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Devil race
Devils are a race of creatures native to Lawful Evil-aligned planes. They are Evil Outsider type monsters.
(Many devils have two names - one name that combines a descriptor with the word "devil" and another, more arcane name. Similarly devils themselves are sometimes. referred to as Baatezu. This is a holdover from the 2nd Edition of AD&D, where TSR changed the name of many Evil Outsiders in response to allegations that the game was "Sanatic" in nature. These names had generally reverted to their initial form by 3rd Edition.)
Since devils are lawful evil alignment and evil outsider type, both lawful outsider and evil outsider bane weapons are effective on them.
Most Devils possess the following traits, unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry.
- DR/Silver
- Teleportation
- Immunity to fire
- Resistance to acid and cold
- Spell Resistance
Important tips:
- Tip #206: Devils are Lawful Evil and tend to dislike silver. Demons are Chaotic Evil and tend to dislike cold iron.
- Tip #206 (Other version.): To bypass the Damage Reduction (DR) of Devils, you need a silver or good weapon or a weapon that is both silver and good, depending on the Devil. To bypass the DR of Demons, you need a cold iron or good weapon or a weapon that is both cold iron and good. Good metalline weapons can bypass the DR of both types of creature.
Devils have many sub-races, with highly varied forms and characteristics. These include:
Creature Entries (135)[edit]
- Agorthony
- Agradoxes
- Aima
- Armisos
- Arraetrikos
- Aspidon
- Avaritia
- Bairger
- Baktor
- Barbazu
- Barbazu Sergeant
- Barbazu Shock Trooper
- Barnzidu
- Bazdor
- Bearded Devil
- Bearded Devil Captain
- Bearded Devil Invader
- Bearded Devil Skirmisher
- Bearded Devil Trooper
- Bezekira
- Blood Plate
- Captain Borth
- Category:Bearded Devil sub-race monsters
- Category:Erinyes sub-race monsters
- Category:Hellcat sub-race monsters
- Category:Horned Devil sub-race monsters
- Category:Imp sub-race monsters
- Category:Nightmare sub-race monsters
- Category:Orthon sub-race monsters
- Category:Pit Fiend sub-race monsters
- Category:Succubus sub-race monsters
- Cenodoxus
- Colonel Baktazudes
- Colonel Nuthdronu
- Colonel Yagora
- Conjured Bearded Devil
- Controlled Bearded Devil
- Crean
- Devil Commander
- Devilish Clerk
- Distracting Fantasy
- Elite Barbazu Captain
- Elite Barbazu Legionnaire
- Elite Barbazu Shock Trooper
- Elite Barbazu Tower Guard
- Elite Orthon Defender
- Elite Orthon Legionnaire
- Elite Orthon Shock Trooper
- Elite Orthon Tower Guard
- Erinyes Invader
- Erinyes Minion
- Erisandes
- Eudoxia
- Frenzied Bezekira
- Gorgith-Tor
- Greater Bezekira
- Gula
- Hathera the Erinyes
- Hellcat Invader
- Hellcat of Shavarath
- Horned Devil
- Horned Devil Invader
- Horoth
- Illusionary Sprite
- Imp
- Invading Nightmare
- Kaizanu
- Kalon
- Laombi
- Llotiquth
- Loknorith
- Lykomedes
- Lysson
- Machairi
- Makari
- Malicia
- Matarkeia
- Mistress Temptia
- Mitanu
- Myrthen
- Nal'thera
- Nightmare (nightmare)
- Nimrisr
- Nosrat
- Nythirios
- Odaka
- Ordes the Keeper
- Orthon
- Orthon Defender
- Orthon Guardsman
- Orthon Intruder
- Orthon Invader
- Orthon Lieutenant
- Orthon Shock Trooper
- Orthon Stalwart
- Orthon Warder
- Pit Fiend Commander
- Quartermaster
- R'zz Fr'zz
- Razor Arm
- Redtooth
- Rilvos
- Rogudun
- Sagrata
- Saligia (Bearded Devil)
- Saligia (Orthon)
- Shadowfiend
- Shavarath Bearded Devil
- Shock Trooper of Shavarath
- Siege Trooper of Shavarath
- Sister Polina
- Skeetchizen
- Smaragdus
- Succubus
- Succubus Consort
- Succubus Double
- Succubus Enticer
- Succubus Huntress
- Succubus Tantalizer
- Summoned Bearded Devil
- Summoned Creature
- Summoned Orthon
- Suulomades
- Tafzul
- Thaktasten
- The Emissary
- The Jailer
- The Judge
- Tothi
- Travaxis
- Turigulon
- Tyrtaeos
- Utheseen
- Vanguard Barbazu
- Vermin Keeper (Bearded Devil)