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Mummy race
Mummies are Lawful Evil, Undead type monsters.
Mummies are preserved corpses animated through the auspices of dark desert gods best forgotten. Most mummies are 5 to 6 feet tall and weigh about 120 pounds. Mummies are found roaming about in the desert and necropolis quests and explorer areas.
- Slam - Bludgeoning
- Mummy Despair: At the mere sight of a mummy, the viewer must succeed on a DC 16–35 Will (depending on CR/Difficulty setting) save or be paralyzed with fear for 10 to 30 seconds. The save DC is Charisma-based.
- Mummy Rot: Supernatural disease – fortitude save DC is fairly low ~16–25, incubation period 1 minute; damage 1d6 Con and 1d6 Cha. The save DC is Charisma-based. Unlike normal diseases, mummy rot continues until the victim dies or is cured as described below. Mummy rot is considered a powerful natural disease. To eliminate mummy rot, you must first use either Break Enchantment or Remove Curse (requiring a DC 20 caster level check for break enchantment, remove curse always works), then Remove Disease.
- Mummy's Curse: The afflicted character experiences a 50% reduction in healing. Remove it with remove curse.
- Spellcasting Typically divine wisdom based spellcasting: A basic low CR mummies save DC is 15 + spell level. Spells can include:
*These more devastating spells are only cast by powerful high CR Mummy Lords.
- Vulnerable to fire
- DR/-
Creature Entries (46)[edit]
- Akhom
- Amahte
- Ancient Mummy
- Bekenkhonsu
- Carnival Exhibit
- Cerik Thens
- Erendar
- Eternal Gatekeeper
- General Tanankh
- Hafez the Lion
- Hami the Jackal
- Henenu
- Kamenwati
- Karthonep the Restless
- Khnumhotep
- Kourush the Astrologer
- Laeron
- Mdjai
- Menetnashte
- Mummy
- Mummy Avenger
- Mummy Captain
- Mummy Guardian
- Mummy Honor Guard
- Mummy Lord
- Mummy Lord (orange-named)
- Mummy Prince
- Mummy Soldier
- Mummy Vizier
- Mummy Warden
- Munaket
- Nebtawi
- Nsu
- Odji
- Otvos Gisun
- Prince Kheffir
- Prince M'dab
- Prince Seti
- Rahmat the Physician
- Remains of Saerick
- Saerick Vorculas
- The Venerated
- Thumok the Mad
- Unas
- Yasafar
- Zeth'Kar