Year of the Dragon: Through 24th December, claim your free Pick of the Dragon's Lair! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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User:DDO SteelStar

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3 edits and counting!
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You are now buried two feet under. The dark side is calling you...

DDO SteelStar has less than 100 edits - you can do it!

'10 DDO SteelStar: Standing Stone Games employee since:
    August 2010 - ConfirmedIcon tooltip.pngOn June 22, 2015 by ShoeMaker.

  • SteelStar (Contribs • Message• SteelStar), or just "Steel", is a DDO developer.
  • He joined DDO QA in 2010, and the Dev team in 2011.
  • He has worked on everything in DDO at least once, probably.