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Heroic Durability

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Heroic Durability


This feat increases the maximum hit points of a starting character by 30.

In addition, for every melee combat style feat you take (up to four), you gain a 25% bonus to the Hit Points gained from your class levels. Epic and Legendary levels count at half value. This bonus can only stack up to 100%.

Every character gets this feat automatically at level 1.


Applicable feats: Shield Mastery, Single Weapon Fighting, Two Handed Fighting, Two Weapon Fighting and Natural Fighting feat lines. These bonuses are listed as "Hit Dice Bonus"

Feats that do not apply: Offhand Versatility, Oversized Two Weapon Fighting, Two Weapon Defense

Classes with 6 hp per level (30 extra hp at level 20 + 15 hp at level 32 per feat. 180 total for 4 feats): Alchemist, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Classes with 8 hp per level (40 extra hp at level 20 + 15 hp at level 32 per feat. 220 total for 4 feats): Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Favored Soul, Monk, Rogue

Classes with 10 hp per level (50 extra hp at level 20 + 15 hp at level 32 per feat. 260 total for 4 feats): Fighter, Paladin, Ranger

Classes with 12 hp per level (60 extra hp at level 20 + 15 hp at level 32 per feat. 300 total for 4 feats): Barbarian

See also