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Upgradeable - Tier 1

Effect: This is a tier 1 upgradeable item. This essentially means this item may be upgraded twice, up to tier 3. It's an effect that otherwise has no gameplay implication and is simply there to indicate the item may be upgraded.
Found on: Various weapons from challenges, events and other sources

Upgradeable - Tier 2

Effect: This is a tier 2 upgradeable item. This essentially means this item may be upgraded once, up to tier 3. It's an effect that otherwise has no gameplay implication and is simply there to indicate the item may be upgraded.
Found on: Various weapons from challenges, events and other sources

Upgradeable - Tier 3

Effect: This is a tier 3 upgradeable item. Tier3 items state this, but it doesn't mean that you can upgrade it; simply that it's an upgradeable item which is at tier 3, which is the max. As such, weapons with this effect are not upgradeable further, although some may still be modified via various other crafting types if applicable.
Found on: Various weapons from challenges, events and other sources