Year of the Dragon: Through 26th February, claim your free Armor of the Dragon Cult cosmetic set! Speak to Xatheral in the Hall of Heroes.
In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for Slice of Life, you can claim it from Trilliya in the Hall of Heroes on Cormyr only through 5th February. edit
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Pages in category "Bestiary"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 5,945 total.
(previous page) (next page)+
- +Alkaid
- +Cordovan
- +Dr. Octothorp
- +Dural
- +Eladrin
- +Enosity
- +Flimsy Firewood (construct)
- +Flimsy Firewood (undead)
- +Gaialiten
- +Glin
- +JustBob
- +Keeper
- +Lichabel
- +MadFloyd
- +Major Mal
- +Niac
- +No Dice
- +Purplefooz
- +Rowan
- +Severlin
- +Silorien
- +SteelStar
- +The Rocking Dead
- +Tonquin
- +Torc (rust monster)
- +Torc (skeleton)
- +Vargouille
- +Vyvyanne
- +Zyrca
- A Stodgy Old Apple Tree
- A'tchkar
- Abector of Vol
- Abishai Executioner
- Abishai Soul Eater
- Abishai War Mage
- Absent-minded Lich
- Accidentally Summoned Vrock
- Acedia
- Acid-Scar Hunter
- Acid-Scar Shaman
- Acid-Scar Stalker
- Acid-Scar Warrior
- Acidic Grey Ooze
- Acidic Grey Ooze Fragment
- Acidstone Elemental
- Acolyte
- Acolyte of Flame (Human)
- Acolyte of Flame (Skeleton)
- Acolyte of Lolth
- Acolyte of Vol (Elf)
- Acolyte of Vol (Human)
- Adamant Earth Elemental
- Adamantine Defender
- Admiral Ancker
- Adorgar the Grudgebearer
- Adran ir'Karsmore
- Adrim Terrastar
- Adur-Nac
- Advanced Blades Trainee
- Adventurous Eater
- Adventurous Tourist
- Aeducan Gobban
- Aerele
- Aerich the Steward
- Aeron Leifbrand
- Aethor Finkleberry
- Agarta the Breaker
- Agartha the Huntress
- Agatha Anviliron
- Agathea
- Agent Westbrooke
- Aggressive Hyperbole
- Aggressive Test Subject
- Aghilde
- Aging Sahuagin Warrior
- Agitated Styracosaurus
- Agitator
- Agnar
- Agnes
- Agni
- Agnor Skolmid
- Agorthony
- Agradoxes
- Agrapina
- Ahnold The Hungry
- Ahraatz-Ri
- Aima
- Air Elemental
- Air Elemental Door Guardian
- Air Elemental Guard
- Air Mephit
- Air Mephit Gladiator
- Air Mephit Prince
- Air Mephit Warrior
- Ajakstu
- Ak'xan Varma
- Akh'gurrog the Hunter
- Akhom
- Akorstra
- Akuul
- Akvan
- Akylon Fiertheberr
- Alakinyon Ken'viir
- Alakraena Xorlarrin
- Alaric
- Alash
- Alazorun
- Alazraki
- Alexi Drange
- Alkaid
- All-Seeing Ulthraat
- Alloy
- Alluvium
- Alpha Werewolf (Eberron)
- Alpha Werewolf (Forgotten Realms)
- Alpha Wolf
- Altar of the Dark Six
- Altar of the Devourer
- Altar of the Dragon Below
- Alyk Glenweir
- Amahte
- Amalgam
- Amaranthine
- Amber Golem
- Amber Temple Hellhound
- Amrog, the Gatewarden
- Amskar
- Anastrasya Karelova
- Ancient Air Elemental
- Ancient Arachnid
- Ancient Arachnid Queen
- Ancient Artifact
- Ancient Beholder
- Ancient Cloud Giant Lieutenant
- Ancient Cloud Giant Soldier
- Ancient Crypt Guardian
- Ancient Crystal
- Ancient Drow Slave
- Ancient Element of Air
- Ancient Element of Earth
- Ancient Fire Elemental
- Ancient Flameskull
- Ancient Flayer
- Ancient Giant Hunter
- Ancient Giant Priest
- Ancient Giant Warrior
- Ancient Giant Wizard
- Ancient Iron Defender
- Ancient Magma Brute
- Ancient Mummy
- Ancient Nightmare
- Ancient Quell
- Ancient Sentry Ward
- Ancient Skeletal Warrior
- Ancient Steel Golem
- Ancient Stone Golem
- Ancient Stormreaver Captain
- Ancient Tomb Guardian
- Ancient Tree
- Ancient Warforged
- Ancient Warrior
- Ancient Water Elemental
- Ancient Wheep
- Ancient Wisp
- Ancient Wizard
- Andreea
- Aneirin
- Angarta Markud
- Anger (monster)
- Anger Validation
- Angerhorn Reveler
- Angog the Champion
- Angry Bear
- Angry Subject
- Angsty Agnes
- Anikstyll
- Animated Armor
- Animated Armor Archer
- Animated Arms
- Animated Book
- Animated Broom
- Animated Daggers
- Animated Drum
- Animated Flute
- Animated Lute
- Animated Morningstar
- Animated Mudball
- Animated Object
- Animated Pumpkin
- Animated Rock
- Animated Statue
- Animated Swords and Shield
- Animated Topiary Lion
- Animated Weapon
- Annelisa
- Annelisa Hdar
- Announcer
- Anogoreth
- Anscolm the Fervid
- Antimagic Shadow Beholder