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Steps Obliss

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Name: Steps Obliss <Reliquary Keeper>

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Location: Morgrave University - Upper Commons, shopping alley

Description: Allows you to trade in your spare Shining Reliquary Weaponry for different weapons.

Notes: Steps' dialogue tree changes every day you talk to her (note that "days" in this context reset at midnight UTC.) The exact dialogue for each day can be found at Steps Obliss/Dialogue Tree. After talking to her for thirteen days in total, she will ask you to find a book ("Seeing the Impossible: Behind the Dark Curtain") - this is found in Turn the Page (quest).

After giving Steps the book, you must wait one more day, after which she switches to a final line of dialogue that allows you to claim one pair of Steps' Lenses of Seein' Hidden Hand Secrets from her a day. While equipped, these goggles show hidden chests in certain quests (see their page for known locations) and allow you to see a crafting altar, the Unholy Defiler of the Hidden Hand, which allows you to convert Shining Reliquary Weaponry into Defiled Reliquary Weaponry and certain other items into Minor Artifacts using ingredients from the hidden chests. After this, you can access a final line of epilogue dialogue by talking to her with a Defiled Reliquary Weapon equipped.

(Note that undergoing a True Reincarnation or Lesser Reincarnation will reset Steps to her Day 1 dialogue.)