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Icon Feat Toughness.png


Increases your hit points by +3 at first level, and 1 additional hit point for each additional level.


  • Total of 36 hit points at level 34 (<level> + 2 hitpoints in total). This is very slightly better than a +2 bonus to Constitution, which would provide exactly <level> hit points.
  • This feat can be taken multiple times, and the effects stack.
  • The formula for extra hit points is based on character level, the level where the Toughness feat has been gained does not change anything.
  • Having multiple Toughness feats while having Epic Toughness when doing a respec of Toughness, requires Epic Toughness to be respec first followed by the Toughness feat.
  • Monks may select this feat as one of their martial arts feats.

See also[edit]

  • Vitality - the item enchantment formerly also known as Toughness