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Farm Dog

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Rrrrrr....' *whimper*

Farm Dog <Good, Stoud and Loyal>

Type: Animal (List)

Race: Dog (List)

Monster Manual classification: Unknown

Alignment: True Neutral

Rare: No

Organization: Solitary

CR:  ♦3Normal ♥4Hard ♠7Elite

Attack: Claw (Slashing), Bite (Piercing + Trip)

Special Qualities: None


Description: The farm dogs are Nash Braza's pets that he keeps on his farmstead. When the orcs invaded the farm, they captured the dogs and tied them up. If you interact with the dog you'll be given four options. There is a Bluff, Intimidate, and a Diplomacy option as well as an option to feed it Smoke-Cured Ham. The farm dog will attack if you fail any of the skill checks (DCs shown below) but feeding it the ham is guaranteed to work. If it turns hostile you can let it chase you back to the caravan to complete that optional. However, this will prevent you from getting the "befriend" optional bonus.

  • The Diplomacy DC is  ♦2Normal ♥2Hard ♠2Elite
  • The Intimidate DC is  ♦3Normal ♥3Hard ♠3Elite
  • The first Bluff DC is  ♦4Normal ♥4Hard ♠4Elite
  • A 29 Bluff failed the second Bluff DC after failing the first. It is likely the second bluff check cannot actually be passed.

Nash Braza's Farmstead[edit]

While the dog is still tied up:

  • Farm Dog: The dog is tied on a short leash and starts to snarl as you approach. It must be one of Nash's pets.
    • You: (Diplomacy) Easy, boy, easy... who's a good dog? Who's a good puppy?
      • Farm Dog: (If Diplomacy fails) The dog leaps at you, but the short leash prevents it from reaching your throat. The beast starts barking furiously, pulling at the leash until its about to snap.
        • You: Stand your ground.
          • Farm Dog: Rrrrr... (Farm Dog attacks)
        • You: Run away! (Farm Dog attacks)
      • Farm Dog: (If Diplomacy succeeds) The dog sniffs at you, and wags his tail warily. He doesn't growl at you as you draw closer.
        • You: Pet the dog gently, then untie his leash. (Farm Dog follows you)
        • You: Leave the dog alone. (ends conversation)
    • You: (Intimidate) Aw shut your trap, you big baby! I said - SHUT UP!
      • Farm Dog: (If Intimidate fails) The dog leaps at you, but the short leash prevents it from reaching your throat. The beast starts barking furiously, pulling at the leash until it's about to snap.
        • You: Stand your ground. (Farm Dog attacks)
        • You: Run away!
          • Farm Dog: Rrrrr... (Farm Dog attacks)
      • Farm Dog: (If Intimidate succeeds) The startled dog emits a whimper and squats at the sound of your commanding voice.
        • You: Untie the leash and rub the dog's neck to reassure him. (Farm Dog follows you)
        • You: Leave the dog alone. (ends conversation)
    • You: (Bluff) Who wants to go for a nice walk?
      • Farm Dog: (If Bluff fails) The dog leaps at you, but the short leash prevents it from reaching your throat. The beast starts barking furiously, pulling at the leash until it's about to snap.
        • You: (Bluff) Hey I'm not an orc! Honest! I'm a friend of the farmer's [sic]... Nosh ... Naz ... What's his name...
          • You: (If Bluff fails) (Farm Dog attacks)
          • You: (If Bluff succeeds) **I don't think it is possible to pass the 2nd bluff check after failing the first. The first DC is 4 and the second DC is greater than 29.**
        • You: Stand your ground.
          • Farm Dog: Grrrrr....rrraaaargh! (Farm Dog attacks)
        • You: Run away!
          • Farm Dog: Rrrrr... (Farm Dog attacks)
      • Farm Dog: (If Bluff succeeds) The dog sniffs your hands and lets you approach to pet him.
        • You: Pet the dog gently, then untie his leash. (Farm Dog follows you)
        • You: Leave the dog alone. (ends conversation)
    • You: Feed the dog a Smoke Cured Ham.
      • Farm Dog: (If you have a Smoke-Cured Ham in your inventory) The dog gobbles down the ham and wags his tail happily.
        • You: Pet the dog gently, then untie his leash. (Farm Dog follows you)
      • Farm Dog: (If you don't have a Smoke-Cured Ham in your inventory) You don't have a Smoke Cured Ham.
        • You: Leave the dog alone. (ends conversation)
    • You: Leave the dog alone. (ends conversation)

While the dog is following you:

  • Farm Dog: The dog wags its tail, looking at you expectantly, with the tongue hanging out of its mouth.
    • You: Come here, puppy!
      • Farm Dog: Woof, woof! (Farm Dog follows you)
      • Farm Dog: Pant, pant, pant... (Farm Dog follows you)
    • You: Staaaay! Staaaaay! Good dog.
      • Farm Dog: Woof, woof! (Farm Dog holds its position)
      • Farm Dog: Pant, pant, pant... (Farm Dog holds its position)
      • Farm Dog: Yawn.... (Farm Dog holds its position)
      • Farm Dog: Sigh... (Farm Dog holds its position)
    • You: Who's a good boy? Yes, you are! Yes you are!
      • Farm Dog: Woof, woof! (Farm Dog continues last command)
      • Farm Dog: Pant, pant, pant... (Farm Dog continues last command)
    • You: Leave the dog alone. (ends conversation)