Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit
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Spider race

Spiders are either Vermin type or Magical Beast type monsters.
Many, but not all spiders have Evasion.
Spiders have the following features.
- 8 legs, granting them massive bonuses against Trip.
- 8-sided Hit Dice.
- Base attack bonus equal to ¾ total Hit Dice (as cleric).
- Good Fortitude saves. Decent Reflex saves, Poor will saves.
- Skill points equal to (2 + Int modifier, minimum 1) per Hit Die, with quadruple skill points for the first Hit Die, if the vermin has an Intelligence score. However, most vermin are mindless and gain no skill points or feats.
Spiders possess the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
- Mindless: No Intelligence score, and immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects).
- Proficient with their natural weapons only.
- Proficient with no armor.
- Vermin breathe, eat, and sleep.
- Tremor Sense
- Black Widow
- Crimson Foot Spider
- Fiendish Spider
- Flame Eater
- Glass Spider
- Ice Spider
- Phase Spider
- Pyrachnid
- Spider Soul
Common spiders, such as Black Widows and Small Brown Spiders, are Vermin type monsters. Spiders of the Magical Beast type tend to have more magical qualities or fiendish blood, such as Crimson Foot Slayers or Whisperdoom. Magical Beast type spiders can even be spellcasters. The Crimson Foot Herald and some of the named spiders (like Whisperdoom) are notable in this regard.
Creature Entries (141)[edit]
- Akorstra
- Ancient Arachnid
- Ancient Arachnid Queen
- Arith'narac
- Astral Harrower
- Baba Lysaga's Hut
- Baby Glass Spider
- Barovian Creeper
- Barovian Hunter
- Big Fluffy Spider
- Bitter Thought
- Black Widow
- Bloated Flame Eater
- Blood-drinker
- Borderlands Spider
- Brown Spider
- Brown Spider Prince
- Brown Spider Queen
- Brown Twilight Spider
- Brush Creeper
- Calamity
- Caligin
- Category:Black Widow sub-race monsters
- Category:Crimson Foot Spider sub-race monsters
- Category:Fiendish Spider sub-race monsters
- Category:Flame Eater sub-race monsters
- Category:Glass Spider sub-race monsters
- Category:Ice Spider sub-race monsters
- Category:Phase Spider sub-race monsters
- Category:Pyrachnid sub-race monsters
- Category:Spider Soul sub-race monsters
- Cave Climber
- Cellar Spider
- Cicic
- Clearfang
- Conjured Spider
- Corrupt Giant Spider
- Corrupted Spiderling
- Crawling Infestation
- Creeping Spiderlings
- Crimson Foot Drone
- Crimson Foot Herald
- Crimson Foot Scout
- Crimson Foot Shepherd
- Crimson Foot Slayer
- Crimson Foot Soldier
- Crimson Foot Worker
- Darkfang Hunter
- Darkfang Spider
- Darkfang Stalker
- Deathjump Spider
- Deep Crawler
- Deluge
- Demonic Swarmhorde Spider
- Demonweb Terror
- Dimmet
- Dread Leaping Spider
- Dread Webspinner
- Dusk (spider)
- Ecru
- Fencreeper
- Feytouched Spider
- Fiend-Blood Spider
- Fiend-Blood Spider Queen
- Fiendish Monstrous Spider
- Fiendish Spider
- Fiendish Spider Queen
- Flame Eater
- Frost Spider
- Frostbite (spider)
- Gargantuan Crawler
- Glass Spider
- Glass Spider Queen
- Glass Twilight Spider
- Glimmer Gloom
- Gloam
- Greenstalker
- Grudge
- Guardian Statue (Deathjump Spider)
- Guardian Statue (Harrower)
- Harrower
- Hellgut
- Household Vermin
- Hyaline Matriarch
- Ice Spider
- Jukree
- Kraak
- Large Spider
- Mandible
- Marsh Crawler
- Maze Spider
- Maze Spiderling
- Miasma
- Midnight Kiss
- Misery
- Mother of the Nest
- Mother-of-Thousands
- Mournland Glass Spider
- Phase Spider
- Pyrachnid
- Redfang
- Reliquary Spider
- Restless Spider
- Rrh'gitli
- Rubyeyes
- Ruin (spider)
- Ruins Spider
- Saltmarsh Spider
- Saltspinner
- Scourge
- Sharn Sewer Spider
- Shev'aal
- Siege Spider
- Silkweave
- Skitter
- Small Brown Spider
- Spawn of Whisperdoom (monster)
- Spider Soul
- Spider Soul (small)
- Spider of Unusual Size
- Spite
- Stainglass spider
- Swarmhorde Spider
- Telamonia
- The Twilight Mother
- Treecrawler
- Treewalker
- Tsirrik
- Twilight Darkfang
- Twilight Widow
- Underdark Spider
- Valuable Vermin
- Venom
- Vicious Deathjump Spider
- Vitia
- Websnare Spider
- Whisperdoom
- Whisperdoom's Daughter
- Whitefang
- Woathe
- Wood Spider