19 +6 +6 +3 Striding III, Feed II, Wolf Takedown II, Lupine Onslaught I, +1 Natural Armor 23 23 23 8 14 12
10th +10/+10/+15/+20 +7 +7 +3 Wolf Instincts IV, Wolfpack Tactics III, Wolfpack Bite III, +2 Natural Armor, Improved Heroic Durability 24 24 24 8 14 12
11th +11/+11/+16/+21 +7 +7 +3 Wolfpack Flanking II, Growl IV, Hounding Yip IV, Hamstring II, -1 AC for being large? 25 25 25 8 15 12
12th +12/+12/+17/+22 +8 +8 +4 Howl II, Opportunistic Bite II, Toughness 26 26 26 8 15 12
13th +13/+13/+18/+23 +8 +8 +4 Wolf Evasion I, Thick Fur III, Wolf Takedown III, Raging Wolf III +1 Natural Armor 27 27 27 9 16 13
14th +14/+14/+19/+24 +9 +9 +4 Wolfpack Bite IV, Wolfpack Tactics IV 28 28 28 9 16 13
15th +15/+15/+20/+25 +9 +9 +5 Feed III, Wolfpack Flanking III, Hamstring III, Improved Heroic Durability 29 29 29 9 17 13
16th +16/+16/+21/+26 +10 +10 +5 Howl III 30 30 30 9 17 13
17th +17/+17/+22/+27 +10 +10 +5 Wolf Takedown IV, Opportunistic Bite III 31 31 31 10 18 14
18th +18/+18/+23/+28 +11 +11 +6 Striding IV, Raging Wolf IV 32 32 32 10 18 14
19th +19/+19/+24/+29 +11 +11 +6 Wolfpack Flanking IV, Lupine Onslaught II, Hamstring IV 33 33 33 10 19 14
20th +20/+20/+25/+30 +12 +12 +6 Feed IV, Howl IV, Wolf Evasion II, Strength of the Pack, Improved Heroic Durability 34 34 34 10 19 14
  • Note: Levels 15-20 are based on speculation as in game testing was only done up to level 14

Wolf Progression[edit]

Level 1[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Striding.png Striding I (passive): Your wolf runs 20% faster.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Instincts.png Wolf Instincts I (passive): Grants your wolf a +2 bonus to any saves vs. Traps, a +2 to Spot and a +2 to Listen
Icon Feat Toughness.png Toughness (passive): Increases your hit points by +3 at first level, and 1 additional hit point for each additional level.

Level 3[edit]

Icon Feat Toughness.png Toughness (passive): Increases your hit points by +3 at first level, and 1 additional hit point for each additional level
Icon Feat Diehard.png Diehard (passive): You automatically stabilize when you become unconscious from damage.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Takedown.png Wolf Takedown I (passive): Grants your wolf the use of the Trip feat, allowing it to knock down enemies on its own.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolfpack Bite.png Wolfpack Bite I (passive): Your wolf gains +3 to sneak attack damage
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolfpack Tactics.png Wolfpack Tactics I (passive):Your wolf gains a +2 bonus to hit with sneak attacks.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Raging Wolf.png Raging wolf I (active):Grants your wolf the use of the Rage Feat. Activate this ability to enter a bloodthirsty frenzy, granting your wolf a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Moral bonus to Will saves, and a -2 penalty to AC. When the rage ends, however, your wolf will lose the hit points granted to it by increased Constitution and become fatigued. Its rage will last 30 seconds plus an additional amount of time based on its Constitution. Unlike the barbarian, you cannot prematurely end your wolf's rage.

Level 4[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Instincts.png Wolf Instincts II (passive): Grants your wolf an additional +1 to saves vs. Traps, a +1 to Spot and a +1 to Listen, bringing the total increase to 3

Level 5[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Feed.png Feed I (passive): Your wolf feeds on enemies it slays, gaining health over time at a rate of 2 hp per second for 10 seconds
Icon Wolf Enhancement Growl.png Wolf Growl II (passive): Grants your wolf an additonal +4 bonus to the Intimidate skill, bringing the total increase to 8.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Hounding Yip.png Wolf Hounding Yip II (passive): Grants an additional +4 bonus to the Bluff skill, bringing the total increase to 8.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Striding.png Striding II (passive): Your wolf runs 35% faster.

Level 6[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolfpack Bite.png Wolfpack Bite II (passive): Your wolf gains an additional +3 to sneak attack damage, bringing the total to 6.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolfpack Tactics.png Wolfpack Tactics II (passive):Your wolf gains an additonal +2 bonus to hit with sneak attacks, bringing the total to 4.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolfpack Flanking.png Wolfpack Flanking I (passive):Your wolf gains a +1 to attack while flanking, increasing its flanking bonus from the standard +2 to +3.

Level 7[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Instincts.png Wolf Instincts III (passive): Grants your wolf an additional +1 to saves vs. Traps, a +1 to Spot and a +1 to Listen, bringing the total increase to 4
Icon Wolf Enhancement Opportunistic Bite.png Opportunistic Bite I (passive):Your wolf has a 2% chance to double strike, and bypass 10% fortification.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Hamstring.png Wolf Hamstring I (active):Grants your wolf the use of the Hamstring feat. Using this attack, your wolf may reduce the target's movement rate by half for a short time. Some creatures may be immune to the hamstring effect.

Level 8[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Growl.png Wolf Growl III (passive): Grants your wolf an additonal +4 bonus to the Intimidate skill, bringing the total increase to 12.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Hounding Yip.png Wolf Hounding Yip III (passive): Grants an additional +4 bonus to the Bluff skill, bringing the total increase to 12.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Howl.png Howl I (passive): Your wolf may howl in a cone-shaped effect that deals 1d3 Strength damage and run 10% slower.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Raging Wolf.png Raging wolf II (passive):Gives additional +1 Strength and Constitution while raging.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Thick Fur.png Thick Fur II (passive):Grants your pet 5 additional hit points, bringing the total increase to 10 hit points, plus an additional +2 Cold Resistance, for a total of +4.
Icon Feat Toughness.png Toughness (passive): Increases your hit points by +3 at first level, and 1 additional hit point for each additional level.

Level 9[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Striding.png Striding III (passive): Your wolf runs 50% faster.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Feed.png Feed II (passive): Your wolf feeds on enemies it slays, gaining health over time at a rate of 3 hp per second for 10 seconds
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Takedown.png Wolf Takedown II (passive):Grants your wolf a +2 to the DC's of its Takedown.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Lupine Onslaught.png Lupine Onslaught I (passive): Your wolf's mastery in combat is such that it is able to attack faster than normal. Grants a 10% speed bonus to melee attacks.

Level 10[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Instincts.png Wolf Instincts IV (passive): Grants your wolf an additional +1 to saves vs. Traps, a +1 to Spot and a +1 to Listen, bringing the total increase to 5
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolfpack Tactics.png Wolfpack Tactics III (passive):Your wolf gains an additonal +2 bonus to hit with sneak attacks, bringing the total to 6.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolfpack Bite.png Wolfpack Bite III (passive):Your wolf gains an additional +3 to sneak attack damage, bringing the total to 9.

Level 11[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolfpack Flanking.png Wolfpack Flanking II (passive): Your wolf gains an additional +1 to attack while flanking, increasing its flanking bonus to +4.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Growl.png Growl IV (passive): Grants your wolf an additonal +4 bonus to the Intimidate skill, bringing the total increase to 16.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Hounding Yip.png Hounding Yip IV (passive):Grants an additional +4 bonus to the Bluff skill, bringing the total increase to 16.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Hamstring.png Hamstring II (passive): Grants your wolf a +2 to to the DC's of its Hamstring feat.

Level 12[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Howl.png Howl II (passive): Your wolf's howl is harder to resist and adds +1 to its effective level when attempting to overcome an enemy's spell resistance.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Opportunistic Bite.png Opportunistic Bite II (passive): Your wolf has a 3% chance to double strike, and bypass 10% fortification.
Icon Feat Toughness.png Toughness (passive): Increases your hit points by +3 at first level, and 1 additional hit point for each additional level.

Level 13[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Evasion.png Wolf Evasion (passive): Grants Evasion to your wolf, as the feat.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Thick Fur.png Thick Fur III (passive): Grants your pet 5 additional hit points, bringing the total increase to 15 hit points, plus an additional +2 Cold Resistance, for a total of +6.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Takedown.png Wolf Takedown III (passive):Grants your wolf a +4 to the DC's of its Takedown.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Raging Wolf.png Raging wolf III (passive):Gives additional +1 Strength and Constitution while raging.

Level 14[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolfpack Tactics.png Wolfpack Tactics IV (passive):Your wolf gains an additonal +2 bonus to hit with sneak attacks, bringing the total to 8.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolfpack Bite.png Wolfpack Bite IV (passive):Your wolf gains an additional +3 to sneak attack damage, bringing the total to 12.

Level 15[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Feed.png Feed III (passive):Your wolf feeds on enemies it slays, gaining health over time at a rate of 4 hp per second for 10 seconds
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolfpack Flanking.png Wolfpack Flanking III (passive):Your wolf gains an additional +1 to attack while flanking, increasing its flanking bonus to +5.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Hamstring.png Hamstring III (passive):Grants your wolf an additional +2 to to the DC's of its Hamstring feat, bringing the total to +4.

Level 16[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Howl.png Howl III (passive):Your wolf's howl is harder to resist and adds +1 to its effective level when attempting to overcome an enemy's spell resistance, for a total of +2.

Level 17[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Takedown.png Wolf Takedown IV (passive):Grants your wolf a +6 to the DC's of its Takedown.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Opportunistic Bite.png Opportunistic Bite III (passive):Your wolf has a 4% chance to double strike, and bypass 10% fortification.

Level 18[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Striding.png Striding IV (passive):Your wolf runs 60% faster.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Raging Wolf.png Raging wolf IV (passive):Gives additional +1 Strength and Constitution while raging.

Level 19[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolfpack Flanking.png Wolfpack Flanking IV (passive):Your wolf gains an additional +1 to attack while flanking, increasing its flanking bonus to +6.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Lupine Onslaught.png Lupine Onslaught II (passive):Your wolf's mastery in combat is such that it is able to attack faster than normal. Grants a 20% speed bonus to melee attacks.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Hamstring.png Hamstring IV (passive):Grants your wolf an additional +2 to to the DC's of its Hamstring feat, bringing the total to +6.

Level 20[edit]

Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Feed.png Feed IV (passive):Your wolf feeds on enemies it slays, gaining health over time at a rate of 5 hp per second for 10 seconds
Icon Wolf Enhancement Howl.png Howl IV (passive):Your wolf's howl is harder to resist and adds +1 to its effective level when attempting to overcome an enemy's spell resistance, for a total of +3.
Icon Wolf Enhancement Wolf Evasion.png Wolf Evasion II (passive): Grants Improved Evasion to your wolf, as the feat.
QuestionIcon.png Strength of the Pack (passive):A howl from your Wolf grants you and your friends endurance, courage and ferocity in attack. Gain a +1 morale bonus to Constitution and a +1 morale bonus to Will saves and a 10% to attack speed increase.

See Also[edit]