Year of the Dragon: Through 26th November, claim your free Hoard of Discovery! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes. edit

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Patron representative

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A Patron representative is an NPC that represents the interests of their associated Patron faction. As you earn favor with each faction, speak with that faction's representative to receive various rewards.

Current Patron representatives[edit]

From Category:Patrons:

  1. Astra Quinlin The Silver Flame
  2. Nyx Durandimion
  3. Jeanselme Brucetius The Twelve
  4. Xaros d'Cannith House Cannith
  5. Olarra Idlewist The Harpers
  6. Capshaw the Crier The Free Agents
  7. Battlemaster Dint Purple Dragon Knights
  8. Zah Jan The Yugoloth
  9. Genecia Agents of Argonnessen
  10. Maris d'Phiarlan House Phiarlan
  11. Zarnoth the Vigilant The Gatekeepers
  12. Karya d'Kundarak House Kundarak
  13. Oleg d'Deneith House Deneith
  14. Rhialle 'Blossom' d'Jorasco House Jorasco
  15. Urwin Martikov Keepers of the Feather
  16. Montague Goudreau The Coin Lords
  17. Lord Mayor Cathan ir'Demell Sharn City Council
  18. Professor Fordola Banna Morgrave University
  19. Creusa The Summer Court
  20. Tannivh Dahast Cormanthor Elves