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A Backstabbing weapon excels at attacking creatures' weak spots. When the wielder is in a position to score a Sneak Attack, a Backstabbing weapon is more accurate and also deals additional points of Sneak Attack damage against the foe, even if the wielder has no Rogue levels.

The Backstabbing effect from items and weapons does not stack, only the single highest bonus applies. So, you only need it on one of your weapons or on an item (such as Tharne's Goggles, or the Ninja Spy ToD set).

The Backstabbing bonus will be used for all attacks (single weapon melee, dual weapon melee, and ranged if within 15 meters – the Deepwood Sniper enhancement increases this range to 25 meters), so it can be useful to hold a weapon/shield with a Sneak Attack Bonus +5 in your off-hand when using a thrown weapon. The same is true of Seeker, Double Strike, and Stunning.

Note that the /loc chat command shows your current location in meters.

Backstabbing items stack with the Rogue Sneak Attack feat bonus, and Rogue enhancements which improve Sneak Attack damage and to hit when sneak attacking (DDO Forums). In game testing also suggests that Halfling Guile enhancements also stack with all of the above. However multiple items with the backstabbing effect will not stack with each other.

Sneak Attack Bonus

Type: Suffix
Base price modifier: varies
Effect: Provides an enhancement bonus to attack rolls and Sneak Attack damage for any attack that would qualify as a Sneak Attack, even if the wielder is not a Rogue.

Enchantment BPM Attack roll Damage
Sneak Attack Bonus +1 +1 +1 +2
Sneak Attack Bonus +2 +2 +2 +3
Sneak Attack Bonus +3 +3 +3 +5
Sneak Attack Bonus +4 +4 +4 +6
Sneak Attack Bonus +5 +5 +5 +8

Sources of sneak attack:

Exceptional / Insightful Sneak Attack

Effect: Provides an Insight bonus to attack rolls and Sneak Attack damage for any attack that would qualify as a Sneak Attack, even if the wielder is not a Rogue.

Note: All items that used to have Exceptional Sneak Attack enchantment now have Insightful Sneak Attack instead.
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